Turning the Page - Shifting Your Identity to Reinvent Yourself

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"Your identity not only defines what is possible for you, but also highlights your limits and the areas where you may hold yourself back." In our latest podcast episode we chat about unlocking the key to transforming your identity and stepping into a whole new YOU. It’s all about shedding the old and rocking the new you with boldness. 🎧 Unpack the must-know steps from envisioning your next-level self to embracing zones where you thrive with zero friction. This isn’t just talk—it’s a blueprint for TRUE change. Navigate the emotional twists and discover how to cultivate a squad that’s all in on supporting your transformation. Whether it's reshaping your personal narrative or pushing your career boundaries, the grind of consistency and intentional moves will solidify your new identity! 👉 Tune in and get stoked to construct the life you’re meant to lead—it's fierce, it’s fresh, it’s rewarding. Let’s crush this journey and evolve into our ultimate selves.

Brie (00:01)
Hey there, Salon and Spa superstars. Welcome to Salon Swagger, your go-to podcast for all things commission-based salon and spa ownership. I'm Brie, your host for this episode, and I am here with the amazing and talented Chandra. How are you, Chandra?

Chandra Chriswisser (00:15)
Hello, I'm good.

Brie (00:17)
Awesome. Well, today we are going to be tackling a topic that's fundamental, in my opinion, to achieving not just success, but true fulfillment. We're going to be talking about shifting your identity in order to reinvent yourself. I have been going through some personal things in my life of recent, which you know about, and this has been a really big topic along with the struggles that my family and I have been facing.

And so I really started thinking about members that we have coached in the past, members that we are now coaching. And this seems to be a common issue that people struggle with. And I think it's because you hear that saying all the time, people can't change, people can't change, right? You hear that all the time. And I completely disagree with that. How do you feel about that?

Chandra Chriswisser (01:06)

Yeah. Oh, I disagree too. I think people definitely can change.

Brie (01:18)
Yeah, I do too. So if you guys are listening to this and you are ready to step into a new chapter of your life, then you have tuned in to the right episode because we are going to give you a few steps on exactly how you can do that and why it is so important to do it. Let's start off by saying you cannot reinvent yourself without shifting your identity. It is absolutely impossible. There's no other way to do it.

You can't just reinvent certain pieces of your life. You can't just pick and choose what you want to change and what you don't. You really have to completely shift your identity if you wanna be a new person, if you wanna be more successful, if you wanna better yourself, all of those ways. So I think in saying that, reinventing yourself, it's not just about changing what you do. It's about transforming who you are.

at the very core of your soul. Once you get the crucial role of your identity, or some people call it a self-concept, whatever you wanna call it, everything kind of starts to make sense. It's, I heard somebody tell me one time, you'll never outperform the limits of the person you see yourself as. And I thought that was so profound. If I were to say that to you, Chandra, what would you think immediately?

Chandra Chriswisser (02:43)
Oh gosh, that definitely would hit home for sure because I think that's exactly right. How many times do we try to change things and we fail all the time? And it's because it's like a surface change. It's not at your core.

Brie (02:59)
or deep down we see ourselves as never really being good enough, no matter how many times we tell ourselves we are, right? It was just very profound. In other words, your identity kind of sets the stage for how successful you can become, what kind of person you are, how kick butt of a leader you're going to be to your team, etc., right?

Chandra Chriswisser (03:07)
Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah, for sure.

Brie (03:26)
Consider this, your identity, it not only defines what is possible for you, but it also highlights your limits and the areas where you may hold yourself back. It really rules your life and molds the reality that you are living in. So it's either going to propel you forward or constantly hold you back. And in order to spark change, you really have to first change who you are and how you see yourself.

Chandra Chriswisser (03:49)

Brie (03:55)
That's the first spark that has to ignite. And I'm gonna say something and I don't care if anybody takes anything else from this segment, take this. You will never change your life until you change the person you see yourself as. 100%, period. Do you agree with that, Chandra?

