"Feel Like You’re Drowning in Your Salon? This Is How to Get to CEO Status"

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Brie Holt (00:01.247)
Hey guys, welcome back to Salon Swagger, the podcast where we talk about all the real issues that commission salon and spa owners face. I'm Brie and as always, I am joined by the amazing Chandra C Hey girl, what's up?

Chandra (00:12.482)

Brie Holt (00:15.662)
How's your day?

Chandra (00:17.054)
It's going good.

Brie Holt (00:21.171)
Sweet. Well, for those of you listening right now, if you have ever felt like you were on the struggle bus of salon and spa ownership, then this episode is for you. Because today we're tackling some of the biggest most common struggles that we hear from salon and spa owners all over the world. And the one word that might just be the answer to getting you off of that struggle bus for good. So if any of this resonates with you, just know you are far from alone. Everybody's felt this way.

With that being said, I think we should just get right into it. So here's a few of the top challenges that Chandra and I seem to hear over and over and over again, as we are, or I guess top complaints really, as we are working with salon and spa owners. They say, I have no idea where to start. The market's oversaturated. How am I ever going to stand out? I need to hire talented people, but I just can't find them. I don't know how to bring in new clients and I don't know how to keep them coming back. I don't.

know if I'm ever going to be able to do this is probably one of the biggest ones. I'm exhausted and overwhelmed and can't seem to get organized. I can't seem to get ahead financially. No matter what I do, there is never enough money. I have worked endless hours, yet at the end of the month, I have zero profitability. Even worse, I barely pay myself anything. Guys, these are powerful, powerful words and thoughts and they can be

downright paralyzing really, and they can keep you feeling drained and keep you feeling stuck rather than motivated to move forward and actually grow your business. So what's the fix? When you're feeling stuck, when you're feeling drained, when you feel like there is absolutely no hope, what's the answer? Well, you're gonna think I'm crazy, but there is one word that can be the absolute game changer for your business and for your life. And...

push it in the direction of a very, very positive thing. And that word or the answer is strategy. Yes, it is truly one word and it is strategy. Every single struggle that I have faced, Chandra, or that I have seen actual other salon and spa owners face, or even business owners comes down to either having or not having a strong, well thought out business strategy. It's that simple.

Brie Holt (02:45.151)
Before you can make a decision, before you can make an investment or before you can make a move in your business, you have to have a clear strategy. That's all there is to it. Strategy is really, I guess you could say the foundation for every single decision you make, every single step you take really. Strategy is so very important. We knew

that it was something that we had to talk about because I feel like it is missing with so many salon and spa owners that we talked to. Would you say that this is a common occurrence?

Chandra (03:18.656)
absolutely, almost everyone all the time.

Brie Holt (03:22.995)
And it's so funny because it's a simple word. It's a simple word, but it can actually change everything. And I think people hear the word strategy so much, they just kind of roll their eyes or they're like, but I have one right. When in reality, as we start digging, we find out that they don't. And I was one of those people for a very, very long time.

Chandra (03:44.534)
Yeah, me too.

Brie Holt (03:47.155)
I think it's important that we are always honest with all of you out there listening because we have been through all of these roadblocks and challenges and humps and tears and failures and twists and turns and all of those things. And so it's important for us to share our struggles with you so that you hopefully don't repeat our mistakes or at least you know, you're not alone. I would say probably 80 % of salon and spa owners don't have a business strategy at all.

It's probably a little bit higher than that, but I'm going to say 80 % just to be on the safe side. I hate to say it, but it's absolutely true. Now, is this because they don't care? Absolutely not, right? Of course not. The main reason that they don't have that strategy is because cosmetology school, it doesn't teach you the business side of things. And strategy is all business. It's what it is. I know I sure didn't get that.

business education and Cosmo school, and neither did the thousands of salon and spa owners that I've worked with over the six plus years. What about you, Chandra?

Chandra (04:53.012)
No, not at all.

Brie Holt (04:55.345)
Nothing, right? Nothing, not a drip, not an ounce, nothing. Literally everything I know about running a business, it came from real life, hands-on experience from either owning other businesses or owning my salon, or it came from endless research and books and courses and truthfully, really just failing a ton until I finally figured things out. That's kind of how my

experience was, what would you say yours was?

Chandra (05:26.27)
very similar. feel like mine, really, lots of failures, trying everything, running in every direction I thought was gonna work and lots of books, courses, same thing, mentors, like finally finding good mentors, which helped me a ton. But yeah, the struggle is definitely real as far as that goes.

Brie Holt (05:46.747)
struggle bus, right? The fact is over 70 % of commission salon and spa owners took the leap and decided to open their businesses because they wanted to either leave a toxic environment or they wanted to be in a place where there were no rules or they could make their own rules. Those are the two common things that we hear all the time. And I don't want people to think that those aren't valid reasons to open up their own business or their own studio.

Because they may be, but the issue is, is that they are emotional reasons, deeply, deeply emotional. And the truth is emotional decisions. They normally do not build a solid foundation for long-term business success. And so you start out from the get-go at a very, very bad point. And that is never going to be a good thing when you're looking into business. So.

How does strategy change things and what does strategy actually mean for your salon or spa? I want to dive into four building blocks that define how strategy can help you create a salon or spa that's not only organized, but actually respected and profitable. Now, before we get into the details, Chandra, is there one key piece of strategy that you feel every salon or spa owner needs to focus on and what would that be?

Chandra (07:15.091)
The biggest thing, I mean, there's lots of different strategies to put into play, right? But for me, I think one of the biggest turning points for that was really career pathing and focusing on my team strategy more than anything.

Brie Holt (07:28.543)
Why do you feel that that was such a game changer for you and your business when you focused on that specific strategy?

Chandra (07:35.67)
I, because before I would just kind of run around like thinking, it's all about revenue. It's all about sales. It's all about these different things and trying to pull these numbers into play and not realizing that all of those things come together. When I focused on what I was doing with my team, like what that strategy looked like for them. And so that really changed everything for us when we really kind of dove in and we're just like, all right, this, the only way this is going to change is if I get a handle on what's happening with my team.

So that was those career paths that I think for us was a huge game changer, a big strategy changer for us.

Brie Holt (08:14.463)
Yeah, I think that's awesome. And we're going to talk about team just a little bit. But I think these four building blocks are going to be really, really important. So if you are out there, if you have a pen and paper, start writing this stuff down because it can change your life. I'm telling you, it can do it. So building block number one is going to be authority as a leader and as a brand. Authority is more than just being in charge. It's more than just having a title.

