The Beauty Hustle - Owners Edition

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Brie (00:01.31)
Hey, hey, and welcome back to another episode of Salon Swagger. I'm Brie, and I am here with the fabulous Chandra C. What's up, girl?

Chandra (00:08.916)
Hello, how's it going? Doing good.

Brie (00:11.156)
Going good. How are you today?

Awesome. Well, I honestly had something completely different in mind for today's episode, but we have had so many one -on -one calls with our BBA members lately and they are literally killing it with their numbers and their profitability. And so I started thinking about some of the things that we've coached them on and this one specific thing just kept coming to mind over and over and over again. So I think we should talk about it. With that being said today, we're going to dive into a topic that is often

misunderstood, but it's also absolutely essential for anyone and everyone in the beauty industry. It's selling. Now, for our listeners out there before they start tuning out, because they are thinking that, you know, it's some type of pushy salesperson or car salespeople, right? Like that's what people think when they hear salesmen. I like to call those car people like the buzzards, you know, the ones that everybody dreads. I think we need to clear something up.

Selling in a salon or spa, doesn't have to be intimidating and it definitely doesn't have to feel forced. And I think that's a huge misconception. I think when we learn how to do it and get it done right, selling is really just an extension of the amazing service that you and your team are already providing. Would you agree with that?

Chandra (01:37.792)
yeah, 100%.

Brie (01:40.306)
It's crazy because people hear the word and they automatically tune out or they avoid or they run away or they're just like, nope, never going to happen. And they're missing out on such a huge opportunity.

So in this episode, I think we are going to break down why mastering the art of selling is crucial for the longevity and the growth of your business. Whether you are a salon owner or a spa owner, boosting your sales skills, can lead to incredible results, not just for your bottom line, but also for your client satisfaction and loyalty. In fact, I think it's important that we discuss how selling can be natural and even enjoyable.

It can be an enjoyable part of your day with the interactions with your clients. And it's definitely something people should start embracing rather than shying away from. In order to do this though, I think we have to change our mindset completely. And this is something that we really focus on in BBA with our members, right? It's changing that mindset. Would you say that the majority of salon and spa owners that we have had the privilege of working with?

have had a sales mindset or no.

Chandra (02:53.758)
Not when they first start, no.

Brie (02:56.37)
Yeah, definitely, definitely not. And I'm going to be honest, I didn't either in the beginning of my career, did you?

Chandra (03:02.6)
No, not at all.

Brie (03:05.13)
positive sales mindset, it's really at the core of every successful salon or spa. This isn't just something that the owner needs to have. Every single team member from the front desk to the stylist to the therapist is going to play a crucial role in creating an environment where cells are a natural part of the experience. A strong sales mindset isn't about being pushy. It's not about focusing on numbers, even though people think that it is. It's about understanding

that selling is a service in itself. And that is the point that we tend to miss. I think when we approach sales from the perspective of genuinely, you know, trying to help our clients achieve their beauty goals, I guess that's the best way to put it. The entire process becomes more authentic and rewarding for both you and your clients. Is that, is that pretty much how you sell it to your team?

Chandra (04:02.176)
Yeah, yeah, they have to see it from that side, I think for sure, instead of trying to just sell products. Like they have to see it as they're helping the guest, 100%.

Brie (04:12.138)
Yeah, for sure. Shifting your mindset from seeing sales as something awkward or uncomfortable to viewing it as an essential part of client care is really the first step. Think about it this way. Your clients come to you because they trust your expertise. That's why they come to you. They rely on you. They rely on your employees to guide them toward the best products, the best services that are going to help them look and feel their best. When you recommend a treatment or a product,

You're not just making a sell. You're really not. You're enhancing that entire experience and you're delivering results that they can see and that they can feel. By focusing on how your recommendations can solve their problems or meet their needs, whichever way you want to look at it, selling becomes a natural extension of that service that you're already providing. A strong sales mindset is going to lead to things like higher client retention.

because it shows that you're invested in their long -term beauty journey, not just the service of the day. And that's where a lot of people miss the mark, in my opinion. I don't think their clients, if they're just focused on the service of the day, their clients aren't gonna feel understood, they're not gonna feel cared for, and they're probably not going to return, right? They're not going to invest in those higher quality services. They're not gonna become loyal advocates for your studio.