Chandra Chriswisser (04:16)
Yeah, absolutely, 100%.

Brie (04:20)
In my opinion, there's really only two essential ways that you can shift your identity. Number one is what I call the hard way. And this is kind of what we've been going through with the challenges that we've been facing as a family lately. You can change your habits slowly and then let those habits gradually start to reshape your identity, right? It can be done, but it's a really, really long and drawn out process. And this.

And this process is where I often see a lot of people fail because we change one habit and we let that go for a little bit and then we fall back and then we go forward and then we change another one, right? And we're trying to shift this identity but there are so many obstacles in play that we just never get there. Or there's number two. And this is the way that I think is the best. You directly shift the identity which naturally brings about new habits.

In my opinion, this really leads to full circle transformation and completion.

Chandra Chriswisser (05:25)
Yeah, I think so.

Brie (05:25)
Which way do you think would be the easiest to go?

Chandra Chriswisser (05:30)
Well, I mean, easiest wise, I would say the slow way would be the easiest way, but that's not going to get you there as quickly. And it's not probably going to work, you know, because I think shifting your, I can't talk today. I think shifting your identity is hard. It is hard to do. And I think that's why so many of us never quite do it or get there. We always keep going in that same circle, that same loop.

Brie (05:56)
Yeah, 100%, right? We go back to the, it just kind of goes back and forth like a teeter totter, right? Instead of making a full loop or a full circle, it's just that teeter totter of back and forth and back and forth. With that being said, I'm sure a lot of people are thinking, well, how do you actually shift your identity and reinvent yourself? And so I think it's really important that we talk about five steps that they can take in order to do this that will actually get them

Chandra Chriswisser (06:09)

Brie (06:25)
to be who they want to be. The leader they want to be, the successful business owner they wanna be, the best wife they can be, whatever it is for them. So step number one is going to be envision the new you. You have to kick things off by asking who is the new version of you? What does her life look like? What does she believe about herself? How does she feel in her own skin? It's really important to understand

or he, I guess we could say, who you are at the core, and who do you see yourself as? This is the point that you have to get very, very crystal clear on the details, because you cannot shift into someone that you can't even envision. It's never going to work that way. So Chandra, when you think about envisioning a new version of oneself, not yourself, but oneself.

How important do you think it is to get specific about the details?

Chandra Chriswisser (07:27)
I think it's really important because it's just like any kind of map, right? Like you, if you don't know where you're headed, you're never going to get there. And if you're not really clearly envisioning what it is you want for yourself, what you, how you want to present yourself, who you want to be, and really creating that true vision at your core, it's never going to happen. I think it's extremely important.

Brie (07:51)
Can you think of a time or maybe share a time when visualizing a better version of yourself helped you make a significant change in the way you run your business, in your life, any form or fashion like that?

Chandra Chriswisser (08:07)
Yeah, for sure. This is actually something that I feel like I'm always reinventing and working on a little bit, because I think it's a constant progress. But yeah, I mean, I, I went through a point in my life where I felt like completely out of control, things were unorganized and I.

I couldn't get ahead and I couldn't do anything. So I really sat down with myself and did kind of a mental picture. And so it's like kind of looking at yourself on a TV and just really sort of envisioning what would your perfect life look like? What would you be doing? How would you be acting? What would you look like or what would you have in your bank account? What does that perfect life look like? And that's really the way that I started doing it and just really kind of trying to figure out that.

first that core like, who am I? What is it I wanna be? And then being able to start figuring out the steps that I needed to take to get to that level.

Brie (09:00)
Yeah, that's profound for sure. All right, so that's step number one. We told you how to do it. Chandra kind of walked you through her experience. Let's move on to step number two, which is going to be embracing the end of the old you. There is no rebirth without letting some old parts of us go, really letting the majority of the old part of us go. This is going to be probably the biggest step that you take.