It is about creating a reputation that actually speaks for itself. And it draws in clients and employees who genuinely respect your brand and more importantly, the standards that you've set. So are you struggling to be taken seriously? Do you find yourself attracting clients or maybe even team members who don't fully value your time, your policies, maybe even your vision? I've been there myself many, many times.

I remember feeling like I had to constantly prove my worth, bending to meet others' expectations, whether that was clients, whether it was team members, I don't care who it was, or even just trying to keep up with industry standards at times. It can be absolutely exhausting. Well, here's where strategy comes in. A strong, well-aligned strategy is going to help you establish your authority, but it helps you do it authentically. It's not about forcing respect.

It is about creating an environment where respect naturally flows. When your strategy is solid, you are able to do a couple of things. You are going to attract the right people and repel the wrong ones. It's kind of like that off bug spray, right? You put it all over you and you're getting rid of or repelling those mosquitoes, those gnats, whatever it is. That's exactly what it does. When you lean in,

to your authority. isn't about trying to please everybody. It's not about that. It's about building relationships with those who truly, truly connect with your brand. It also is going to help you play to your strengths. So when you lean into what makes your brand unique, you naturally position yourself as the go-to expert in your space. And having that strategic foundation for your brand is going to build a reputation that's not just respected, but it is sought after.

Brie Holt (10:36.799)
I'm telling you, even people that do not come into your studio will be talking about it. You're not out there trying to convince people of your value. You are confidently showing up and people are going to notice that. This level of authority can be extremely powerful. It's what makes your brand stand out and it's what makes it desirable to the right clients. Okay, Chandra, that brings me to a question. What's one key move that you've made that really helped you

establish your brand as an authority in the industry and how did it change the way that your clients started viewing your business?

Chandra (11:15.424)
We really tried to bring that presence to our social media, which I think is huge right now because people can find you from all over that way. And so what we did was we started to show who we are on social media. We really tried to put that out there. Not only are we experts in our skill levels, We do hair. not only are we showcasing that all the time, but we're bringing our mission and our team and everything that we're about as a company.

into our social media posts and into the things that we do. And that amped up our authority in the industry a lot. Like we started to see that other salons and spas were following us, wanting to see what we were doing, wanted to kind of know what we were doing. And then clients too, like people would start following us for tips and tricks and just wanting to see certain team members on there, like they're celebrities. And so I think really, you know, bringing that to our space and putting our authority like out there into

world, people just really started to trust us and wanted to be a part of what we were doing.

Brie Holt (12:19.253)
I love that. think that's amazing. I, it's awesome. All right. Building block number two is going to be organization. So let's talk about it because without it running a business, can feel like trying to hold water in your hands. Like it's just not possible. Do you guys feel like you just can't get organized? No matter what you try, no matter what you do, like everything is a juggling act and no matter how hard you work, it's just so hard to keep it all together.

This feeling is way more common than you think and it is or it can be completely overwhelming because I remember feeling that way. And this is where strategy comes in. A well thought out strategy, it's really like the backbone of your organization. It's going to help you prioritize your decisions. It's going to help you structure your time and it's going to make intentional moves that are going to propel you towards success.

One approach that I love and I stand by is the heck yes or heck no rule. If you are not 100 % certain about something, then it has to be a no. This is really, really hard for people, but I'm telling you, even you, Chandra, when you can get this down, right, it changes everything. This simple guideline cuts down on overwhelm and it keeps you from over committing yourself.

And that is a huge, huge problem for salon and spa owners. When you have this type of strategy as your foundation, organization is just going to become second nature. You're able to make aligned choices at every single level, selecting the right services, the right products, the right systems, the right team members, the right marketing approaches, the right branding elements, and so much more. So instead of spreading that energy so thin, like all of us tend to do,

you are building momentum in a single focused direction. How good would that feel? Like that would feel so good. bet to a lot of you out there strategy driven organization. It doesn't just really put things in order. It brings clarity and it brings a sense of control. And there is nothing better than being or feeling like you are actually in control of your life and your business. lets you move forward.

Brie Holt (14:41.225)
without constantly feeling like you're one step away from chaos. How many of you guys feel like that? You feel like you're a freaking firefighter every single day. Chandra, I'd love your insight on this. What's one strategic shift that you made that helped you get organized in your business and how did it impact your day-to-day operations?

Chandra (15:02.37)
Kind of similar to what you were saying. Like I just cut everything out that it was not serving us or serving me. And it's amazing how quickly that can get out of hand. Like even just going through banking transactions, I was like, why do we have so much stuff? This is so much stuff for me to keep track of. And then you feel like you're just running around like a crazy person and you don't really have any direction. And so I really started just, we don't need all these services. We don't need all these specific things. We don't need necessarily so many processes for things and just

cutting out everything that wasn't serving us and simplifying what we're doing and our processes. And that was huge because not only was I less stressed, the team was less stressed and I felt like things actually were getting done and accomplished instead of this over here and this and things never actually getting finished. yeah, just cut it out.

Brie Holt (15:53.535)
Yeah. And this, that's something that we notice all the time when we are coaching salon and spa owners, right? Is they always want to do more and more and more and more and more and more instead of really, really solidifying what they stand for, who they are, what they're really, really good at and kind of taking off with that first. I would rather see salons and spas offer very, very minimal services in the beginning and then add as they go as opposed to trying to cater to anyone.

everyone and do everything. It really does make a difference and it can be the make or break point in your business if you're not careful. So organization, very, very important. Building block number three is going to be what I like to call financial momentum. Some people will say profitability. So do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work, whether cranking out services or on the business side of things, you just are never going to get ahead?

You just can't get ahead. Like you're always 10 steps behind constantly playing that game of what's that game where you're like hitting that thing at the arcade whack-a-mole with your money, right? You're playing whack-a-mole with your money. This is a huge and common pain point and it can feel not only overwhelming like the others, but frustrating. Very, very frustrating. This is why strategy is so critical once again.

Chandra (17:01.932)

Brie Holt (17:18.665)
Because a well-defined strategy is going to help you make financially sound choices, guiding you toward the true financial momentum that you need. Instead of just hoping that you're going to get ahead, you are going to actually create a path to actually get ahead and not only do that, but stay ahead. Strategy, it really allows you to allocate resources effectively. One of the most important responsibilities of any business owner, right, is allocating those resources effectively.

