"How to Escape the Salon Owner Chaos Cycle—For Good"

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Hey there and welcome to Salon Swagger, make bank, run the show, ditch that chair.

The podcast where we dive into the ups downs and everything in between when it comes to
running a salon or spa.

I'm Brie and as always, I am joined by the amazing Chandra C.

Hey girl.


All right, well today we are diving into something that can completely transform people's
businesses and their lives.

And I am super excited.

It can add serious revenue and profitability to your salon or spa, and it can actually
give you the control and freedom that you've been craving in your business and your life.

We are talking about investments, but not in the way that some people may be thinking.

We aren't talking about stock markets.

We're not talking about retirement investments.

We're not talking about any of that stuff.

It's important to understand that an investment is really just anything that you put time,
money, attention, or resources into.

And so when you look at it that way, you start to think about investments completely

I have to be honest with you guys sometimes, and I'm sure Chandra feels this way too.

But I just forget how blessed I am that now that my salon runs on autopilot.

And when I say that, I'm not being sarcastic at all.

I absolutely mean it.

Now that it runs, you know, the same day in and day out with or without me there, like
literally, if I were to leave for two months, it would continue to grow.

It would continue to produce just like if I was sitting there watching every move that
everybody makes.

Because of this, there are times when I just...

blackout like I block out what my life used to look like.

Do you do that, Chandra?

yeah, for sure.

Yeah, I block out how it used to feel to be in that constant chaos or that constant
survival mode as a salon owner.

But then I will get on like a one-on-one call with one of our coaching program members or
maybe a strategy call with a salon owner that's looking into our program.

And they start telling me about all their obstacles, their challenges, their struggles,
just everything going on in their life and in their business.

And in that very moment, it all comes flooding back to me really, really quickly.

very quickly.

Here is something that I know.

I know that I don't want to go back to those days of ownership, like ever, never, ever,

I also know that I definitely don't want anybody out there listening to be in that chaos
or to stay in that chaos.

And that is the exact reason that I want us to talk about investments today.

Because if you want to change your life, if you really want to change your business,

You have to invest.

Chandra, can you remember a time in your career when chaos just kind of felt like the
normal for you?

absolutely, that was my normal.

I didn't know anything different and it's the worst place to be.

And I think you don't realize, like you said, you don't realize that you have another
choice until you don't have to live like that anymore.

And then you remember how awful that was to be in that space when you can't even breathe.

I mean, you literally feel like you're just underwater all the time and you get used to it
and that becomes your normal.


What were some of the biggest challenges that you faced as a salon owner before you
started investing in yourself and your business?

Definitely financial, I was definitely behind underwater financially.

think then the other part of it was just managing people and not really knowing how to get
them to do the things I needed them to do, not really having the systems in place to make

it run, like you said, of efficiently without you there.

And those were definitely the biggest obstacles and then being still providing services,
working behind the chair all the time.


Trying to provide services, trying to pay the bills, trying to manage the team, trying to
do all the things that you need to do on the admin side too.

Like that's, that was my life for sure.

Yeah, I was in the same boat, right?

Like, and I think there's so many people out there that are, and one of the people that
always comes to my mind when we're talking about this is Tanya, for sure.

And I want to talk about her for just a second without giving too much away because
everybody's going to get to hear her story in next week's episode.

But Tanya came to us and she was just completely overwhelmed in every way, and form.

She was working over 60 hours a week behind the chair.

Her team was really disengaged.

Her revenue wasn't reflecting the efforts that she was putting in.

And after just three months of working with the Beauty Biz agency, she reduced her hours
behind the chair by almost 50%.

She implemented systems to streamline her operations and she saw a 17 % increase in

I get chills when I say that, but it's stories like yours, like mine, like Tanya's that
reminds us why...

this type of investment and this type of work can be so freaking powerful, so powerful.

Before we jump into the nitty gritty of this entire episode, I want everybody out there to
just ask themselves a few questions.

And these are important questions.

Are you in this state of survival mode and constant chaos because you put yourself there?

Are you there because it just feels familiar, because it feels comfortable, even though it

literally draining the life out of you?

Or are you there because you're scared?

You're scared to take a leap.

You're scared to make a real change in your life and in your business.

So for me, I think I had just learned to live in that chaos.

Literally, I just learned to live there.

That constant high level of stress.

I think I thought I excelled there and it became my normal.

It almost felt like a game to me, Chandra.

