The Hit List: Knowing Your Top Sellers

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Brie (00:00.634)
Hey there, fellow salon and spa owners. Welcome back to another episode of Salon Swagger. I'm Bri, your guide through the good, the bad, and the ugly of commissioned salon and spa ownership. And I am joined by none other than Chandra C. Hey Chandra, what's up?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (00:16.069)
Hello. I'm doing good, I'm doing good.

Brie (00:17.69)
How are ya?

Brie (00:21.594)
Awesome. Well, today we are going to tackle the topic of your salon hit list, AKA your studio's most popular items. In other words, we're really just going to talk about figuring out why certain products, packages, or services are flying off the shelves while others just sit there kind of collecting dust. With that being said, I think we should just dive right in. First things first, why should you care about your top sellers? That's probably what everybody's asking right now.

And the number one answer is money, of course. Knowing what your clients love most, it can really, really boost your profits. Aside from the financial standpoint, it can also really help you stay ahead of things like industry trends. And it keeps your clients happy, right? By offering what they truly, truly want instead of what we think that they want. Another good reason is inventory. When you know what your bestsellers are, you can manage your inventory more effectively.

making sure that you're never out of stock on the items that matter most to your bottom line. Last but not least, focusing on those top sellers, it can streamline your marketing efforts, which is really, really important. Instead of spreading those resources way too thin, you can concentrate on promoting the products and services that already have a proven track record. That's just smart business all in all. This is going to lead to a better ROI on your marketing spend.

and really more satisfied clients who find exactly what they're looking for. So I would love if you could share a specific instance where knowing your best sellers actually helped you make a very crucial business decision.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (02:03.045)
Yeah, I mean, we actually weeded out a lot of our retail not too long ago. And I think that was the biggest point of knowing what we were going to continue to carry was knowing what those bestsellers were. And so by doing that, it really helped us streamline our retail process. And I think if you don't know what those bestsellers are, you kind of just have a lot of stuff sitting on your shelf that are just sitting there not moving.

And that's what we had. We had a lot of, we call it dusty money because it's just sitting there collecting dust and costing us money. And so when you can kind of do that, I think that will, that's what we did. And that's probably the most perfect example of, of what helped us the most by knowing those bestselling products.

Brie (02:48.794)
Yeah, I think products are a big one, but I also think we need to think of services. I was looking back over some of the people that we've had the privilege of coaching over the last, you know, while, and service menus are always something that comes up quite a bit. We get some of these salon and spa owners that have, I mean, pages and pages full of services. And when we have them kind of do their service audit or things of that nature, it's like this service hasn't even been sold in like 12 months.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (02:53.445)
Mm -hmm.

Brie (03:18.266)
and you're spending thousands of dollars to keep either the machinery or the equipment or whatever you need to create the service on your shelves. And so all of that money is being wasted as well. So service audits are a great way to go about kind of looking through things in a very quick way. But I think we need to talk about how to figure out what is actually, actually, I can't talk today, but we're going to go with it. Selling like hotcakes.

So the first step is you dive into your sales report. People are going to start rolling their eyes and thinking, my gosh, because they always get scared, but it's part of being a business owner, right? You have to check your POS, your CRM system to regularly track sales by product, service, package, whatever you're looking for. And this really needs to be done on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

This is the only way you're going to get a clear picture of what's consistently performing in my opinion. So with that being said, how do you go about your sales reports to see what is actually selling or what are your top sellers?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (04:28.997)
Well, I always pull two reports for service and retail, actually. We do both. And so for our service reports, we always look at what are the top selling services. And so going through and making sure that, you know, we are marketing those type of top services, you know, we can look at the ones that we're not doing, and then we can weed those out. Like you were saying, like we don't.

It's a waste if you have that stuff on your service menu and you have those products for those services and you don't do them. And so I always pull those reports. I usually pull them monthly and quarterly myself because we've just gotten in the habit of doing it so much that we don't need to do it too, too often because we kind of are monitoring it pretty regularly. But I definitely think, you know, all CRM softwares have those reports and you can pull that and look at.

the quantity that you're doing, the amount of profit and money that you're making from each of those services and know all of those metrics.