Chandra is so good at coaching on this. In an industry where emotional spending is so, common, strategy is going to help you avoid those impulse decisions and focus on what really, really supports your goals. So when you have a strategy in place, you're going to start understanding your cashflow, defining your job roles clearly, and budgeting realistically for all of your spending and your payroll, because payroll is a huge issue.

that people don't budget for. It kind of blows my mind, but I remember being there at one point in time. I had to actually think back on this when I was looking at this episode and I was like, Brie, you were there. Like you were there once too. And so you got to just, you know, remember those times. In short strategy, it's going to keep you on track financially, helping you not only reach your goals, but maintain that progress in a way that feels sustainable. And once again, in

control. For you, Chandra what would you say is one of the key strategies that you have in place for profitability or financial momentum?

Chandra (18:58.144)
Definitely budgeting, having a set budget and sticking to the budget. It's so easy. Like you have your distributors, your manufacturers come in and are like, Hey, buy this big package and you get all this free stuff or you want to try all this marketing stuff because you get desperate and you spend all this money on marketing or you do all these things. And at the end of the day, it just eats up all your profitability. So really having that strategic budget that is like, this is exactly what I have to spend and this is what I'm going to stick to.

And at the end of the day, it didn't matter if I bought all these extra things or tried all these other things. But now actually I have money left over where before I wouldn't have had any money left over and I still would have just wasted it on things that didn't matter. So, yep.

Brie Holt (19:39.915)
Absolutely. that that emotional spending, something that we found even when I was coaching you, something that we found was, you know, you were you were purchasing all of this stuff and doing all of this, but it wasn't benefiting you. You weren't ever going to see that return on that. And so it allowed us to kind of have a cushion and it allowed us to take time away from all of that new stuff and really focus on the old stuff that was actually causing the issue. Right.

I know for me and my business, was something because the new is always shiny. It's that shiny object syndrome where you're like looking around and so excited, but that does not give you the time that you need to focus on the old. And the old is the most important, that client journey, that client experience, your, you know, pre-booking percentages, all of those things are so much more important. We all just run to marketing or run to the new and shiny thing.

instead of really focusing on where we need to focus. Okay, building block number four is what I call purpose. You may call it direction. So let's talk about that really, really quickly. Do you ever feel like you're stuck on this hamster wheel or just spinning endlessly wondering if you're ever really going to make progress? I've been there and I know how draining that can feel. That was probably one of the things that drained me the most.

I felt like I was like this top just spinning and spinning and spinning, and it was never going to end. Strategy makes all the difference here. A solid strategy, it is your North Star. That's exactly what it is. It's your guiding light that keeps you moving, but you're moving with purpose. With a strategy to reference, you are going to gain clarity on where to start, which path to take, and how to keep advancing without the constant worry

of going in circles because that's one thing that we notice far too often in this industry. A strong strategy is going to reduce that feeling of being stuck, giving you that clear sense of direction. Instead of just spinning those wheels over and over, you're going to be moving forward and confidently moving forward, knowing that you're on the right track. So Chandra, I'm curious, was there a moment when you felt like your strategy became the North Star for your business?

Brie Holt (21:59.765)
giving you the direction that you needed to make progress.

Chandra (22:04.482)
Yeah, I think it was really just deciding and defining exactly what it was that I wanted from my business, what my plans were, and then kind of designing that strategy around how I was going to get there because I was spending spending so much time on that hamster wheel and you get used to it where you kind of are like, this is my life. I'm just used to it. So you think you're fine. You feel fine. You might be drained. You might be tired, but you just keep going in that same direction because you think that's where you're going to end up at the end is where your, goals are.

you're not usually going to get there that way. And so for me, that really defining moment was just kind of like, okay, I'm not going to do this anymore. So what is my, what is my main plan here? And then just figuring out what are the things that serve the plan and what are the things that don't? And then just kind of changing the way I was doing things from there. And that's how I got out from behind the chair and got off the hamster wheel.

Brie Holt (22:56.595)
It's and you did, you did it, you did it very, very well. And we did it very, very quick. One of the things that I've noticed and I know you and I have discussed this quite a bit is it's almost like a lot of commission salon and spa owners, they find comfort in that chaos. It's the normal for them. So it's almost like they're scared to get rid of it or scared to get out of it. And I wish that they could just see the other side of things, right? They could just.

see how much better life can be and that they can actually have a life. But I guess it's just that comfortability of not making changes and not making steps and just wanting that chaos to be around them at all times. It's very, very interesting.

Okay, so we covered the four building blocks. We've got organization, we've got purpose, we've got financial momentum, and we've got authority. These are just some of the main ways that having a solid strategy can shape your business for the better. knowing how strategy helps is powerful, but to really fully understand it, we need to look at what strategy actually is. And the simplest way that I could think to put it was strategy is your roadmap.

That's the easiest way and everybody will understand. It's the plan that includes all of your goals, the actions that you're going to take and the path that you are going to follow to reach them. It pulls together everything, your strengths, your team, the services you offer, the products that you sell, and it pulls them all into one clear direction. Strategy, it may seem simple to understand for some people. It may seem simple to create to some people, but

I can tell you right now where most salon and spa owners hit a wall is in the implementation phase. This is where things get real and where the majority of people get stuck. It's really, really sad, but it happens all the time. Implementing strategy takes, it takes a consistent effort and it can be a very, very challenging transition. I don't want anyone to think that it's easy because it's not.

Brie Holt (25:09.119)
But here's the beauty of it. When you're running your business in alignment with a solid business strategy, things are going to start falling into place. The day to day is going to get clearer. The big picture decisions, they get much easier and you're no longer feeling like you are managing that chaos or living in that chaos. So now that we have a clearer picture of what strategy is, I want to walk

everybody through Chandra, the 10 key areas that they need to focus on to fully define their strategy. There's no better way to do it. We can sit here and tell them what it is all day, what it's going to help all day, but if they don't know how to do it, then what good are we doing? And yes, I know this is a lot of information and you're going to get bombarded in just a second, but these are these areas, they are essential for creating the framework that is going to support your business's growth.

So to make it easier, we have created a free resource. It is on our website. So you can kind of map out your own strategy, whether you are starting from scratch or you maybe just want to refine and elevate what you already have. This resource has everything you need to build a strong foundation. Chandra, tell them where they can find that on our website.

Chandra (26:26.774)
Yeah, you can just go to the beauty biz agency.com and you will see resources on the top of the menu and you can just click on that and then you can find that in there and there's tons of stuff in there. But this one I think is going to be extremely helpful for you guys, especially if you're in that stuck place right

Brie Holt (26:47.275)
Absolutely. And what better time like we're coming to the beginning of a new year, right? We know things kind of slow down January, February, just a little bit. And so what better time to actually create your strategy or redefine it. And this is something that needs to be redefined quite frequently. Everything in your business needs to be redefined. Your why is going to change. We've talked about that. Your strategy is going to change. And so it's really, really important.