And in my opinion, you have to let absolutely everything go that doesn't vibe with your dream self, right? That doesn't align with this new self that you're picturing. This is where I see a lot of people kind of struggle because this includes old stories, old beliefs, and yes, sometimes even past relationships or present relationships, right? This process isn't just tough.

Chandra Chriswisser (09:51)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Brie (09:56)
It's going to be packed with a ton of emotion, but it is a necessary step. Without this step, you're never going to be able to reinvent yourself. You have to let go of who you've always been if you wanna become someone new. It is what it is, right? You have to get into a space to realize that your past is no longer relevant. The things you've been through, the things you've experienced, the things that you struggle with, they're no longer relevant.

Chandra Chriswisser (10:06)

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Brie (10:25)
They're just not. So I think it's important to kind of give a few examples here without getting too deep. Because when I start talking about this, I get really, really deep about things. But I think just for show, let's just say that you've always found it a struggle to lead your team. Or you've never been good with the financial side of your business. You've got to let that go, because it's no longer a part of your story, right? So.

Chandra Chriswisser (10:37)


Brie (10:52)
Letting go is easier said than done, Chandra. We all know that. What are some strategies that have worked for you in letting go of old identity aspects, old stories, old beliefs about yourself? What are some strategies that you've used in order to let go of those things?

Chandra Chriswisser (10:56)
Thank you.

Yeah, I definitely do a few things. And I think to add to that too, just a little bit, is one of the biggest things that I noticed when I started trying to do that for myself was that sometimes people on the outside don't necessarily understand what you're doing and they kind of will be like, well, that doesn't seem like something you would do or that's not how you would act. And that kind of holds you back and keeps you from doing that. And so I think that was a big struggle I had with that.

when I was going through it, but for me, it's really trying to just bring myself back to that vision. Like what, if I'm, if I'm straying off course or even if somebody is making me second guess what I'm trying to do for myself, it's really bringing that vision back and trying to realign it, doing a lot of journaling for sure, sitting back and kind of rewriting like, okay, this is how my day went today and these were the things that weren't aligned with what I'm trying to do and what I have to do to change it. And so,

I think that's the biggest strategy is every time you have to come back to it, you have to come back to it because sometimes it gets hard and then we just forget about it and we just continue on with our same old habits and our same old things that we're doing instead of really actually making that change and bringing that back to number one top of mind in front of you all the time.

Brie (12:24)
sure it can be an emotional roller coaster. If anybody listening to this has ever tried to reinvent yourself yet it never works for you, right? This step right here is probably the reason why Chandra just kind of explained it. You probably aren't allowing your old self to die completely. So many people find it hard to just let go. They hold on to the past and hold on to the past and hold on to the past.

Chandra Chriswisser (12:28)


Brie (12:50)
We have to know that this is going to be a very uncomfortable process. You're really kind of going to go through grief in this step, right? But it has to be done. So say goodbye to those old stories, those old beliefs, maybe even a few friends. Sometimes it's the people closest to us that hold us back the most. And this for me was one of the hardest lessons to learn because they know who I've always been.

Chandra Chriswisser (13:01)




Brie (13:20)
and the circumstances that I've gone through, right? They continued to see me as the person that I always was, even though I didn't wanna be that person anymore. And because of that, it made it really, really hard for me to fully let go of that old version of myself.

Chandra Chriswisser (13:34)

Yeah, yep, absolutely. That's exactly how I felt too.

Brie (13:46)
All right, step number three, become who you actually want to be. This process is hard, but it's not hard at the same time, right? It's all about the choice. And this isn't about faking it until you make it either. Think about how top actors or actresses, they immerse themselves into their roles. Right? They don't just act. They actually embody the character that they are. They are becoming that character.

Chandra Chriswisser (13:57)


Brie (14:16)
Your task is to internalize your new identity so deeply that it just becomes second nature to yourself. When you're able to embody your new self, it comes from the inside, right? So good actors, they embody that it comes from the inside and it portrays out. Bad actors, they pretend and so it starts from the outside and then works its way in.