Brie (05:25.69)
Yeah, 100%. I would recommend anybody who is thinking about creating their hit list to really just pull that sales report and look at your top 10 to 15 retail products, and then probably your top five services or packages that you offer. Anything more than that is just going to start getting really confusing. And when you really, really dive in deep into those sales reports, you're usually going to have about five commonalities when it comes to services or packages.

And then somewhere between eight and 11 research wise shows when it comes to retail products. So, and the reason there's more retail products, obviously there's so many different hair types and things of that nature. So it is going to be a little bit bigger after your sales report. You need to get feedback from your clients. This is a no brainer. You have to conduct surveys, send follow -up emails, use feedback forms during and after their visits, ask them what products and services they absolutely love.

what they wish that you offered more of and what they're not so crazy about. That's something that we forget to ask them quite often. We ask them what they love about our space or our services or whatever, but very rarely do we say, what are you not like? What are you not enjoying at the time, right? And then you want to ask your staff as well. So they're on the front lines. They have very invaluable insights. They are face to face and have in -depth convos with all of the guests.

on a daily basis. So you want to make sure that you're regularly meeting with your team to discuss what clients are asking for, what they're actually buying, and what they seem to be indifferent about. Your staff can provide firsthand observations that might not be captured in the data, and they will tell you things that you could never see as an owner, 100 % certain of that. So how often do you meet with your staff to discuss sales trends and client preferences

And what does that conversation usually look like?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (07:27.269)
Yeah, we actually usually meet over this quarterly. and we, we really sit down and kind of analyze the reports together and we look at what, you know, is going on there. And then I do, I asked them like, you know, is there services, like sometimes there's treatments, we have tons of treatments and I'm like, okay, what are we actually using? What are we actually doing? What do you guys actually like? Cause they seemed to always want to sell the same like three.

You know, so it's like, why do we have all these other ones if they're not going to sell them? And so we, we sit down and we really kind of analyze what's going on, what they're selling, why they like selling those products or why they like selling those services and finding out what, you know, kind of why they gravitate towards those same exact ones all the time. And then we'll do the same thing with the clients too, but it's really.

about the stylist because they're the ones who are most behind those products and they want to sell it. So if they're not really bought into a specific product, it's just going to sit on the shelf. And so it's always those top ones. So we really try to find out exactly kind of what makes them tick so that we can try to whittle it down to what's going to be the most profitable and not waste so much money.

Brie (08:36.378)
Yeah, 100%. I think you hit the nail on the head. We so often look to our clients, which is very, very important. We want to know what they love, what they don't like, what they need, right? What they desire, all of those things, very, very important. But at the end of the day, the style or the clients have no idea when they see a list of treatments, what they need, what they are, what they're going to do, things of that nature, right? Your team or your rock stars. And so

The information that you get for them is invaluable. I think that was a golden nugget that you just threw out there to everybody and people should really, really listen to it. So once we have all of this information, it is now time to analyze. Like Chandra just said, do not let these words scare you. Don't let them. Some owners hear the words data and analyze, like I said earlier, and they start getting a bit nervous and it's really not that big of a deal. It's like being a detective.

That's the way I like to say it, right? You want to start by looking at your sales volume to identify the products and services with the highest sales numbers. So that's going to be your first step. This is going to tell you what's popular, what's in demand, all of those things. The next step you want to do is consider the revenue contribution of each item. It's not just about what's selling the most and people miss out on this so often, but also about what's bringing in the most money because you may have one service that costs

six grand that only sells four times in a year, but that is a huge chunk of revenue coming in, right? Sometimes a product with fewer sales can be a top performer because it has a higher profit margin is what I'm trying to say. Then look at the client feedback for recurring themes. Are there particular products or services that clients rave about or a product that they recommend to others, right? I've seen that on Facebook before or in our little

Facebook group, one of our clients will say, my gosh, have you tried this? And they say it constantly, constantly, which is really, really important. So positive feedback can often highlight top performers that your sales data might not fully capture. And this is so true. And then lastly, and probably most importantly, you have to examine the profit margins. Some products or services might be popular, but have very, very slim margins.

Brie (10:58.522)
This is something that we see as we coach on a daily basis, right? Identifying which items are not only popular, but also profitable can help you make smart business decisions. And that's what it's all about. So can you walk us through your process of analyzing sales data to identify the top performers? Like exactly how you do that. And then how do you balance between products that have high sales volume and those with higher profit margins?