All right, let's jump into the 10 aspects where strategy can be a game changer for your business. Aspect number one, no shocker. It's going to be your mission statement, your vision statement, and your core values. So let's start with these first essential elements. these three components, feel, I don't know, I guess I would say they're the heartbeat of your business. They guide every single decision that you make.

and they form the foundation for the brand and for the culture that you're wanting to build. So to break it down, your vision statement is going to focus on tomorrow. Just think vision, right? Tomorrow. It's your big picture, defining what your business ultimately wants to become. Your mission statement, it's all about today. It reflects what your business is currently doing to bring that vision closer. So simply put, vision is future focused.

Mission is present focused. Very, very easy. These two statements, they have to work hand in hand as your business is driving forces, helping you make choices that lead you towards those long-term goals. Every single decision, guys, listen to me loud and clear, every single one, big or small, they have to align with your mission and your vision. This is going to create consistency and it's going to create purpose in everything that you do.

Chandra, how important do you think your mission and vision statement is?

Chandra (28:41.398)
I think it's incredibly important. was really what changed a lot of my business is when we started actually focusing on that. I think what happens is everybody wants to put together these really fluffy statements and these really like things that they're like, this sounds great. That's what we're going to be about, but that's not really how you feel or that's not really what your ultimate goal is. And so then it doesn't stick and it doesn't matter. And it just becomes like,

you know, a sign or a piece of paper in the back of the salon that nobody ever pays attention to. And so I think really defining this and then, like you said, making every single decision that you make based off of those mission, vision and values is, is really what will drive your business in the right direction.

Brie Holt (29:27.253)
Yeah, I agree with that. Something else that I notice a lot of times is people tend to write their mission and vision statement for other people, for the clients or for somebody else. And it can't be that way. It is your vision. It is your mission. And so it has to be exactly who you are and exactly who you want to become. Because if not, it's not going to mean anything to you. So everything is going to kind of be null and void. All right. Let's talk about core values. Core values are like the personality.

Chandra (29:34.05)

Brie Holt (29:56.413)
of your business. And I know we've talked about some of this before. have another episode that has some stuff in it. We've got free resources, but it had to be said in this one when it comes to strategy. Extending your mission and vision into your daily operations is kind of how the core values come into play. They set the tone for how you and your team are going to interact with clients, how you work together and how your brand kind of shows up in the world, I think is the best way to put it.

Core values are the unbreakable principles guiding every single interaction and every action from the client experience to the team culture. So I was trying to think of something to look at when we were talking about this and I was looking at different businesses and Sephora kind of popped into my mind because we're in the beauty space, right? Everybody knows who that is. So their vision statement is to be a champion of diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging in the beauty and retail industry.

Their mission is to build inclusive environments for employees, consumers, and communities and to champion all beauty fearlessly. I'm trying to memorize all this. values were, or remember it anyway, their core values were serving customers, delivering a curated, innovative, prestige beauty experience, giving people the freedom to explore their beauty and helping them discover really the best versions of themselves. So

When I say all of that, can see how Sephora's values are just an extension of its vision and of its mission. Every single choice that Sephora makes is rooted in these principles, making it clear to their clients and to their employees what the brand stands for and why. By building inclusive environments and championing personal beauty exploration, they are living out their vision every single day.

They're living it out daily. Kind of walk me through your vision and mission statement, Chandra, and maybe one or two of your core values so somebody can see how that all comes together.

Chandra (32:04.854)
Yeah, like our well, our mission statement, I can give you what we use because we simplified it over the years too, because again, we started really fluffy to thinking, this is going to resonate with everyone. But our mission is super simple. We are just to spread beauty to the world through ourselves, our team members and our clients. And so that for us means more than just spreading beautiful hair. It was about spreading a beautiful experience, making people feel good, making each other as a team feel good. So.

It encompassed not only the clients, but also the team. And then our vision statement really is, you know, we're a hairstylist development company. Like our job inside is to really train these people to become amazing in their career and to be successful and to hit their own goals. And so that one kind of comes from the inside. And then our core values, I mean, we've, we kind of follow along with, you know, some similar things. I feel like other businesses, but they do mean a lot to us.

And so we have respect, teamwork, gratitude, but to each of those words, we tie in what those mean to each team member. So when we set our core values up, we have each team member also, when they are first hired, they have to tell us or write out how that core value resonates with them personally, because we want to make sure that if they're coming to work in our business, that these values are something that are important to them as well, not just something that they say they want.

And so they really do have to be ingrained in our culture. we always tell them to drink the Ohana Kool-Aid because we need everybody to be part of what we're doing in order for them to be effective.

Brie Holt (33:45.909)
love that. And I think you kind of brought up something that I was going to say or that I was thinking about, you have to think about aligning your hiring with your mission and your values, right? It you can't be a salon or spa that just fills positions. If you are aligning everything with your mission and your vision and your core values, you're going to build a team that supports your unique. Whatever it is, whatever you are unique about, right, your unique personality.

and vision, and it's going to help them create just exactly what they want to create in their salons and spas. And so I think that's really, really important because I know a lot of times when we're working with salon and spa owners, it's like, I need to fill a chair. I need new employees. I need this. I need that. And it's like, first come first serve. This is what we're doing. And it's not the way to go about it. And I think that is one of the reasons that commissioned salons and spas have a huge turnover.

We want to blame it on a lot of other things, but it's not always everything else. How did you actually go about developing your mission and vision? And what was kind of a turning point that made you realize the importance of it for your business? Did you have like that light bulb or aha moment?

Chandra (35:03.712)
Yeah, I think, I mean, when we developed it, we really wanted to make it simple. We wanted to make it easy so that everybody could remember it easy, that they understood what they had to do to be part of that. And so we tried to really simplify what we are, who we are, what our purpose was. And so that's kind of how we came about choosing those as our mission and vision statement. And then when we did our core values, we really

wanted it to resonate with the team as well. So we got our team involved in creating those at the time. I mean, we've had them a long time, but we did get everyone involved because we wanted to make sure that that's our base core as a company. And so they had to resonate with me as the owner and as the leader of the company, but I wanted the team to feel very strongly behind it as well. And so I feel like that helped kind of get everyone to be aligned with it.

because then they realized, you know, this is what we're about. And that turning point for us, where I realized this is really important is when I just started following it. Because for many years, again, I just had all these things, all these fluffy words, this is what we do, but we didn't really use it as, you know, part of our training, as part of our day to day, you know? And so even if somebody does something now, every now, you know, we're not perfect, we'll be like, is that one of our core values? What did you just do? You know, and they're always like,

You're right, right. So it just kind of helps keep everybody on track. And when I started following it 100 % making every single decision that I was making based off of those values, really making sure that every single person was aligned with that mission and vision, then we just started to take off. Like we have a pretty big, big company. It's not huge, but we do have quite a lot of employees. And I feel like getting everybody on board with that.

can be challenging. And so when we just started, this is non-negotiable, this is who we are, it weeds out all the people that aren't gonna work out and it helps to grow the people that are there. That was huge for me to realize as the owner, like, this actually works, just follow it. Do your own stuff according to what you wanted it to be and it actually works.