When you are doing this from the inside out, you are going to feel it in your gut. You're going to feel it in your heart. You're going to feel it deep in your bones. This transformation will dictate kind of how you show up in the world. In my opinion.

Chandra Chriswisser (14:57)
Yeah, for sure. Yep.

Brie (14:59)
there's also another step that can be kind of hard on people. And it's okay to not be able to do all of these steps at once. I think that's important. People think, oh my gosh, I've got to do all of this and change all of this stuff right now. There's no way that I can do that. I think it's okay for people to understand they can do it one step at a time. For me, I kind of had to envision myself climbing a ladder.

If that makes sense, the bottom was who I was at the very moment and the top was who I wanted to become. I took very, very small steps because I am not good with change. I just wanted to make sure that I was taking steps that were pushing me in the right direction. So for kicks and giggles, let's just say that we have a salon owner on here and they're like, what do you mean taking steps? Well, let's say that they want to lead their team to a huge goal of what we hit.

Chandra Chriswisser (15:27)
Mm-hmm. Yup.

Brie (15:57)
100K per month by end of the year, right? Right now their team is hitting 20K consistently. In your mind, some of you are probably thinking, how in the heck am I ever going to hit 100K in the next 30 days? Well, you don't have to do it that way guys. You can start climbing the ladder, set your goal for 40K in the next 30 days, and then 60K and then so on and so forth. Just make sure that you are taking action.

and doing everything that you can in order to hit that goal. Because every time you hit the next goal, your energy and your confidence, it's gonna start building and building and building. It is essentially the same scenario when you're changing your identity. You may need to take smaller steps in order to reach the top of the ladder. As long as you know exactly where you're going and you are taking intentional, I think that's the key word, intentional steps to get there,

you're going to reach the top. So Shandra, what are your thoughts on the difference between pretending or faking it till you make it and actually becoming your new self?

Chandra Chriswisser (17:07)
Yeah, I mean, I think when you fake it till you make it, which I've tried that strategy before too. And I think when you do that, you never actually change anything. I mean, you just end up always going back to the same thing every single time. And you think you're gonna get there and then it's like one thing can happen and just put you right back to where you were. And I think that's one of the biggest issues with doing it that way. I think when you do take those small steps and do it slowly,

then you're actually changing at your core those specific things that you're trying to become or change. And that actually just eventually just take shape. Like you just, all of a sudden you're, you're there, you know, it takes a while and it's slow, but then all of a sudden you have actually changed your core and you're not constantly just going back to the same old thing every single.

I think that definitely fake it till you make it. I mean, sometimes I say that, say that to my team, cause I'm like, you're behind the chair. You got this. Just make it till you make it, you know, but that's, you know, that's a little different scenario. When you're trying to do this for yourself, you can't really fake yourself out. You know what I mean? So it doesn't fully ever take.

Brie (18:13)
Yeah, I agree with that 100%. So I assume with you saying that, you probably kind of climbed the ladder the same way that I did. You did it in steps and until it eventually just became in your subconscious really, right?

Chandra Chriswisser (18:27)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, for sure.

Brie (18:31)
So for those of you that are going to start climbing the ladder and really start working on this, another good way that I found to practice my identity was to test it out when I went into new places. You know, when I would go into somewhere, a store or a coffee shop or a mall where I knew absolutely no one. Nobody knew my name. Nobody knew my personality. Nobody knew anything. And I would just embody my new self.

to see how it felt. It was a great way to kind of test it out because I was in a no friction zone. And that's what we're going to talk about next because no friction zones, it's a horrible place when you are shifting your identity, but it's something that you can't get away from. Like it's just going to happen, right? So we briefly kind of talked about letting go of our friends or people in our life that kind of hold us back.