Like I would just...

play this game of trying to stay one step ahead of the next catastrophe every second of
every day.

And so because of that, that's what I did for years and years and years until one day it
all caught up with me.

And when I say it hit me like a ton of freaking bricks, that's what happened.

I'm not exaggerating in any way, shape or form.

That day I realized that if I didn't make a change, I wasn't just going to lose my

I was losing my health.

possibly some relationships that I adored and definitely my sanity because my sanity was
barely hanging on for like a decade.

I know that there are so many out there listening today that understand exactly what I'm
talking about.

And if you are one of them, if this sounds like your life right now, I have one more
question for you.

Are you ready to actually break free?

Actually break free.

The sad thing, Chandra, in my opinion about this situation is that we are usually the ones
that have created these habits and these routines that keep us stuck.

I know that it is so uncomfortable to admit that we have actually created those habits or
routines that are holding us back, but acknowledging it in my opinion is the first real

step towards change.

Chandra, why do you think some salon owners put themselves in survival mode intentionally


think it just kind of happens to you because you end up having to take care of so many
things and then you get used to that and you feel like that's what you have to do.

And same thing for me, like it was like a game.

I thought I was like the most amazing person on the planet because I'm...

can deal with this and I have an answer for that.

And I think you get stuck in that space where you just don't that you can't get out of it.

And I think it just kind of innately organically happens, but it's a hundred percent.

mean, not maybe not a hundred percent, but most of it is because you put yourself in that
position because you let those things happen and you let those things be running the way

that they're running.

And you just kind of, it just happens to you.

feel like an unintentionally, most of the time.

That's what happened to me.

I just kind of all of sudden found myself there and I was like, how do I even get here?

I think you just don't realize that all of those things compounding just becomes what you


And that comfort zone is something that I think salon owners deal with more than a lot of
other industries.

I don't understand it.

I don't think I ever will.

But you and I both know because we've been there.

What's one piece of advice that you would give to someone who is afraid to step out of
their comfort zone and actually make a change?

I mean, honestly, you just have to start doing it and you just have to start trying to get
out of that space because you don't know what it's like until you do.

And I think if you just stay there and you don't take that leap, you don't take that
chance, you don't move forward, you will be stuck there forever and who knows where that

will end up.

Yeah, I think when I finally got to the point in my life and in my business where I had no
choice but to make a change, I was at a really, really low point, like super low.

I knew that there was absolutely no way I could get out of the mess that I had made alone.

It wasn't possible.

And so for me, I started looking for help.

I researched a ton of different coaching programs.

Now I need to preface this by saying this was over a decade ago.

So it wasn't like it is now where there's a million of them out there.

But I then decided to take action and I went all in.

I invested in myself and in my business.

You know me, I am not the kind of person that does anything small.

In fact, I think the first investment that I made in myself and in my business, it cost me
about $10,000.

I always say go big or go home, right?

Like that's just how it is.

I do want to say this really, really loud for the people in the back.

as fellow salon owners.

Chandra and I, we know when you hear the word investment in the way that we're talking
about it today, we know exactly what you're thinking.

Like we feel you.

It is so hard to know how to invest in yourself as an owner and in your business because
it seems like in today's world, and you and I talk about this Chandra, anyone and everyone

is a salon owner turned coach.

And they all promise.

They know exactly how to do everything and they have the answers for all of it, literally
all of it.

But because we are salon business coaches, I think we can honestly say that it is a
problem in our industry.

It really is.

There are a lot of smoke and mirrors out there.

I fell for a few of them.

I know you fell for a few of them.

And because of that, I think there are several key things.

that both of us learned that we can share with people that are looking for, you know, a
business coach or a mentor.

And that's definitely something that I want to talk about, but we're going to get to that
in a second.

We're going to get to that in just a second.

Because we've been through this, I think a lot of people are probably thinking the way
that our brains would.

What if I invest in it doesn't work?

What if I can't afford to do it right now?

We've been there.

Trust us.

We have been there.

But let me ask you this, can you afford to stay stuck where you are?

Because staying in that survival mode, that has a cost.

It has a cost as well.

And it is one that impacts so much, your health, your relationships, your business, your
person, everything.

Sometimes the biggest risk that you can take is not taking a risk at all.

What would you say about that, Chandra, about not taking a risk at all?

I think it's detrimental for sure.

I always think of one thing that comes to mind is kind of funny when I was listening to a
comedian one day and he was talking about something else, but I related it to this.