So embracing this mindset is going to be very, important in order to set the stage for sustainable success and thriving business culture. When you first started in this journey and we were discussing, right, like the coaching journey and things like that, and we were discussing selling as part of the client journey, how did you feel about that in the beginning?

Chandra (05:58.804)
Well, for myself, it was always just kind of how I worked behind the chair. Like I always had that mentality, but my team, was so hard for me to train my team. Like I couldn't get them to understand that. Like when I would work behind the chair, I was always thinking like, own your hair now. Like I own whatever's happening here on the client. And so for me, I needed them to use the things I needed them to use in order for next time they come in, everything's going to work out the way I need it to. But I couldn't get them to figure that out.

And so the hardest thing when I started the coaching journey really was my mindset shift as to how to train them to get that, you know, to understand that. Cause I feel like when you're a seasoned stylist or service provider, you kind of understand that a little bit better because you've been doing it so long, but when you're newer or you're starting out, it's like impossible to get them to understand. And so I think that was probably the best part of that coaching.

aspect was really training me to understand how to actually train them instead of trying to just explain it and they don't get it.

Brie (07:04.874)
For sure. And something that I think we really need to think about for a second is that selling can be scary. I get it. I know that many salon and spa owners, feel a genuine fear, right? When it comes to selling, because we deal with them on a daily basis. And that fear can then trickle down into the entire team if you're not careful. Maybe you're worried about coming off too pushy or you're unsure of how to balance the service with the sale.

The truth is if you're not leading the charge when it comes to selling as the owner of your studio, your team won't either. They just won't. Because as the owner, you set the tone. You're the leader. You're the example. You are the one that everyone looks up to. So if you want your team to embrace selling as part of their role, you have to master it first. Chandra just said it, right? It's not just about making more money. It's not. That's a great benefit.

Great benefit, right? But it is about creating a culture of success. So when you step up and show your team that selling is a natural and essential part of client care, you're going to empower your team to do the same. Would you agree with that? Because I think that is huge.

Chandra (08:17.524)

Chandra (08:21.77)
Yep, for sure.

Brie (08:23.464)
And I think if your salon or spa is set up correctly, your employees, won't just be selling. They're going to be thriving at that point. They're going to make more money. They're going to receive incentives. They're going to climb the career path in your studio because selling isn't just a skill. It's a pathway to growth that for me, I remember hearing that from someone and that literally changed everything for me. I actually have that written down at my studio.

And it makes sense when your team starts to see the results both in their wallets and in their career progression, they're going to be motivated to improve, to learn more and to take more pride in what they do. Your job as a leader is to give them tools, the training and the confidence to succeed. And that starts in my opinion, with you mastering the art of selling. So Chandra, why do you think having a positive sales mindset is absolutely crucial for

everyone in the salon or spa, not just the owners.

Chandra (09:25.258)
Well, I mean, it definitely, like you said, it's going to create that culture of success. think another really big thing that I noticed once they get that mindset shift and understand that in the salon for the whole team is the clients actually feel more confident in them. We have clients who trust us implicitly about anything to do with their hair, their scalp, or any of those things. So it also builds that trust in the business and in your team because

If they have an issue, come to us first. know, they want to ask us first. They want to know what our opinion is. And you can't do that if you don't create that sort of sales mindset because you're helping them and you're achieving, you're helping them achieve their goals or fix whatever their issues are. So they're going to really be attached to your brand and to your company because they, they need your help. And so it really changes that shift to stop thinking like salesy salesy and start thinking more like this is our culture.