Brie Holt (37:06.123)

Brie Holt (37:12.223)
Yeah, for sure. Bottom line, your vision, mission and core values, they should make sense together and they should always serve as that North Star, right? They're what keep your business on track and ensure that every single decision you make reinforces the identity and purpose of your brand. When these three elements align, they create a cohesive, powerful strategy that sets the stage for everything else that's to come. So it's very, very important.

All right, aspect number two is your client avatar. So this is the group of people, your target audience, who share characteristics that make them a perfect match for your business. You've probably heard it referred to as your ideal client, your target market, your client persona, target demographic, whatever term you use, it's all about understanding who you are trying to reach and who you're trying to serve. So your client avatar is the person who is going to sit in your chair.

engage with you on social media and buy your products and services. Think of them as your biggest fans, the people who connect deeply with your brand and become your most loyal advocates. In order to build a strong connection with them, you need to know them inside and out. So you have to get very specific on who they are. Where do they live? What do they buy? Where do they work? What are their spending habits? What are their lifestyle choices? What are their interests? The more you can understand about your target demographic,

the stronger your strategy is going to become because you're going to be able to make decisions aligned with attracting and retaining these clients. Each aspect of your branding, your service offerings, and even your social media content can be created and crafted with this client in mind, creating a sense of connection and loyalty that is just going to keep them coming back. Chandra, can you share a strategy that helped you define and connect with your ideal client or your

client avatar and how did it change your approach to marketing your services?

Chandra (39:16.834)
We really kind of, actually did this activity as a team when we really laid it out because we have so many different stylists who've been in the industry so long, their client avatar is a little bit different than some of the newer stylists who are wanting just everybody who has a blonde balayage. So we had to really kind of define the in-between in the middle. And so we really took like, are the key things that we want? We want somebody who does spend money. And so we looked at people in a certain demographic.

We looked at our services that are most profitable as well. Like what are our most profitable services and who are the people that get those services done? And so we kind of defined that. We defined kind of our age group, age demographic, because we do have such a wide range. It was a little tricky for us, but we did kind of just go in the middle of where everybody was. And so we kind of really nailed that down. And even if you look at our social media, we really target sort of different client avatars, but we do have two very specific kind of

avenues that we use. One for kind of the more younger, newer, trendy stuff. And then we also target, you know, our bread and butter is all of our great retouches, right? So we had to really kind of figure out how do we go after that demographic. So for those people, we kind of upped our marketing, right? Like they want more of a higher end service. They have more money to spend. They have all of, you know, they're in a little bit of an older demographic. So we had to target our marketing more towards that type of person.

And then for some of the younger ones, we targeted more fun and more different. And so I think you can, we had to define sort of two different kinds for our business, but really just nailing down what, do you want in your chair? Like you don't want the pain people that are going to drive you crazy, right? So how do we target the ones that we know are going to be appreciative of our service and things like that.

Brie Holt (41:05.267)
I think that's great. think an important reminder is people have to remember that you are not always your target demographic and that is okay. In fact, it's normal. What matters most is understanding the needs, the desires and the habits of the people that you are serving, even if they're different from your own. When you focus on your client avatar, your strategy is just going to become clearer.

And you can then make decisions that resonate with them on a deeper level, setting your business up for long-term success. So many people think that their client avatar is exactly like they are. And it's just, it's not that way all the time and there is nothing wrong with it. I can tell you my client avatar is not me at all, or it wasn't definitely when I opened my business. And so I just think it's important to remind people of that. Aspect number three is going to be systems. And we.

Systems are everything. Systems are a foundational element of any successful business strategy. And at the Beauty Biz agency, we literally shout this from the rooftops. If you want a solid thriving business, you need effective and efficient systems. So what do we mean by systems? Systems are the operational backbone that tell you how things should be done step by step. So everything runs as

efficiently and consistently as possible. Without systems, your business is totally dependent on what? On you. If you're the only one holding things together, it means you're always on. There are no true breaks, no real days off, and that my friends is never ever ever going to be sustainable. As a business owner, you deserve downtime, a true day off. And by that I mean, and we have

an episode on this and everybody needs to listen to it because a true day off is not what you think it is. I mean a day with no calls, no emails, no texts, no computer work, no client communication, no employee issues, nothing business related, not even a thought of your business. Systems are the key to achieving this. You really have to have systems for everything, for inventory, for client communication, time off, scheduling, day to day operations. The list goes on and on and on. Yes.

Brie Holt (43:26.495)
Some people worry that systems make their salon feel too corporate, but let me tell you this, without systems, you are going to be dealing with unnecessary headaches, miscommunications, and burnout. And I guarantee you for all of those people out there listening, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Systems allow everyone on your team to know exactly what's expected from them, and they empower, I feel like all the parties that are involved to chip in and help.

They're going to keep your studio running smoothly. They're going to create transparency and they are going to make your business far more resilient. Chandra, what's one system that really transformed your business operations and what advice do you have for salon or spa owners just starting to implement systems?

Chandra (44:17.492)
gosh, there's so many systems we have. I'm trying to think of the one that is the most important. I think just really kind of the daily operations that like how we have that systemized is probably the most important. And systems too, I think they keep the owner on track. Like even for myself, like I created all these systems years ago and we even joked about this before.

And I just didn't use them. I didn't even follow them. I'm like, cool. I have all these systems. My salon should run great. And I'd tell everyone to do it and then they would just fall by the wayside. And then I'd be running around putting out fires all day again. And so I think really nailing down every single operation that you have and like just our daily like checklist, you know, the daily checklist, I think is probably one of the most important systems that we have because everybody can follow it. Everybody can make sure things are all done the way that they're supposed to be. And everything's running the way that it's supposed to be.

