"Balancing Beauty and Babies: Managing Mom Guilt for Salon and Spa Owners"

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Being a mom and a salon or spa owner comes with its unique set of challenges, including mom guilt. Balancing the demands of running a business and taking care of a family can be overwhelming. Many salon and spa professionals are women and mothers, and they often struggle with finding a balance. Upbringing and societal norms play a significant role in shaping expectations and experiences as working moms. It's important to give yourself grace and prioritize self-care. Setting boundaries, practicing gratitude, and seeking support can help manage mom guilt and find a work-life balance.

  • Being a mom and a salon or spa owner comes with its unique set of challenges, including mom guilt.
  • Upbringing and societal norms play a significant role in shaping expectations and experiences as working moms.
  • Give yourself grace and prioritize self-care to manage mom guilt.
  • Setting boundaries, practicing gratitude, and seeking support can help find a work-life balance.
"Balancing Beauty and Babies: Managing Mom Guilt for Salon and Spa Owners"
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