You've mentioned it so much, let's talk about how you do it.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (11:31.593)
Yeah. So, we'd, I always pull the reports from the, from the CRM first for, for actually both services and retail, like I was saying before, and they, we have a report and I think a lot of, a lot of them do that. You have to make sure all of your data from your products is entered into your system. First of all, because you can't get an accurate report if you're not making sure that you're entering how much money paid for a specific product and having your retail costs.

And so if you do that, it's super easy to just pull a report and it will calculate those numbers for you and tell you if you're making money on what percentage you're making on that product or if you're losing money on that product. And so first you got to make sure you have everything entered. That would be number one. And then also you can pull those reports. And then I always go through and look at those and see like, so for services, for instance, we also have how much each service costs us put into our system.

And so I can easily pull that report and see, okay, we made X amount of dollars on a specific service and we, it cost us this much. And then you can see exactly how much money you're losing or how much money you're making. And so that's how I analyze those reports. I kind of go through each service line by line and see exactly how much money we make off of each one. And we, you know, when we did this about a year ago, we realized we were actually losing money on

color retouches, which that's one of our biggest services. And we thought, you know, that's our biggest moneymaker because that's bringing in tons of money. And then by analyzing those reports, we realized we actually were losing money on that service. So we had to make some tweaks in our price and our timing and our, you know, different things to make sure that we could actually make a profit on one of our most popular services. And so when you analyze those reports, you start to see that and you realize

You know, you might be thinking you're making money on all this money and you realize at the end of the day, you're actually losing money if you don't do those reports correctly.

Brie (13:33.274)
Yeah, we've seen that. We've seen that so many times, right? And I think that's why it was important to discuss today is because it's something that we've seen over and over and over and over again. And so for those people out there that are barely breaking even, or they're losing just small amounts of money at the end of the month, every single month, doing something like this could drastically change your business. It could take you from being in the negative to positive 2 % profitability, right?

So it's very, very important to do. Knowing your top sellers, it's not just about boosting sales in the short term though. It's really about long -term success. Effective inventory management ensures that you always have everything you need in stock, reducing waste and avoiding overstocking. This leads to better cashflow and less money tied up in unsold inventory. Notorious. Salon and spa owners are notorious for this.

While we've been coaching commission salon and spa owners, this is an area that we have seen honestly as a problem for almost every single one of them. We tend to overspend on inventory way too often, way too often. I am a stickler for this. This drives me nuts when I see owners doing it. but I'm a tightwad too, right? My staff have exactly what they need. They never run out of things, but we don't have a lot of extra. It's just not something that we're willing to do.

Then you have to talk about focusing your marketing efforts on those top sellers, right? Because this can lead to more effective promotions, higher client satisfaction, all of those things. Clients love finding their favorite products and services very easily, and they'll appreciate things like special deals and promotions on the things that they love the most. Strategically, understanding your top sellers is going to help you plan for your future. That's exactly what it does. Whether it's deciding what new products you're going to introduce, what kinds of packages you're going to make.

which services you're going to expand, having a clear picture of what's already working is going to set a solid foundation for growth. I know that inventory was an area we worked on hard when I was coaching you, right? Since then it has gotten, my gosh, so much better. So how do you feel that knowing your top sellers impacted your inventory management and your cashflow?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (15:46.757)
Yep. yeah.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (16:00.133)
well definitely by making sure we had the stock in those products. and again, not wasting money on stocking so much of the products that aren't our top sellers, because that was something I was guilty of tons of times is wasting a lot of money on that stuff. And you don't realize how long it sits there. Sometimes you it's like tunnel vision. You'd forget. Like I ordered that six months ago, you know, if that product's going to go bad, if I don't get it, sell it at some point. And so.

Focusing on those top sellers and knowing that was a huge game changer for me because we really put more emphasis into those products, making sure I had a better stock of them, weren't running out as much as we were, and I wasn't wasting so much money on the other stuff that wasn't selling. So I think that would be the two biggest things that helped me get that under control. And we still use, I mean, I use that still, our top sellers. Like that's something that once I started doing that,

I carry that on probably forever because it just makes so much sense in your business to keep things flowing the way that they need to be.