This is what we are and we're experts, right? Like it makes you more of an expert, think, what, excuse me, in what you're doing.

Brie (10:28.274)
Yeah. Why do you think so many salon and spa owners struggle with the fear that comes with selling?

Chandra (10:35.166)
I think it's because they get stuck in the, in the idea of it sell like they're selling something. Like you said, like the car salesman idea instead of really looking at themselves as the expert, maybe it's a lack of confidence too. know like in my team, when we've had, you know, team members struggle with that it's because they don't feel confident in those recommendations and in what they're saying. And so I think they're afraid to make those recommendations sometimes. And I think it's just the fear of rejection too. think that they're always afraid they're going

to get rejected so they just don't try. So I think that's another big reason why they shy away from it and don't want to do it. I know even for myself in the beginning when I first started that was always kind of a scary thing. So I get it.

Brie (11:17.866)
Yeah, that fear of rejection can get you every single time, right? None of us want to be rejected. I think when we all start seeing it after this episode, hopefully people will start seeing it as full circle, right? It really starts from that consultation process. So I think something people need to ask themselves are, are you really giving consultations the attention that they deserve? Or are you like many salon and spa owners rushing through this very, very critical step?

Chandra (11:23.35)

Brie (11:47.09)
It's easy to see consultations as just a formality, but the truth is skipping or skimping on this step. can be a massive, massive missed opportunity, not just for you, but for your entire team. I know for myself, I have gone to, I don't know, several salons or spas and I've either received a very, short consultation or absolutely no consultation at all. I mean,

And that is just a terrible, terrible thing. How can they ever address my needs, my desires, my wants, my likes, my dislikes, if there's no consultation involved. The consultation shouldn't ever just be that quick chat before the service service starts. It is the foundation for the entire client experience. This is your moment to connect, to understand, and to set the stage for everything that follows. And when you learn to nail that,

You're not just opening the doors for upselling and cross selling. You're building trust, which is absolutely priceless. But if you're cutting corners, chances are your team is probably doing the same. They may be missing out on those subtle cues that could lead to maybe personalized recommendations or overlooking the client's real concerns. And what's that going to lead to? It's going to lead to miss sells lower client satisfaction and a team that's not.

fully engaged in the selling journey. So it all starts with you as the owner setting that example. You've got to make the consultation a priority and your team is going to follow suit. What or why do you think so many salon and spa owners rush through or skip the consultation process? I mean, yes, we are all busy, right? I absolutely get it. I get it. But why do you think they rush through or skip consultations and what are the risks of doing so for both the client experience

and the business.

Chandra (13:45.088)
I mean, I do think some of it's time constraints. I also think a lot of it is even the fear of asking all the questions that you need to ask. I know even when we start training new team members on our consultation process, that's always a big issue, a roadblock in the beginning that we have to get past because they feel weird asking all those questions or they feel weird digging deeper and they feel weird about all of that stuff. They just want to get to whatever the service for today is and then move on like you were saying. They don't want to have to go through that whole process.

And I think that's probably our biggest roadblock that we hit whenever we're training new people to do that process is they're afraid to ask all the questions. They're afraid the client's gonna get annoyed or get mad. And it's in that presentation too, how they're presenting it is why they might've had that experience where somebody got annoyed with them, because they weren't presenting it correctly. But I think that's one of the biggest issues, that and they just wanna hurry or they don't even know what to ask.

I mean, sometimes I think they get stuck, like they don't know what else to say when they're doing their consultation.

Brie (14:49.652)
Something else that came to the top of my mind was complacency. And I think for a lot of, because we coach so many salon and spa owners, this is something we see over and over again, right? The owners get complacent in the way that they do things. And so that consultation process goes completely out the window and the team is never trained correctly on the consultation process or the team is complacent as well. And so they're just like,

Chandra (14:53.524)
Mm -hmm.