And it's like, if you stay in that, it's like putting all your money in asbestos.

Like it's going to go bad.

It's not going to go good.

It's, you're wasting all that time.

So it's like taking and putting all of your energy, your money, your time into a bad


And I just remember that always sticks in my head cause I'm like, that

That's so stupid, but that just makes so much sense.

Cause when you're going down that bad path, you're wasting money anyways.

You're wasting your time anyways.

So I think taking that chance on something that's going to maybe get you out of that and
actually get you a return on your investment, your time, your money, your energy and


I think that's the biggest thing.

So, I mean, that's kind of how I always look at it is like, if you don't take the chance,
just throw your money out the window.

Like, go for it, you know, waste all your time.

That's actually a really good analogy.

I can't say that I've ever heard it, but it makes 100 % sense to me and my crazy brain
that I live with on a daily basis.

I kind of like that.

I think before we get into the characteristics and the qualities that people need to look
for in coaching, I want to talk about just a few of the habits that can keep people really

stuck in that state of survival mode.

Now, we don't have time to go through all of them.

There is no way in hell.

Like we just can't do it, right?

Never going to happen.

But I think the number one reason is that that chaos just feels familiar.

I really think that's the biggest thing.

It becomes a part of our identity as salon owners.

We wear being busy like it's a badge of honor because it feels like proof that we're
working hard.

But in reality, it's so important to understand that being busy and being effective

are two very, very different things.

And if we want to move forward, we have to look at some of those habits and routines that
are kind of blocking our view, holding us back, whatever they're doing.

Some of the ones that I came up with, and I'd like to see what you think are like
micromanaging every detail because you don't trust your team.

Maybe you avoid tough conversations because conflict feels uncomfortable.

Maybe you are the person that just says yes to everything.

last minute clients, employee requests, anything, right?

Because you are afraid of missing out possibly or disappointing people.

Maybe you stay stuck in that service provision role because you think your passion for
doing hair or skin or nails or whatever it is, it's going to fade if you focus strictly on

the business.

What are some of the things that you can think of, Chandra?

I think one of it is time.

Like we think, we don't have time to deal with this stuff.

I don't have time for this.

I'm too busy.

I don't have time to make systems or invest in my business.

And I think, I mean, everything that you just said, I think is, is really exactly true.

Like you just, that's familiar.

That's where you are.

And that's what you just keep creating for yourself.

you doing the other is going to take a whole, it's like a whole nother job for awhile.

And so a lot of people don't want to take that leap to having to put in that effort.

They're too busy already.

what we have to understand is those habits, they don't serve you at all.

They're keeping you in this reactive state when you're constantly scrambling to keep up.

It's just that reactive state.

It's going to make you exhausted.

It's going to make you overwhelmed.

It's going to hinder your growth, the growth of your business, the growth of your team.

As salon owners, we have to get in the space where we are making intentional decisions
because that

is what is going to move you and your business forward.

The good news is once you recognize these patterns, you can actually start to change them.

I know for me, Chandra, I was a doer.

Like I literally did everything and my business depended on me 100%.

So I had to start with just simple little acts of like delegation.

But before I could ever do that, I had to realize that by doing everything myself, I
wasn't just overloading my own plate.

I was really teaching my team that they were to rely on me for every little thing.

And in doing that, there was no way I was ever going to be able to focus on growing my
business, growing my team, growing my revenue, growing my profitability.

When I finally let go, when I finally started trusting my amazing team, I then freed up
space that I needed to focus on the things that I needed to focus on as a salon owner.


Moving that needle forward in my business, building that dream team, increasing revenue
and profitability, just growing my business in every single way that I could.

What is one of the first steps that you took for yourself when you started realizing your
bad habits and your bad routines?

For me, think the biggest thing was kind of limiting my chair time, stopping doing so many
services because I think I was so concerned with keeping the revenue up because I was the

top producer that I was afraid I'm going to pull away and everything's going to crumble.

If I go put my effort into these people who aren't doing their job anyways, then I'm going
to end up in a bad spot.

And so I think just taking that leap and cutting that out and really focusing on

the things I needed to focus on were what get the needle moving forward.


And it's important to note that breaking free from these habits, these routines, it is not
going to happen overnight.

And it's important to understand that that's okay.

Anybody, I don't care who they are, that tells you differently, they are not being honest
with you.

But you have to take the first step.