And it's such a simple thing, but without it, you come in and you're like, they didn't do this, they didn't do that, this didn't get done or somebody's mad because this happened or, you know, just run, everybody's running crazy. And so I think the systems are probably number one altogether, but definitely just having a good solid daily, like this is every single day what needs to happen and everybody needs to know their part in making it happen. This huge.

Brie Holt (45:38.133)
Systems create consistency, right? Like, and you have to be consistent as the owner implementing these systems. And it is one of the things that we see that people don't do. You have to remember guys, you can't do it all. You're never going to be able to do it all. And you can't be the go-to for everything in your business. If you are, you are not a successful business owner. I don't mean to be rude or mean or hurt your feelings, but it is the honest truth.

Trying to hold it all together alone is going to burn you out and it is going to drive you insane. It's going to drive you crazy. Systems are going to give you freedom. They're going to give you peace of mind and a business that operates seamlessly. Whether you are there, whether you are a million miles away, it isn't going to matter. right. Aspect number four is the SWOT analysis. Once again, we've talked about it, but it has to be brought up because we're talking about strategy.

SWOT is spelled S-W-O-T. This is one of my all time favorite tools in business strategy. So it stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. And it is a powerful, powerful way to assess where your business stands. Larger companies and corporations use SWOT analysis regularly. And there's a good reason for that. It gives you a complete view of your business and it helps...

It really helps guide strategic decisions. When we talk about SWOT analysis, a lot of people think that that means that you're just comparing yourself to other studios or your competitors. But it's about taking an honest look in the mirror and understanding your own business at a very, very deep level. I'm not going to lie to you guys, this exercise, it can feel a little uncomfortable because

If you do it correctly, you're gonna have to dig into your weaknesses and acknowledge potential threats that you're going to have. But if you will approach it with openness, it can be one of the most insightful exercises you will ever, ever do. So let's talk about each element really, really quickly under SWOT. So strengths, they just identify what you do best. Weaknesses, it's kind of a tough one, but it's crucial, right? It's gonna be a tough one. It shows where there is room to improve.

Brie Holt (47:58.633)
gaps in your services, operational inefficiencies, areas where your competition may be excelling and you're not. Opportunities, these are the potential areas for growth. And then threats are the potential risk that could impact your business. Maybe it's things like rising competition, economic challenges, whatever it is. You have to identify these threats so that you can proactively plan to reduce their impact.

The more in depth that you will go, the more valuable your SWOT analysis will become. It is an honest and detailed roadmap for doubling down on your strengths, shoring up your weaknesses, capitalizing on your opportunities and preparing for those threats. It's also going to reveal holes in your strategy, in your business systems, in your team structure, in your service offerings, giving you the clarity to refine your overall business strategy.

Chandra, how has regularly evaluating those strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, how has it helped you make strategic decisions in your business?

Chandra (49:04.962)
Yeah, I do this quarterly usually, or if for some reason I feel like something just got off kilter, I'll kind of do sneak one in. But it definitely helps me a ton. I have defined so many things that we've realized as holes or things that weren't working correctly. And stuff changes all the time in this industry, like the age range of the...

employees changes and so then you end up having to like a whole new set of things that you have to pivot and change or you know things change in the industry so I think for me it's really keeps me on top of staying with everything the trends and the things that are happening even with employees and things like that so I think it's really important to do and it guides me all the time like I I find so much stuff I even just did this recently and realized we were having some

major holes in our front desk operations that I thought were running smoothly. And so once you really start diving in and you're like, this isn't working, then it helps you to reset your strategies and figure out what you need to do to fix those things so they run without you there.

Brie Holt (50:13.611)
100%. So if you are out there and you are revamping or you are actually going to build a strategy, this is a great starting point. A SWOT analysis can be extremely eye-opening, empowering, and incredibly valuable for steering your business in the right direction. And that's the only way to go. right. Aspect number five is benchmarks, KPIs. Let's talk about them.

These are the metrics that you monitor consistently to ensure that your business is moving in the right direction. KPIs are your compass. Key performance indicators are your compass, keeping your goals front and center in all decision-making, which makes them a vital part of your successful strategy. When you track these KPIs and you are working towards specific metrics, you are actively steering that business towards success.

KPIs give you tangible goals to measure against, whether it is client retention rates, service upsell percentages, average ticket value. Here's the key though, KPIs, they have to be thoughtfully chosen and strategically created to fit your business's unique goals. The right KPIs can fast track your business towards success. I'm not gonna lie to you, providing clarity on exactly where to focus your energy.

But if they're not well aligned with your objectives, then these KPIs can lead to frustration and an uphill battle. I'm just going to put it that way. It just can lead to that. So you have to be very, very strategic when you're doing this. If you need more insight into setting up your KPIs that are going to work for your business, please reach out to us. Once again, this is something that can make or break you. When your KPIs are on point, they are going to give you the insights that you need.

to make those strategic data-driven decisions that will get you to grow your business the way that you want it to and be successful. Chandra, what are the two key metrics? I know you do a lot more than this, but two key metrics that you monitor regularly and how have they impacted your growth and your decision-making?

Chandra (52:27.958)
I think the most important ones that I track constantly are client retention. That's something that we look at all the time, new and repeat, but that's huge because that tells me right away if something is wrong. And also our average service ticket because I like to make sure that we are hitting where we need to hit. And I look at those honestly sometimes more than I look at the revenue.

Because I want to look and see exactly where we're at with those things. think it's more important because that drives your revenue. So really paying attention to that KPI is that's kind of our guide down our roadmap to know exactly where we're at.

Brie Holt (53:05.077)
Yeah, 100%. All right, aspect number six is team. Your team is a critical part of your strategy, and this is an area that people don't think about quite often when they're building a strategy. Having a clear vision for both leadership and team dynamic is essential. Your team members, they need to know who they are looking to for direction. Some people are gonna say, well, of course they're looking to me, I'm the owner.

That's not always how it goes. You would be surprised if you could go undercover in your business. They need clarity on where the business is headed. Not only that, but why it is headed where it is. When there is a lack of clear authority or structure, confusion is going to set in. And without a true leader, team members can become isolated and uncoordinated. That's the best word for it. Leading to a chaotic

working environment. And we have all, I would say probably been in one of those. Each person in your business should have a clearly defined role with a full understanding of how their responsibilities are going to contribute to the overall success of the salon. So many times people create roles, but nobody knows what they're for. Nobody knows what they're for. Team members need to know not only how they're achieving professional goals,

but also how these goals are going to tie into their own personal success. A shared vision helps everyone feel connected to a larger purpose. And this is going to drive motivation and really drive engagement. What is your approach, Chandra, to building a strong, I don't know, a strong team when it comes to, I guess I would say we're talking about building the roles and responsibilities and you being the leader. So what,

What really brings that all together for you?