Brie (15:15.71)
What I used to have to do, I don't really have to do anymore because I've built my clientele now and so that doesn't really matter. What are some good practical tips for making consultations more effective and engaging so that both the client and the service provider benefit from that initial connection?

Chandra (15:33.898)
I think having a really strong process around how you want your consultation to be done.

So like, for example, come up with the questions you want your service providers to ask. Make sure you have a streamlined process for them to go through so it's easy for them and it doesn't feel weird to the client. Like they're fumbling around or they don't know what they're doing. And then just that role playing and practicing over and over and over again so that it becomes second nature to them. I think that makes it so much easier too. If you don't have that clear process, it's, it is going to fall by the wayside and it's not going to become consistent. So it has to be.

a very consistent, very clear, you know, systematic process you make your team do every single time.

Brie (16:17.214)
Yeah. And just like anything else as a salon or spa owner, this is something that you have to check on, right? During one -on -one meetings, during team meetings, like you have to be paying attention to this throughout the entire year. It can't just be when they first start working with you and their training because like I said earlier, this is where it starts. This is where the selling process actually starts.

Two strategies that when done right can significantly boost your revenue while also enhancing the client experience are always going to be upselling and cross -selling. So I want the listeners out there to be really honest. Are you taking full advantage of these opportunities right now or are they slipping through your fingers? I know for a lot of salon and spa owners out there, it's going to be that they're slipping through the fingers, right? It's so easy to shy away from suggesting additional services or products

especially if you or your team are worried about coming off too salesy. Here's the deal. If you are not actively engaging in upselling and cross -selling, you are not just leaving money on the table. You are actually shortchanging your client's experience. You really, really are. Think about it. When was the last time you or your team actually made a personalized recommendation that really enhanced the client service? If you can't remember,

That is a huge red flag. Upselling and cross -selling, they're not about just padding the bill. And so many people feel that way, but that's not what it is. They're about offering your clients something that is genuinely going to improve their result and their satisfaction. And let's face it, if you're not doing this, chances are, once again, neither is your team. So Chandra, I would love for you to share some effective strategies for upselling and cross -selling without coming off as pushy.

What does that look like for you in your studio?

Chandra (18:10.984)
Yeah, I mean, for us, one of the things that we do is make sure that the team is really excited and really stands behind anything and everything that we're offering. So making sure that any of the add -on services we have, whether it's a glossing treatment or deep conditioning treatment or scalp, you know, some kind of treatment, they have to get behind it and they have to love it. Because if you get them to love those services themselves, it's so much easier for them to be like, you know what, when the client's sitting in the chair, your hair looks a little bit

dull. I think we need to do a gloss treatment today. I think you would love it. It'll be super shiny. And then they're excited to sell it instead of feeling like they're trying to add on a service. It's more about that expert approach to say, I'm the expert, right? So I think that your hair could use this today. And I know it's going to be amazing because I really love it. And I think when we get them behind the services, the add -on services and things like that, or anything that we're trying to cross -sell, it's

we don't really have to try because they're excited about it. And so the hard part is keeping that excitement and that momentum going. So it's always a constant, you we're always trying to train them or do little promotions or things to get them excited. But I think that's the biggest strategy that works for us is really just getting them to embrace it. And then they want to sell it because they want everybody to try it.

Brie (19:31.604)
I love that. I think one of the missed opportunities that we have as salon and spa owners when it comes to training our teams is a lot of the times we don't teach our team about the timing, right? Timing is so important when it comes to upselling and cross -selling. There's a right time and a right way to do it. And so what tips do you have for timing an upsell or cross -sell to make it feel natural and beneficial to the client?