You have to start small.

Make sure that you are setting some boundaries.

Make sure that you're putting a few systems in place that will allow your business to run
without you.

Most importantly,

Take the time to step back and think about what kind of business and what kind of life you
actually want to build from the moment you start taking action.

What habits do you find?

Because we work with salon owners all over the nation.

What habits do you find that keep salon owners trapped in chaos most often?

What are the most, you know, generic ones that you see?

is that doer kind of mentality where they just keep wanting to do everything.

I'll handle everything.

I'll do it myself.

I don't have time to deal with giving it to someone else.

And I think those habits of just, I'm always just going to do this.

You become the person in charge and you become the person to do it.

And that becomes like, I think your biggest habit, but also your biggest hindrance because
then you can't, you can't do any of the things you need to do because you're busy, too

busy with all these other things.

really going to matter at the end of the day.

How do you help people identify which habits are kind of holding them back versus ones
that are helping them move forward?

I think really looking at what they're spending their time doing and really getting into
how does their day go?

What are they actually doing in their day?

And what things are benefiting the business?

What things don't matter?

Because we spend a lot of time on things that don't matter.

And so I think that's one of the ways that I'll kind of help them sort of even realize
that themselves once they start really looking into how they're managing their time, what

they're doing in their business besides just being a service provider.

and then they start to realize, I didn't even realize I needed to be doing these other

And so, and that's what happened to me too.

I'm like, yeah, I know I should do this, but nah, I don't have time.

I'm gonna go book myself all day long.

That's easy.

I think we've all been there, right?

Once again, we put ourselves back in that space of comfortability, that comfort level that
just is where we feel good.

So now that we've talked about what a few of the habits kind of look like that may be
holding people back, I wanna talk about what it really takes to move forward.

And this is a spoiler alert.

The journey is not easy, but I promise you the reward is worth it.

When you decide to invest in yourself and in your business,

You have to understand it is going to take work.

In fact, it's going to take a lot of work.

And more importantly, you have to commit to doing the work.

There is no freaking magic wand that you can just wave that's just going to fix everything
by saying abracadabra.

Never going to happen, right?

The transformation happens because you actually put in the work.

If I'm being honest,

I feel like this is an area, Chandra, where so many coaching programs actually fall short.

They'll give people the work, but then they just send people on their way to try to figure
everything out on their own, or they'll give them just enough information so that they

have to depend on that coaching program forever.

In my opinion, it's not right and it's not okay.

How do you feel about that?

for sure.

I exactly the same.

I've seen that I've been in that.

And it, the whole point is for you to learn how to be a business owner and how to actually
manage a successful business and grow a successful business.

And if you're in some type of coaching program or with a mentor or something that is not
actually training you to be that person, then

You're not going to get there.

You'll do it.

You'll spend the money.

You'll put the things in place, but then you don't know what to do with them after the end
of the day and they all end up falling by the wayside and you find yourself right back in

the same spot again.


And I think that's why we created the Beauty Biz agency to be different.

You know, I've had my share of struggles with programs in the past.

You have as well.

So I think when, when I finally kind of cracked the code, I got my salon running on
autopilot, I was generating an insane amount of revenue.

became over 30 % profitable and completely was able to step out from behind the chair.

I knew that I had to share it with other commission salon owners, got you where you needed
to be.

And we created this amazing thing.

And at the Beauty Biz agency, we don't just hand people the work, we help them through it.

We guide them, we support them, we hold them accountable every step of the way.

We teach them how to do things so that they can revise and adjust as their life and as
their businesses evolve.

Here's one thing that Chandra and I can promise you.

If you are working with the Beauty Biz agency, if you commit to doing the work, you will
100 % see the results.

As you go through our program, you gradually see an increase in revenue and profitability.

You are going to see that you have more work-life balance.

You are going to see your team buying in more to your vision and believing in what you're

You are going to have a clear plan to exit that service provision role.

You'll also have a business that's profitable, sustainable, and ready to scale.

Chandra, why do you think people underestimate the amount of work that it takes to truly
transform their business?

I think that, you know, we just don't know what to do.

And I think when we set it up and we end up in this bad space where everything's kind of
running in chaos mode, to get that back on track, it takes almost extra work, right?

Like, it's like, you have to put so much effort in.

And I think we think it's going to be easy or I just do this one couple things, these few
things, and all of a sudden everything's going to run like it's supposed to.