Chandra (54:59.042)
I mean, I'm really clear about defining what everybody's roles really look like, what their responsibilities are. Some of them, their responsibilities really are just to crank behind the chair because they're so busy and they've got to hit certain numbers. But, you know, some of them too, in the beginning, especially like they might have more jobs or they might have other things that they're helping with around the salon. But we really tie in their personal goals, like what their career goals are for themselves.

to what the overall business goals look like. And so they're responsible for us hitting our numbers and they know that. so, but we also want them to feel like they are hitting their own goals because when you can meet those two things together, they'll help your business hit the goals, right? And so I think that's the biggest thing that we sometimes get afraid of as owners is we don't want to share that information with them or we don't want to tell them that, or we think they're going to want to just go do their own things since now they know this information.

And it doesn't work that way at all if you really kind of help them understand what their part is in your business, whether that's helping with other things, like we have them help with inventory or we have them help with marketing and all kinds of different things, but it gives them kind of a sense of purpose in the business. And they feel like they're part of the bigger picture instead of just kind of there and you told them what to do. And I think having that strong leadership so that they look up to you and they want to be part of the bigger picture is really.

really, really important.

Brie Holt (56:29.035)
It's a huge misconception in this industry and commission salon and spa ownership, right? You don't want to tell them too much information. You don't want to give them too much. You don't want to do too much because they're just going to leave. And that is the wrong way to look about it. When I am coaching people on this mindset, people think I'm crazy at first. And then six months later, they're like, if I would have done this 20 years ago, everything would have been different. You guys have probably all heard the phrase teamwork makes the dream work.

And that couldn't be more true. But here's the thing, the team, the team can only work effectively if they know the dream. They have to know it. When you have a strategic approach to leadership and a clearly communicated vision, your team is going to understand their purpose and they're going to contribute meaningfully and grow along with the business, just like Chandra said.

All right, aspect number seven is the client journey or guest experience. At the end of the day, this is what you're really selling. It's not just about great haircuts or flawless color or relaxing facials. It's about creating an unforgettable experience for your clients from the moment they encounter your brand to long after they leave your studio. Every interaction that a client has with your business is part of this journey. Think about it.

There's the impression they get from your social media, the ease of booking a reservation, how they are greeted upon arrival, the ambiance of your studio, the sounds, the sense, and even how comfortable they are in your chair. The client journey is every single detail that shapes their perception of your brand. So we have an episode about this as well.

And I would highly recommend that you go through this because this is an area once again that Chandra and I find that people are really, really missing out on. It's not that they didn't ever create it per se. It's just that they didn't train their team on it. And a lot of times the team is looking at you and if you aren't doing it, like Chandra said earlier, right? If you're not following your own protocols, there's going to be a problem because they're just doing what they're shown or what they're taught.

Brie Holt (58:46.559)
Consistency is absolutely key when it comes to the guest journey. When every touch point reinforces the experience that you want your clients to have, you are going to create a brand that's not only memorable, but I would like to say it's going to be irresistible. This next level approach to guest experience is really what's going to keep clients loyal and excited to return. I know your guest experience, your client journey, Chandra, but what is one touch point

in your client journey that you believe has one of the biggest impacts? And how do you ensure that it's always consistent?

Chandra (59:25.014)
I mean, yeah, we have a pretty extensive client journey, but I would say that one of the most fun things that is really important and one of the hardest things that was for us to get our team to do was at the beginning of every service, we do something called a chakra treatment. And so it's an aroma therapy, neck and shoulder massage. They pick a card, so it seems funny. And then whatever card they pick is the aromas that we use for their little quick treatment. It's only three minutes.

Like that's kind of the timeframe we put on it. It's not like it takes a long time, but every single team member, every single stylist has to do it. So you can imagine like taking stylists and being like, you got to do this funny trick, you know, and trying to get them to get behind that can be, it was challenging, but I mean, it was non-negotiable. Like you have to do it. And so we just, we monitored it. We made sure they were doing it.

We would ask the clients if they liked it at the end of the service to make sure it got done and to make sure people liked it. But it's a funny, silly little thing that we have as part of our client journey, but people talk about it and people tell other people about it. And when we get referrals, they're like waiting for this weird little thing to happen to them when they're in the hair chair. And so it sounds funny, but I think that's probably one of the most important parts of one of the biggest touch points of our experience is that

that one little thing. And so I think just having something that sets you apart, that they can't get anywhere else and make it memorable and get your team, they have to do it. They always feel funny in the beginning. They're like, you want me to do what? I'm like, yep, you're going to do it. So yeah, I think that would be the most important.

Brie Holt (01:01:07.199)
love that people I, you know, preach, think outside the box, think outside the box. Don't don't let me give you ideas. Don't make Chandra give you ideas when we're coaching people. Think outside the box, come up with something that you and your team are going to love. And that's really going to say, you know, your competitors, we don't. And so it's really, really important that you think outside the box when you're creating that. And I knew you were going to bring that up. And I absolutely love that. All right, aspect number eight is branding.

So let's talk about it. I want to clear something up before we get into it though. Branding is not just a freaking logo or a color palette. Sure, those visual elements are part of it, 100%, but true branding goes far beyond design. Branding is really what transform your studio from a service provider, I guess, into a distinct recognizable brand, right? It's very different. It is the

embodiment of your vision, your mission, core values, and it is what is going to resonate with your target audience on a very, very deep level. Your branding should cut through the noise. It should communicate your unique identity and it should zone in on the clients that you most want to serve. Effective branding does so much more than look good. It establishes your studio as an authority in the industry. That's what it does.

It provides direction supporting everything from your marketing strategy to your client journey. It enhances the guest experience, creating that consistent and memorable atmosphere. It elevates your physical space, giving it a personality and a vibe that clients connect with. And finally, branding is an integral part of your culture, shaping how your team and how your clients alike interact with that business.

So Chandra what steps did you take to develop a brand that actually resonates with your client avatar? And what is one branding tip that you'd share with other commission salon and spa owners?

Chandra (01:03:16.218)
gosh. So we, think the biggest thing is we really defined who we were and that we did that through our values and our mission and all of that stuff. And then we really decided every single thing that we put out has to reflect that in some way. So whether it's the personality of the team that's in a certain post or whether it's the way that we did a marketing piece.