Chandra (20:02.376)
Yeah, I mean, we always do it in the beginning when they first are going through their consultation or in that, you know, when they're talking to them about their hair. If it's a new client, they have to go through that new client consultation process and they catch those things right away. And they find out like if they're asking the client how they feel about their hair, if their hair is dry, then that's a perfect time for them to kind of pop in and...

and let them know, I have something really amazing that's going to help with that. If it's an existing client, that's when I feel like we start to lose it. They do better when it's new clients because it's all the questions and all the things. And then when you have the clients that are repeat, they've already tried it or they've already done it. But we really try to still ask those questions, maybe not all the same questions, but some of them might just be, know, has your hair changed? Is there anything new?

asking them just a few simple things so that way they can also interject about whatever treatments we might be offering at that time or find out. A lot of times they really like the treatment they did last time and they'll want to add it on again. So making sure that they're doing that follow -up and that check -in. I think that's the best time to

to upsell those services. Sometimes if you do it at the end or you're trying to do it somewhere in the middle, it's like there's already too many things going on and it's hard to bring it back. So for us, the best time is that beginning, right when they sit in a chair.

Brie (21:22.664)
Yeah, I think that's a really good time. think a missed opportunity that a lot of salons miss is not doing the upsells and the cross sells during the initial booking though, especially for those regulars, right? You've got to utilize your front desk and your receptionist or whoever is answering the phone because if I have somebody who's been seeing in my studio for five years, I am going to take every opportunity when they call to book that appointment.

Chandra (21:34.482)

Brie (21:51.732)
to try to add something on a brow wax, right? Anything that is just going to upsell them and give them a better experience all the way around. And so make sure you guys out there listening that you are utilizing your front desk and your receptionist to be sells people as well because that is very, very important. So what do you have your front desk do when it comes to upselling and cross selling?

Chandra (22:19.814)
We try to always have some type of focus for the month or promotion for the month. And so when they're booking those appointments, they just let them know, right now for the month of August, we're running a treatment special on this. We could definitely add that on to your appointment today. Would you like to add that on? And then most of the time, people say yes. The only times that it doesn't happen is when they get too busy sometimes up there and they forget.

to tell them about the add -on service because if you say it right and you say it at that time, almost everybody's like, yeah, I'll add that on. So yeah, that's what they do.

Brie (22:55.998)
Right. I love that because when we think about that, when we break it all down, right, let's just say that I'm calling into your salon to book appointment. And I've been there before your front desk is now adding on this August special, right to my ticket. Now I'm in the chair and my stylist is adding on something else that's beneficial. So yes, it's not all about the money at the end of the day, right? But for the business, you are adding

to that service ticket, a lot of money is going on there, right? But also for your stylist or your receptionist, they are hitting those KPIs so much quicker, which means they are growing. And that's just off of me booking one appointment at your studio. And so it's so important and it needs to be emphasized so much more. The entire selling journey from the consultation to the checkout, it should be very seamless, but it should also be intentional.

Every interaction is a chance to add value, to build trust, and to positively impact your bottom line. That's just how it is. If any part of this process is overlooked, you might be missing opportunities to enhance that experience. In turn, your business is going to suffer just a little bit. When you learn to focus on each and every one of these steps, you can ensure that your clients are receiving the full exceptional service that they deserve.

making every part of the selling process count. So another part that I think is important, it doesn't really stop there, right? It's selling doesn't end at the checkout is what I'm trying to say. In fact, that's really kind of just the beginning because we're talking about building long -term client relationships and that's crucial or it's just as crucial as making that initial sale. It's not just about that immediate transaction.

It's about creating a lasting bond with your clients that keep them coming back time and time again. So for everybody out there listening, I would like to ask you, are you and your team following up after every service? This is something that Chandra and her team do very, very well. So I, think a lot of times we don't understand how this followup, you know, it can make a small gesture can make a huge difference.

Brie (25:22.972)
And it offers you the chance to address any concerns, answer any questions, blah, blah, blah, right? So I would love to hear kind of what that looks like for you. I know we've talked about it in the past, but it's so important when it comes to this portion of the process. So tell me what that looks like for you guys.