And I think we just underestimate how much work it is.

to set it up, but once you get it all in place, then the work becomes very minimal.

But you have to get through that first phase of basically recreating your entire business.

And that's not gonna happen overnight.

And so I think we just underestimate how much effort is required to do that.


How can salon owners kind of shift their mindset to embrace the work rather than fear it?

Because I think that's what keeps a lot of us from doing it is that we are terrified.

And so how can they kind of shift that mindset to be like, give it to me, I want it all
because I know the reward is going to be worth it in the end.

think you have to shift your mindset to be a business owner.

And I think that's the biggest hiccup in our industry is we have this like, I'm a
hairstylist, I'm a pro at this and I have a salon.

Instead you have to be a business owner of your salon.

Yeah, you could maybe still like doing hair, but I think that's the biggest mindset shift.

Once you start realizing you have a business, you're growing a business, that is what your
end goal is, then you start wanting to do that.

Like I found myself getting excited about putting these things in place and creating these
processes once I started going through it.

And I shifted my mindset from just being a salon, a stylist in a salon owner to actually
like, have an actual business.

Like it's a very different kind of, have to wear a very different hat for that.

And I think that's, that's the biggest mindset shift that I feel like a lot of people,
especially the members coming in, like they're like, I could do this, but this is scary

because it's different and it's hard.

but you have to step yourself into the ownership role.

I agree with that 100%.

I think that's why we say a lot of the times from chair to CEO, because regardless of what
you're doing, if you are a business owner, you are a CEO and you have to start thinking

like one.

Okay, so I know what some people out there are probably thinking.

How do they know who to trust, especially with me kind of mentioning that many programs
fall short in certain areas and

Trust us when we say we know how overwhelming it can be with so many coaches and so many
coaching programs out there.

So I want to give our listeners a few key things that they should look for that I honestly
wish someone would have shared with me when I was looking for coaching.

So these are in no particular order because they are all very, very important.

But the first one is proven results.

Does the coach, does the program have a track record for helping

salon owners like you achieve real success.

You want to look for reviews, you want to look for testimonials, you want to be looking
for all of those things.

Next is support and accountability.

Do they provide ongoing guidance and do they hold you accountable or are they just giving
you the list like Chandra said earlier and sending you on your way?

You want to look for the amount of one-on-one time and small group time that they are
going to spend with you on a monthly basis.

Sometimes I just think these programs get too big, too fast, and it doesn't allow you or
the person looking to get the one-on-one attention that you need and that you deserve.

Next, I would say alignment with your goals.

Does their approach align with your vision and your values?

Your vision is important and you have to keep that intact.

Very important.

You want to keep that intact as you are implementing these new strategies and these new
things in your studio.

And then last, I have real world experience.

Have they been where you are?

Do they understand the unique challenges of running a commission salon?

Have they actually ran a commission salon?

Have they been able to grow their business?

Have they been able to get out from behind the chair?

Those things are important.

What would you add to that, Chandra?

think kind of like just straightforward honesty.

Like, are they really being honest with you about what it's going to take to get to your
end result?

Are they just trying to give you a sales pitch and telling you, you're going to be this
and that and whatever, but are they really giving you the nitty gritty?

Like, this is really what you're going to have to do to get through this.

And this is really what you're going to have to do to reach these goals.

We're here to partner with you and help you with that.

But are they really going to do that?

Like, are they just giving you fluff?

Or are they giving you just sort of that like hard and true, this is what's going to take,
this is what you got to do, kind of just that honest conversation.

And I feel like a lot of things end up in a sales pitch.

Like it's just kind of like pie in the sky and this and that and whatever, but are they
really sitting down with you and getting really honest about what this journey is going to

look like for you?


I mean, choosing the right coach, can be a game changer.

It will be a game changer.

So you have to take your time.

You have to make sure that the program or the coach that you choose, that they align with
your vision, they align with your goals, and you have to make sure that they are going to

teach you what you need to know so that two years from now, you can handle anything that
your business throws at you.

With so many of these options out there, Chandra, what is one red flag?

salon owners should kind of watch out for when they are looking at working with a program.

red flag.

think kind of just what are they telling you in the beginning?

Like how are they painting the picture?

And so I think if somebody's telling you, you you're going to make all this money and
you're going to be this and that and whatever like in a month or two months or something

like that, I think that's a big red flag.

And I also think how are they charging you too?

Like how does that price structure work for you?