But I wanna be clear that this in no way means you have to alleviate every single person from your old life. If you have people that are supportive, right, of your new journey and they don't push you back to your old ways, that's the biggest thing, or your old identity, then those are good people. Keep them around. We all need those. But I also think it's really important to say that there are going to be times where your old and your new identities

Chandra Chriswisser (19:38)

Brie (19:59)
flash. And that is the friction zone. This is kind of where you are seeing yourself as the new self, but other people are still 100% seeing the old Bri or the old Chandra or whatever. And it's totally normal. It's part of the process. Eventually, I would love to see how you feel about it, but eventually the more consistent I think that people are with their new identity and the more that they stick with it.

Chandra Chriswisser (20:13)
Yeah. Yep.

Brie (20:29)
the more these people are going to start seeing them as the new, or seeing you as the new you and not the old version of yourself.

Chandra Chriswisser (20:38)
Yep. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, absolutely.

Brie (20:39)
Would you agree with that? Did you have to alleviate people from your life or leave people behind in order to shift into your new identity?

Chandra Chriswisser (20:51)
Um, a little bit. I wouldn't off the top of my head. I can't think of anybody that I had to alleviate, but I definitely, you know, struggled with that a lot because I think for myself, you know, especially when comes to leadership, for instance, when I would be trying to lead my team and I would try to change the way I was doing it, I think there was part of them that didn't necessarily.

trust that either. And so it made it hard for me to continue doing that sometimes and trying to change the way I was leading my team. Because in the past, I would be very

I don't know, I'm not always the greatest at giving like pats on the back. You know what I mean? I'm like, if you're doing a good job and you're not hearing from me, you're doing great, you know, and it's like, that sometimes is demotivating. Like some people need to always hear, you know, that they're doing a good job. And for me, it was always kind of like, well, if you're doing, you're not hearing anything bad, you're doing good. And so trying to change that and coming in with that different sort of attitude where I would be like, oh, that's so amazing. You did a great job. They kind of look at me like, what?

Brie (21:45)

Chandra Chriswisser (21:55)
You know, and so I feel like that was always kind of a stopper sometimes because I was like, maybe, I don't know, maybe I would go back to my old ways. And so I think it's that is really hard to get past because you do. People are going to see you in a different way and sometimes they're going to act different about it and you have to be able to steadfast through it, you know, and keep doing it and not let that sort of pull you back down. And so I think that definitely, you know,

Brie (21:55)


I think that brings up a really good point because I had the same problem, right? Especially in leadership with my team and I think that is the best example that we could probably use. For me, what I did was I had a conversation. So if there were people in my life, whether it be my employees, people that I'd been very, very close to, I had a very honest conversation with these people. And I told them,

about who I was wanting to become and what this process was going to look like. And then kind of let them be a part of that journey, right? And more importantly, what I would do was I showed them through my actions so that they could see exactly what I said is matching exactly what I'm trying to do. And it helped them see the big picture.

Chandra Chriswisser (23:03)



Yeah, yeah, I actually did the exact same thing with them. And I think that sometimes just throwing it out there to the people in your life and letting them know that you're going to be making these changes because you wanna be a better person or you wanna be better leader, whatever it is. I think that is a huge, huge strategy to let them know. Plus it kinda helps them hold you accountable a little bit too, cause if you fall back a little bit, they'll be like, hey, I thought you were working on that. So yeah.

Brie (23:40)
100 percent.

Yeah, because at the end of the day, their support or their pushback is going to significantly impact your transformation, right? So if we are consistent or inconsistent, they can call us out. The point is we're going to have to prove ourselves to them. And in order for them to get on board, we have to prove ourselves to them. It might be if

Let's just say that people are watching this and they have people in their life and they start going through this process and there's still people that don't hop on board, right? It may just be time that you have to realize that you have to reevaluate that relationship because your relationships have to be 100% aligned with your new identity. If they're not, you are going to run into major roadblocks that don't need to be there.

So if somebody was going through something like that, what advice would you give them?