Chandra (25:42.944)
Yeah, so we always follow up with every guest within 24 to 48 hours of their appointment time. We don't always ask, you know, if it's an existing guest who comes in all the time, maybe we follow up if they tried something new, or maybe we don't follow up every single time they come in, but we do maybe every couple times. So we do have to track some of that. You do want to make sure you create some kind of tracking system for those follow -up calls. But we try to have the stylist reach out when possible, especially if it's a new client.

or we'll have the front desk if for some reason they've been too busy and can't do it. But we always have them ask, like, how was your experience? Did you like the products that they used? If they purchased anything, we always ask them about those products, ask them if they need any help using the products, if they've had any challenges with it. So that way we could have the stylist call them. If for some reason they're like, I tried it and I didn't like it or something, then we would have the stylist reach out and try to figure out why.

most of the time is user error, right? So we don't want them to think they don't like it just because they didn't use it right. And so that follow -up call catches all those little things. And you can right away, know, course correct anything that somebody might be unhappy about, and then you still can gain that loyal client for life, right? Another way that we'll follow up is, and actually this was something we started doing a while ago that...

made the reason I thought of this was because of some of the department stores. Like if you buy a product from a department store and they'll call you in 30 days and say like, hey, I know you're getting low on your face cream or whatever. So do you need more? So now another thing we do that's really boosted our sales too is we have the front desk reach out the night before the appointment and let them know, hey, I noticed last time you got these products.

Would you like us to set those aside for you when you come in for your appointment? And just that little extra concierge service has made people really excited. So that's another way that we've been following up too.

Brie (27:42.858)
Yeah, we've been doing that for about 10 years. We don't actually even call though. We actually just have those products ready for them when they come in. They can take them or leave them, but when they walk in and see that, usually they're like a hundred percent, yes, let's go. So I love that. I think that's very, very important. Few other things that people could think about are not to underestimate the power of loyalty programs, referral incentives, memberships, packages, all of those things.

Chandra (27:48.291)

Brie (28:11.24)
are upsell and cross -sell opportunities. And so you wanna make sure that you are highlighting those, that you have created those and that you are utilizing those in your business for sure. I think the process, just extends so far beyond just selling, right? You have to perfect each and every step from that initial consultation to the follow -up.

In this case, you're not just increasing your revenue, you're creating an environment where clients feel valued, understood, and eager to return. And there is nothing better than that. Nothing makes me happier than when clients say they are so excited to come back in for their next service, right? It's the true mark of a successful salon or spa. So with that being said,

What are some of your favorite loyalty programs or referral incentives that have worked really, really well for you to keep clients engaged and to actually keep them loyal?

Chandra (29:10.976)
Yeah, so we do offer a loyalty program where they get points for every dollar they spend. And then we will do bonus points for them sometimes. So let's say like for referrals, they could get, you know, 50 or 100 bonus points if they sent in a new a new client to us. And they also can get extra bonus points for any certain product purchases. So for running a promotion or if we have like, let's say for glossing treatment, you get bonus points if you try glossing treatment.

And a lot of those little things help us cross sell and upsell because people love to get points. Even if at the end of the day, that's not like racking up to, you know, tons and tons of dollars. They just love to get points and they can redeem them. We let people redeem them for anything. We just give it a dollar amount just because it makes our life easier. You know, some places I know will do, you get a service or things like that with your points and you can do whatever works for you. I just think it's easy for us to track it the other way so we don't have to keep track of the other stuff.