Brie (17:06.362)
It also makes delegating inventory to your team way easier in my opinion, right? Once you get this, I don't know, this plan down and you have it created and you've kind of learned it yourself, it's really easy to train someone on it and not have to worry about inventory. So many salon and spa owners are terrified to turn their inventory management over to somebody else. But when you're doing something like this and data is showing you the answer, it's really easy to start handing that over.

Can you share an example of how focusing on top sellers has influenced your marketing strategies?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (17:43.653)
Yeah, so we, whenever we do marketing, well, each month we have a different promotion. And so whatever, whether it's a service promotion or it's a retail promotion. and we always focus on those top sellers for those promotions because they do so much better than.

when we try to just put some random products together that are sitting on the shelf or, you know, trying to just come up with some, so creative promotion that nobody actually cares about, right? Like, so when we focus on those, yeah, right. Exactly. It's exactly right. So when we do focus on those top sellers though, those packages sell like crazy because people already love that product and you might be putting a little extra something into it or

Brie (18:12.218)
It's like that saying, if it's broke, don't fix it, right?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (18:27.749)
doing a little bit of a discount here or something there, we will sell 100 times more of those products than if we did something that was not a top seller or we just tried something different. And so even with the services, it's the same thing. Like if we focus on treatments or different things or different promotions for the month, we still focus on those top ones because we will sell so many of them compared to anything else.

Brie (18:53.562)
That's got to be a good feeling knowing that you are spending money on marketing efforts that isn't wasted money. We have seen people spend thousands upon thousands. We have done it ourselves, right? Thousands upon thousands of dollars for somebody to market things for us that has no return, absolutely zero return. And so it's got to be a great feeling knowing that you are strategically planning those marketing efforts and you know that they're going to give you a return.

I think that's great. Now let's turn or talk about turning those underperformers into superstars. We have to start with our team when we're doing this. We have to ensure that they are well -versed in the benefits and uses of all of these products and all of these services. This is where your leadership is going to come into play immensely. Regular training sessions are going to make a huge difference, helping your team feel confident in recommending

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (19:23.141)
Mm -hmm.

Brie (19:50.522)
these specific items to clients, right? I know we have said it a million times on this podcast, but if you are not training your team to be salespeople, you are not fully doing your job as a commission salon or spa owner. The reality is our main job is to do what? To sell ourselves, right? Every single day. That's what we're doing. Marketing and promotion are also key. You need to create special offers like Chandra said, and time limited promotions to generate interest.

Bundle those slower moving items with some top sellers to really just encourage clients to try something new. It's a great way to get some of that old retail off your shelves or to maybe, you know, train your associates in some of the services that they might not do so often, but they need to know how to do. Host informational sessions or workshops to educate clients about the benefits of underperforming products and services so that they can see the importance of them all the time.

And then third, you have to enhance the client experience by offering personalized recommendations. So you have to use your client data to suggest products and services tailored to their needs and preferences. Improve the presentation of these items within, you know, things like attractive displays, clear, engaging descriptions, all of those things are going to help these underperforming services and products do a little bit better. Sometimes all it takes is a small tweak to make a big difference.

I know Chandra and I have helped many salon and spa owners and we literally just changed a couple of words in the way that they were sending out emails, right? For certain products or services or certain words that they had displayed on their product shelves or their service menu or whatever that is. It can make a world of difference. So check your verbiage quite often because that is usually you have to grab that attention, right? Very, very quickly. So you've got to be able to do that.

One of the last things that I want to say is stay updated with industry trends always, because we know that this beauty industry changes all the time and you have to be prepared to pivot. If something isn't working, I see a lot of hesitation here. Pivoting is just one of those things that salon and spa owners seem to challenge with. They just really do. But knowing when and how to pivot is going to be crucial as a business owner. Maybe we don't need this service anymore. Maybe we don't need this product anymore. Right.