Chandra Chriswisser (24:41)

I mean, I think you have to stay true to what you're trying to do. And you do have to alleviate some people from your life. You know, if that person isn't serving you in the way that is going to take you to your higher self or to take you to the next level of your life, they are just holding you back. They will constantly keep you from getting to the top of the mountain or the top of the ladder. And so I think you definitely, I mean, that's just a hard conversation to have too, but you definitely.

It's who you are and it's what you want. And if those people aren't part of it, you're gonna have to just let them go.

Brie (25:19)
Yeah. And it's not like people choose to change their identity for bad reasons. People change their identity to better themselves and better the people around them and better their situation, right? So it does. It has to be positive all the way around. How do you kind of keep the momentum going when things get tough? Or how would you tell people strategies of ways that they could keep the momentum going when things get tough? Because

Chandra Chriswisser (25:26)
No. Yeah.

Brie (25:49)
This is something that I hit, right? It was like good, roadblock, good, roadblock, roadblock. And so it was very hard to keep my mindset positive or my momentum going in the right direction.

Chandra Chriswisser (25:54)

Yeah. And you're always going to hit a roadblock. Like you could be at the top of that ladder and you're going to be the best version of yourself that you can. And there's still always going to be something. And so I think coming up with some ways that really bring you back to that center. Like I, I always keep little things like on my phone, for instance, I have kind of a mini vision board, I guess it's right on my screen. And so it's like, if I feel like I'm hitting those roadblocks, I need to stop and, you know, look at things like that and surround myself with things that.

are showing me what my true higher self needs to be or what my vision needs to be. And that's really what works for me is just always keeping it top of mind. So just surrounding myself with those things or even telling my husband, for instance, he knows if I'm trying to work on something and then I can say, this happened, I'm really struggling. Sometimes having those supportive people around you that know what you're going through too and telling them that they can help kind of bring you back to that center too.

It's always just keeping that light at the end of the tunnel. Cause if you lose that and you hit those roadblocks, it's so easy to just fall right back into your old habits and have to start all over again. Done that a few times too. So yeah.

Brie (27:17)
girl, you and me both, you and me both. It is though, I think it's so important for everyone to have that person, right? Or a few of those people. And I was actually looking back kind of over things over the weekend with the challenges that we're going through. And it's really funny because since, you know, the last year and a half that I've kind of been working on things and shifting my identity, who would have known that I would have to.

teach someone else how to do this right now that it would be very important. But those people that were the closest to me during that time are no longer my go-to people. I've really reinvented myself and changed my identity to where, I mean, my husband obviously always my rock, always going to be there ride or die, right? But other people, like people that I wasn't even close to at that time have now become kind of my number ones, you for instance, right?

Chandra Chriswisser (27:57)


Brie (28:14)
I know that I can depend on you and you're going to call me out. You're going to hold me accountable. You're going to be a shoulder to cry on. You're going to be whatever I need for those things. But when I started this journey, you weren't even really in the picture on that level. So it's kind of cool to see how that works. But also very important, I think, like you said, for people to understand that you've got to have your tribe. It can be a tribe of one, two, three, whatever, but you've got to have that tribe, right?

Chandra Chriswisser (28:45)
Yeah, for sure. And I think that's where a lot of people struggle is because they don't have that or they are surrounded by the kind of people that aren't trying to elevate themselves. And then you get stuck back in there again, because they're not, they're not trying and they think you're crazy for trying. Right. And so then it kind of holds you back. So definitely, you know, start surrounding yourself with people too, that are at the level that you want to be, or are doing things that emulate how you want to be like the way you want to become. Yeah.

Brie (29:14)
Yep, 100%. I love that. I think that was very profound. All right, well, let's get into step five really, really quickly. And that's really just completing the cycle. I said earlier, we hear all too often in this world that people can't really change. You disagree with it. I disagree with it. I think it is a false statement. I truly believe that anyone can shift their identity if they really, really want to. Now it's going to require a crap

can definitely be a challenge, but it can be done. When you're shifting your identity, I think it's really important to understand that it can't just be a switch that you turn on and off whenever you feel like it. That was one of the mistakes I made the first time that I started kind of looking into shifting my identity or changing who I was, right? Some days I wouldn't feel like it. So I'd be like, I'm gonna be the old Brie for today cause this crap ain't happening.