That works really well for us as far as referrals. I think we've always kind of done the if you send someone in You get $25 in product and they get $20 $25 off their service and that's always something that's worked really really well as long as they're utilizing it Which we have to constantly stay on top of the clients do bring it back It does seem to be a really good referral program and I know that one's pretty popular I think a lot of salons do that and it does seem to work really really good

Brie (30:39.39)
Yeah, one thing I tend to hear so often when we are doing strategy calls or when somebody first joins the beauty biz agency is that, we did referral programs a long time ago, right? And those don't work anymore. But in reality, anytime someone is getting something, they are going to do whatever they need to do for the most part, right? They may not give you five referrals, but more than likely they're going to send you one or tag you on social media or whatever you're asking them to do that is going to

give them those points or all of those things. I think at the end of the day, I just hope that after this episode, people will maybe see selling in a different light. It's not just about recommending a toner or a hairspray. It's about creating a complete and memorable client journey from start to finish. Every single interaction contributes to that journey. And when it's done right, it is going to lead to

deeper client trust, satisfaction, loyalty, and honestly, a ton of business growth. I know that's what us business owners think about, and it's very, very important. I don't want it to be all about the money, but at the end of the day, that business growth is important. So if you guys are ready to put the strategies that we talked about today into action, Chandra and I have something really, really special for you. We have coached thousands of salon and spa owners and

Their thoughts on selling are usually the same across the board. They just don't want to do it because they think it's tacky, they think it's pushy, yada, yada, yada, right? Chandra and I both hear you. We understand where you're coming from, don't we, Chandra? Absolutely. This is just another essential part of salon and spa ownership that we were never taught in cosmetology school. With that being said, Chandra and I, we have created a guide

Chandra (32:19.25)
yeah, been there.

Brie (32:33.108)
to help you put all of these ideas into practice. It is called the Beauty Hustle Masterclass and Playbook. This class is packed with actionable strategies and exercises that will take your sales game to the next level and teach you how to train your team on the importance of selling in a way that is going to feel authentic and client focused because that's how you want it. These steps are going to set you up on a path to creating a salon or spa environment where

Cells are just natural. are a positive part of every client interaction. So Chandra, tell them a little bit about what we created.

Chandra (33:12.318)
Yeah, I mean, I think it will definitely give you a lot of the strategies and things that we've been talking about and kind of make it simplified and actionable for you to use. think if you implement the information that we have in this training, you will empower your team to not be afraid of it anymore because it takes all of that fear and that fear of rejection and that, you know, feeling of being a salesperson kind of out of their mindset.

It will really, really train you guys to shift your mindset to that more expert way of doing it and where to put those things in and how to role play with your team as well, which I think is really good for the owners because sometimes we don't understand how to get them to role play. I know I've been challenged with that before and there are tons of exercises in there to really help your team become so much more comfortable with the whole process.

Brie (34:05.278)
Yep, I think you hit the nail on the head right there. At the end of the day, it's important to remember selling in your salon or spa, it's not just about making a profit, it's about enhancing that client experience and helping them achieve their full goals, whatever that may be. When you approach sales with confidence and when you see it as an integral part of providing excellent service, it then becomes a win -win for you, for your team and for your clients.

Your clients are going to appreciate the expertise, like Chandra said earlier, they're going to trust your recommendations. She mentioned that as well, and they're going to keep coming back for more. That's what we've got for you guys today. Be sure to tune in. I can't even talk today, but we're going to go with it anyway. Be sure to tune into our next episode where we will continue exploring strategies that are going to elevate your salon or spa. And if you haven't already, make sure to visit our website for some invaluable resources for

Anyone looking to take their studio to the next level? Don't forget to follow us on social media and grab the Beauty Hustle Masterclass and Playbook. Chandra, how do they do that?

Chandra (35:12.308)
Yeah, reach out to us on social media. You can find us at the Beauty Viz Agency on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok. You can reach out to us anywhere. You can also reach out to us by email at admin at thebeautyvizagency .com.

Brie (35:26.47)
Awesome. Well guys, if you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe, leave us a review and share it with other commission salon and spa owners. Thanks so much for joining us. Now go out there, give your clients the full experience and make some boss moves. Until next time, keep slaying those business goals with a whole lot of swagger.

The Beauty Hustle - Owners Edition
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