Brie (22:20.122)
Maybe we have to change those marketing efforts because it's not generating any revenue. Don't be afraid to experiment with new approaches and definitely make sure that you are measuring the results to see what is working best for you all the time, especially when you're trying these underperforming items. So what strategies have you found effective in boosting the cells of underperforming products, packages, or services at your salon?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (22:48.677)
we definitely education to the staff because I think when they get their favorites and they get stuck on the same things over and over again, those other products kind of get forgotten. And so we actually, have, I kind of designated one of our stylists who's really amazing and loves retail and love sales. And she will kind of work with the team and, and help them learn what the benefits are, what the features are, why they should be using it.

and get them excited about it. And I mean, I think that's made a huge difference because if they, they just forget about it. It's not like they're trying not to sell it. They just get on their kick of the things that they like and it just gets forgotten even if it's a really great product. So we try to do that for sure. We also.

We'll find those underperformers that are sitting or if we have a lot of stock of it and we'll do a lot of tutorials for social media. So we'll try to take those specific products and be like, okay, we got to get this one moving. So let's do some tutorials for social media, try to get that going that way. We'll throw it in an email blast, some different things to try to get more buzz about those underperformers and get them moving.

I think that's really the main things we do. We have thrown them into a product bundles before when we're doing a promotion to try to get people to, to try them out and see that they like them. So we definitely get them moving, but it, you know, there's a lot of different avenues because sometimes it is hard to get those products to start getting some traction when they've been sitting a long time. So.

Brie (24:20.25)
Yeah, I would agree. I think you guys do a great job of doing that. I see it on your social media all the time. Like I see things that you're doing and I know because we talk of what's working in your salon, what's not right, all of those things. Last question in this segment that I have for you is how do you determine when something that is underperforming, when it's time to just let it go, kind of give up the ghost, get rid of it, you know, and, and move on and say, all right, I got to talk to my distributor.

I need to try to get a refund or an exchange on all of these products because they're just not for our client base. When do you decide that?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (24:55.525)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, so I have a report that I pull from our software that tells me how many of each item we carry we've sold within a year. And so usually if we've sold less than five of them within a year, that kind of gives me that indicator that we're probably going to nix out that product product specifically. And

That's what we usually try to do. We have some of our distributors will take it back. So we do talk to them, try to get a credit or something like that. And we have some that won't. And so we usually will, those are the products that we end up throwing into bundle packages or trying to get those moving out of there. But then we stop carrying them after that. And so that's my indicator though. If we have sold less than five within a year, then they go.

Brie (25:45.434)
Yeah, I think that's a good indicator. It is funny, right? Sometimes the distributors will take things back. Sometimes they'll give you a credit. Sometimes they won't. It just depends on who you work with. Something else that we do, and obviously we take a loss here, but it's part of being a business owner, right? We actually contribute to the hair schools around. So especially the ones like in the high schools, they will take that product and use it as their training.

So anything that we don't use, that's what we usually do. We have one of two places that we give it to the hair schools, or I love to donate to women's shelters. So for battered women and things of that nature, so we give a lot of products to those types of places. So for those of you out there that have stuff that is just sitting in your closet or on your shelves, you cannot get rid of it. And we've had some of those products, right? We just cannot. We couldn't even give them away. Like we put them for free and people don't grab them. They just don't like them.

And so it's important to find somewhere or someplace that can actually utilize them for good. So just wanted to throw that in there really, really quickly. They will give you like a receipt so you can write it off on your taxes. It's a great way to do it. And, it's something that we pride ourselves in cause we give them a lot of things. So going into the last segment, remember that this is an ongoing process. It really, really is. You have to be committed to regularly reviewing your sales data as scary as it is.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (26:44.933)

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (26:51.269)
Mm -hmm. Yep.

Brie (27:13.466)
at least every month or every quarter, like Chandra said. This is going to keep a pulse on what's working and what's not. So keep gathering and keep analyzing the feedback from both clients and staff because that's important. This is just going to help you stay agile and adaptable, which is paramount because we are owners, like I said earlier, in an industry that never stays the same. It is constantly changing. Don't forget to take risks and don't be afraid to switch things up.

based on the things that you're learning. We tend to live in our comfort zone the same way our stylists do or our technicians, right? They have their favorite shampoos or conditioning treatments or whatever it is. And we as owners do the same thing, but we have to take risk. That's what being an owner is. We have to try new promotions. We have to introduce new products. We have to build new packages. And we always, always, always have to look for ways to improve the guest journey and the guest experience.