Chandra Chriswisser (29:47)

Brie (30:12)
And then the next day I would be all gung ho, yes, flip that switch on baby, because we're going for it. It really has to become who you are at the core. And I think this is so important in the very beginning of the journey. Because remember, it all begins with you shifting your identity and your beliefs about yourself, not about anything else. And so with that being said, the beginning is very, very important.

Chandra Chriswisser (30:13)

Brie (30:40)
As you do this, it's naturally going to shift those actions, those feelings, those thoughts, how you show up in the world, how you show up at work, your behavior, et cetera. And then those actions, they will further solidify the new identity that you have created. So it's a chain reaction, which goes full circle, right? Solidifying your new identity, it really requires consistency.

and intentional effort. I said that earlier. I think it starts with a conscious decision every single day to be who you want to become. And over time, you're going to see these choices and actions and whatever else reinforce this new identity until it becomes that subconscious part of who you are. And that is how the circle kind of comes together. With that being said,

Chandra Chriswisser (31:33)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Brie (31:36)
What would you say to people who are struggling, they're starting this process, let's just take it back just a second. Let's say people are listening to this and they're like, I have been wanting to do this for a long time. I now know that I can do it. I know the steps I need to take. What would you say are the most important things to think about when you're first beginning this process?

Chandra Chriswisser (32:00)
Well, I think definitely.

defining what that looks like for you is number one for sure. And then I think too, one thing that you always have to keep in mind is it's for you. This is your life. And so it's not anybody else's life like you were saying. So it's your choice. If you want to make those changes, that's your choice of what you want for yourself and your life. And so I think that's another thing that always keeps me somewhat on track, is it's at the end of the day, at the end of the road, with the end of the life,

It's like what did I do? Did I live my life the way that I wanted to live it? And so I think it's really just Keeping starting with that definition of what that looks like for yourself and then starting to map that out like start journaling What does that look like? What do you need to do to change the things that you want to change and become that person that you want to come? become and then

staying on that track as hard as it is, you've gotta stay on that track or else it's not gonna work. And so I think that's why we, all of us, reinventing yourself is a lifelong process. I feel like you're always somewhat, you evolve to that stage and then you realize, okay, well maybe I can evolve a little bit more. And so it's always trying to define what that looks like, I think is the first step.

Brie (33:18)
Yeah, I love that. And what advice would you give someone who is, because this is something that I notice as we coach people every single day, someone who is struggling with being consistent with their new identity?

Chandra Chriswisser (33:34)
Well, I think it all comes back to what that looks like for you. You know, if you're struggling with that consistency, why? Why are you struggling with that consistency? Like sitting down and trying to figure out, why am I struggling with this? Because so much of it's mindset and it's all in your head, right? Like, we find these other things to do because we don't necessarily want to do the hard work that it requires to make those changes. And so we never quite hit it or we don't stay consistent because it's hard to stay consistent.

And I think that's one of the biggest things is really just you have to keep that mindset on track. I mean, I don't know any other way to really say that because if you stray away from it, your consistency is going to fall. And I think that happens with a lot of the people that we work with is they'll do so good like what you were saying. You do really good and then it's like you hit a roadblock and then you fall apart. And so it's really you have to hit the roadblock and then you have to go through it and you have to make sure.

that you're still staying on that same track. And it's not easy, but I think definitely, it's a lot of self-reflection and it's a lot of, okay, why am I, asking yourself why? Why am I not doing it? Try to figure out what is holding you back from moving forward.