Are they demanding tons and tons of money upfront?

or are they working with you a little bit to make sure that they can help you?

Because if they're gonna work with you, then I feel like that's a big, somebody that
really wants to be part of your journey and not somebody who's just trying to sell you

some random thing.

So for me, that's a big red flag when somebody is just kind of painting this picture that
just seems so unbelievably true and it's not.

Yeah, that pay me six grand upfront, pay me 10 grand upfront, pay me 20 grand upfront.

That's not always the best thing to do, especially if you don't know who you're working

How has working with the right mentor or the right coach made a difference in your
business, Chandra?

Well, it completely transformed my business.

And I've done lots of things over the years and, know, bits and pieces of those things

But I think really finding the right partner is what really pushed us to that next level.

Finding the program that felt like a good fit, like something that I'm like, you know
what, this feels like my business.

This feels like how I want my business to run.

all different to some degree, and you have to find that one that fits you.

And that's what really

Rocketed our success when it came to putting these things in place because they were
things that I felt like comfortable with these are things that I want to have in my

business instead of pushing me into something that I didn't really align with myself and
that Transformed we became profitable.

We you know, I got out from behind the chair I have a rock-solid culture rock-solid team
like literally everything Changed by finding that right partnership

Yeah, that's so very important.

And I know one of the or a few of the things that we talk about quite often together is
things that kind of baffle us is, you know, we have members in our program that have spent

tens of thousands of dollars with some really big coaching programs out there.

They gained some valuable information, don't get me wrong, but within two months of being
in our program, they have accomplished more than they did in two years with other


So you have to make sure that you are actually seeing

tangible results.

Nothing's going to happen overnight, but you should be seeing success.

It may not be in revenue.

It may not be in profitability.

It may be in other areas, but you should be seeing things.

Another thing that I want people to kind of be aware of, and this is just from my
perspective, there are a lot of times when I am on Facebook or I'll get messages and I see

people that have been in other programs, they're constantly asking for help in Facebook

Our members don't do that.

Our BBA members don't do that because if they have questions, if they need help, they come
straight to the source.

We get them the answers that they need so they can get right back to working on growing
their business because that's what they're paying for.

That's what they deserve.

And so I think those are things that you really need to pay attention to as well.

If you're out there looking or thinking about mentorship, here's the thing.

If you are listening to this right now, if you are feeling stuck, if you feel like you are
in survival mode, if you are spinning your wheels,

If you are not making progress, it's time to make a change.

Why keep going in the same direction when it isn't working?

Chandra, give our listeners one last word of encouragement or a few final words of wisdom

Well, let's see.

So I would definitely say, you know, that definition of insanity, right?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

That will make you insane for sure.

Done that plenty of times.

So I think you've got to think about that when you are trying to decide about taking this
leap and moving forward into something different than what you keep doing over and over


And I think just look into it, make the investment.

take your time and look into what's gonna be a good fit for you because if you wanna
actually get out of the rut, which I can tell you, it's much better to be out of the rut

than in the rut.

And it doesn't have to be this way for sure.

So definitely reach out to us or reach out to start looking.

I mean, there's a ton out there like Bree said, it doesn't mean that we're necessarily the
best fit, but look for the fit for you.

Look for who you want to partner with to.

Get yourself moving and start getting your life back.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

I think you have to decide that you are worth investing in.

You have to decide that your business is worth investing in.

You have to decide that your future is worth investing in.

And the moment that you take that leap, everything changes.

You are going to start to see possibilities like you never saw before.

You are going to be able to build the business and the life that you have always, always
dreamed of

With that being said guys, that's a wrap.

If you are ready to take the leap and invest in yourself and in your business, head over
to our website at www.thebeautybizagency.com.

We've got the tools, resources and coaching programs to help you transform not only your
salon, but your life.

Thank you so much for joining us today.

If you enjoyed this episode, please like, share and subscribe.

Follow us on all social media platforms.

Chandra, how do they do that?

Yep, reach out to us at @thebeautybizagency on Instagram or Facebook, and you can also
shoot us an email at admin@ thebeautybizagency.com.


And remember, your business deserves to thrive.

Your team deserves strong leadership and you deserve the freedom, success and financial
rewards that you have been working so hard for.

So go out there, make bank, run the show, ditch that chair.

Until next time, keep slaying those business goals with a whole lot of swagger.

"How to Escape the Salon Owner Chaos Cycle—For Good"
Broadcast by