Constantly improving is going to be essential for creating a sustainable business and honestly for growing your studio. It's the only way to do it. So can you share a time when you had to pivot your strategy based on data and or feedback and what was the outcome of that?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (28:31.013)
Yeah, I think the biggest thing would be kind of what I was saying when we did our service audit and really having to find out that we were losing a lot of money in certain areas. And when we start really diving into figuring out what we can do and getting feedback from clients or getting feedback from staff about these types of services that, or, you know, whatever the product when we're going through that, we had to really make some changes in.

in our pricing and in the way that we were doing some of those services, because when your most popular items or your most popular services are actually losing you money, you have to make those changes and pivot and do something different because you can't get out of that hole if you don't. So you won't know that that's happening. That was probably, we were probably losing money on those services for 12 years and had no idea. Right. And so it can happen very easily.

And you have to make those changes. So that's what we did. I mean, we went in and we really, I talked to the team too, because I'm like, how do we, we can't be going in this direction. So what are things that you guys can offer to recommend that we can get this to be a profitable service? Cause we couldn't raise our price $20, you know? So it was like, we had to find ways in house too, to make these things better. So that way we weren't losing money on those services. So I think that would be the biggest.

biggest one that turned us around where we had to really make some changes to find out exactly how we could start making a profit instead of losing money.

Brie (30:03.898)
Yeah, for those out there that have never done a service audit or don't know how to do one, you have to figure it out. Like you have to find someone who can teach you how to do a correct service audit because it can change your business and your life. Honestly, it really, really can. I have seen people go from, you know, 0 % profitability to 12 % profitability just by doing things of this nature. Chandra's profitability has increased drastically in the last couple of years just from doing stuff like this.

So I know the answer to this question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Would you say that using this process has changed your business immensely in a positive manner?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (30:45.317)
Absolutely. For sure. Before we were losing tons of money, our inventory was out of control. I didn't really have a good handle on it and using this process changed all of that. And as the owner, I think we sort of get stuck in this mindset of what we think is best. And we forget that a lot of these things are not best for the clients or for the team that you have.

and they might have a better way or they might have a better suggestion or they might have something different that they can offer. And we forget like, we want to only have these products because that's what I think is best. Or I'm only want to offer these services because that's what I think is best. So when I implemented this process, it not only changed our cashflow and our financials, but it also changed my entire business because I started asking them for more feedback and finding out what makes them tick. And it wasn't just about my favorite things anymore.

Brie (31:44.506)
Yeah, no, I think that's absolutely true. And I think it's really, really important. And therefore it goes to show that simple things like this, I mean, yes, they're thorough, they're in depth, they're very, very important, but simple things like this and learning these things can make you a better leader to your team, which in turn can change the entire motivation of your team and the culture of your studio at the end of the day.

Awesome. Well, that's a wrap on today's episode of Salon Swagger. We've explored the reasons why knowing your best sellers can be a game changer, shared tips on how to turn those underperformers into stars, and really quite a few things in between. I want to thank everybody for tuning in. If you guys enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, leave a review, and share it with your fellow commission salon and spa owners. Your feedback helps us continue bringing valuable insights to help you thrive and honestly to revolutionize.

commission salons and spas because that's what we want to do. So Chandra, where do our listeners go to follow us on social media platforms and to take advantage of some of our amazing resources that we have?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (32:53.445)
Yeah, reach out to us on social media. You can find us on Facebook or on Instagram at the Beauty Biz Agency. Leave us a message or, you know, send us a comment. Let us know if there's certain things that you would like to see on the show. And you can also get some of our free resources from our website at the beautybizagency .com and reach out to us by email at admin at the beautybizagency .com.

Brie (33:17.466)
Love it. Don't forget to follow us on TikTok either. We are now on there and we are trying to post as often as we can. So if you guys are ready to take your salon or spa to the next level, join the Beauty Biz Agency Coaching Program. We offer personalized strategies and support to help you run a profitable and successful business and teach you how to get the freedom that you deserve. Visit our website and learn more whenever you're ready. With that being said, go out there, make some boss moves. Until next time.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (33:24.261)

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (33:44.037)

Brie (33:47.45)
Keep slaying those business goals with style, sass, and a whole lot of swagger.

The Hit List: Knowing Your Top Sellers
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