Brie (34:49)
Yeah, I completely agree with that. I also think you can't ever go wrong with finding a mentor or a coach or someone that can help you, right? Like stay in the mindset that you need to stay because we so oftentimes forget that we're not just business owners. We wear so many hats and we talk about this every single week. Life is going to be hard and it's going to be challenging. I also think tracking.

Chandra Chriswisser (34:57)
Oh yeah, definitely.

Brie (35:16)
tracking the way that you're doing things, tracking your new habits, all of those types of things. With that being said, we actually created a workbook that will kind of go along with this podcast episode. So if anybody is interested in that, Chandra will tell you at the end of this how they can, how you can get that. Because I think that would be extremely beneficial. We've got tracking in there, we've got journaling in there, we've got all kinds of stuff.

I love this. I think this is so important and it was a very good topic to discuss because as we deal with people every single day at the Beauty Biz agency, we really see that nine times out of 10, they need or want to shift their identity in some way, shape or form, right? Whether that is becoming a financial mogul for their business or becoming a better leader or being able to just...

not be so overwhelmed when it comes to work-life balance or whatever that is. And that's all part of that identity shift that they have to make. It's important to remember that shifting your identity is about creating a version of yourself that aligns with your highest aspirations, period. It's going to be challenging, it's going to be deeply rewarding, and it's totally possible with commitment and clarity.

Chandra Chriswisser (36:20)

Brie (36:40)
anything you want to end with any advice or knowledge or golden nuggets that you want to leave everybody with today.

Chandra Chriswisser (36:51)
I think the biggest thing is just know like this is your life and it's for you. And so I think if this is what you want to do and you want to get to a certain place or you have certain goals to hit, it's for you. So you can do this. It's definitely doable. It's just really getting that mindset shift and understanding like you're worthy of it. You can do it. You can achieve these things and knowing that you can and then working towards it. I think that's the biggest thing because this is for you.

It's not for anybody else. And when you get to the end, like I said, it's whatever you chose to do. And so I think making those choices for yourself that are positive and are gonna move you into the direction that your dream is, is number one. So, yeah.

Brie (37:35)
Yeah, something I always say when I'm coaching is if not now, when, right? Like I tell people that or ask people that constantly. What you are doing now is not working because you're not at the point you want to be at, whether that's being a million dollar salon or spa owner, whether that is no longer being behind the chair and being able to focus on the business aspect of things, whether that is running your salon or spa from your home so that you can take care of your kids, whatever that is.

Chandra Chriswisser (37:40)

Brie (38:05)
90% of people aren't at that point yet. And so if you don't decide to do it now, when are you ever going to decide to do it? If you've been living like this for three, four, five, 10 years, and it's still consistently going in the same direction, when are you going to decide today's the day and I am going to make that change? Right?

Chandra Chriswisser (38:28)
Yep, absolutely.

Brie (38:30)
All right, guys, well, that's what we've got for you today. Thank you so much for kicking it with us on Salon Swagger. Now go out there, change your identity, shift your identity, reinvent yourself, and make some freaking boss moves. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for strategies, interviews with industry experts, and these in-depth discussions that we love to have. If you have any topics that you would like us to cover in future episodes, you can definitely reach out. Chandra's going to tell you how.

She is also going to tell you how you can get that amazing workbook.

Chandra Chriswisser (39:04)
Yep. Yeah. So definitely reach out to us on social media. We're on Facebook, Instagram, send us a message or you can send us an email at admin at the beauty biz agency.com. Just let us know that you listen to this podcast and that you would like to get that workbook sent to you and we'll be happy to do that for you.

Brie (39:21)
Awesome. Don't forget to follow us on social media for some amazing free resources, like the workbook that we are talking about now. We've got a ton of things that you can implement immediately to start seeing changes in your business, strategies that will level up your salon or spa almost immediately. Until next time, keep slaying those business goals with StyleSass and a whole lot of swagger.

Chandra Chriswisser (39:26)


Turning the Page - Shifting Your Identity to Reinvent Yourself
Broadcast by