Any of those things have to somehow reflect that value. And I think that's when the clients really started resonating with it. Because our client journey is a huge part of our brand. People know our brand based on our client journey because none of the other salons around us do anything like that. And so having that, putting that out there, putting that out there through your social media, putting that out there through your clients and your staff.

I think really helps to have people resonate with you. And that worked with our client avatar too, because we're going after people who want a higher level experience. We're going after people who don't care about spending the money because they feel like it's worth it. And so really creating that brand and putting that out there, I think really helped us. And I think the one biggest branding piece that really works is putting your team out in the world, right? Branding through your team.

because they carry our brand very well. And so if anybody ever gets on our social media and watches it, there's some questionable things they post. But for the most part, I would say that you can feel what our company is like through a lot of the posting and things that we do. And I think that is the key piece, like putting that, what it feels like as a client to come into your business is the best branding you can do.

Brie Holt (01:04:56.287)
Yeah, for sure. And I think it's important for people to know that branding is not something that can just be created overnight. But it definitely can't be overlooked either, right? It is an essential piece of your strategy that's going to tie together every other element. When your branding is aligned with that mission, those vision, those values, the target demographic, it becomes a powerful, powerful tool that brings

clients in. I mean, it builds loyalty. It's going to support your long-term growth. That's the easiest way to put it. right. Aspect number nine is marketing. When you know who you are as a business, what you offer and exactly who your target audience is and why they need you, marketing becomes just a little bit simpler. It's the process of using all the elements of your strategy to reach your target demographic, bring them into your studio,

engage with them on social media and ultimately create those raving fans that we talked about who are going to spread the word about your brand. You want to think of marketing as the bridge between your business and your ideal client. So marketing is going to do a lot of things for your business. But one thing that I want to talk about really, really quickly is you can't just start marketing. You can't start effective marketing without an actual strategy.

You can't do it. Many owners make the mistake of diving into Facebook ads and Instagram ads without a plan, hoping that it's going to drive traffic and bring in bookings, but without clarity on what you're offering, who you're targeting and why they should choose you. Your marketing money is going to be wasted without delivering results more than likely. What is a marketing strategy, Chandra, that has worked well for attracting your ideal client?

And how did it align with your brand's mission?

Chandra (01:06:53.25)
I think the thing that we find works the best for marketing for us is really the branding piece. putting instead of running some crazy ad of like, I'm a 50 % off this or whatever, trying to bring in those people. Instead, we just put what we're doing out there and that brings in more people. We get more engagement. We get more people from it. And so we'll put just posts or we'll boost a post or we'll put something out there. And I've done it all. Like all of you guys have probably tried and I've tried every

thing and shtick and whatever that exists, but really what we've been finding works the best is just putting ourselves out there in a way that just makes people want to come talk to us, want to come see us, want to come in instead of giving some crazy deal or doing some crazy thing like that. So I think that would be the biggest strategy I would focus on would just be really getting people to know you, just get yourself out there.

Brie Holt (01:07:49.781)
I like that. So all of you listening, before you start investing in those Facebook or Instagram ads or creating promotions, make sure that your soft, your strategy is rock solid. It's gotta be when you're branding your client, avatar, your overall vision. When they're clear, your marketing is going to be focused, effective, and far more likely to yield a positive return. All right. Aspect number 10. Definitely not.

least because it's very important is going to be culture. Company culture is the foundation that drives your success from the inside out. Without a supportive or authentic culture, it's incredibly challenging to build the kind of team and client experience that's going to make your business thrive. Culture shapes everything. It's the reason people want to work with you, the way your team interacts with each other and how they show up.

for their clients. If you want to attract and retain a dream team, because we hear this all the time, your culture has to be genuine. We don't hear that enough, but it has to be genuine. Authenticity truly matters here. People can feel when it's real and when it's forced. And I think that's something that we as salon and spa owners want to kind of push away or ignore.

So Chandra, how do you keep your company culture strong and authentic? And what is one culture of value you feel is non-negotiable for your team?

Chandra (01:09:25.866)
I mean, I think we've set up our culture to be a specific way based off of our values and our mission and all those things. And we, we drive it home. Like it does not work if you are not carrying out, carrying yourself the way that we expect it to be done. have very high expectations and we stick and we adhere to those expectations. Very true. And the nice thing about it, once you get to a point where you've defined that enough to where your team has gotten behind it, they will do it for you. Like.

If we hire somebody that's not fitting in, like our team will kind of, they're not doing it. Like they're not following the things, you know? And so they'll kind of weed it out for you. And so that makes it really easy. You only have to really drive it home in the beginning until you can build that. And then it just kind of continues growing. And our biggest non-negotiable culture value, I would say is teamwork. Like you have to be part of this team.

You have to help. don't care. You all have to do towels. You all have to help each other out. Do a blow-drive for somebody if they're running behind and you're free or help the front desk if they're drowning. Like everybody has to pitch in and everybody has to pay attention. And I think that's our, that's our biggest one. Like teamwork a hundred percent has to be on point. And if you're just sitting in the back trying to hide out from everybody and not wanting to help, it will get outed. So that's our, our non-negotiable.

for sure part of our culture.

Brie Holt (01:10:51.947)
Kind of like that old saying, if you build it, they will come, right? I think a lot of times we look at that as if we build the business, they will come. Instead of looking at as when you intentionally create the culture that aligns with your values, it's going to attract the right people, it's going to reinforce your mission. You aren't only building a business, you are creating a community that people want to be a part of.

So maybe shift your mindset a little bit and don't just think about the business or the building, but the culture actually being what is going to bring people into your studio. Build something that you are proud of. When you cultivate an authentic supportive culture, you are naturally attracting a team that aligns with everything you believe in. And together you'll be able to create that environment that clients love and that clients want to return to. So maybe just shift

your mindset just a little bit. All right, that was the 10 aspects. I do have one additional point that I want to bring up really, really quickly, and it's your physical space, your brick and mortar. And the reason I want to bring this up is it plays a huge role in tying together your client journey, your branding, and your overall experience. The design, layout, and atmosphere, those are all going to contribute to how your clients feel when they step inside of your space, right? And so it's really, really important. You need to think

beyond just the immediate setup. Consider what your desired team size is, your profit goals, and the ways that you want to expand and grow your business. Your space should allow, remember you're building your strategy. And so your space should allow for this growth so that your goals evolve and your environment is ready to adapt. With that being said, please don't go overboard financially though. It's very important.

It's so easy to get carried away with spending on aesthetics, things of that nature, but it is essential to ensure your finances align with your vision. We have seen far too many businesses fail and fall into debt by overspending on their space, right? Just too much rent or trying to build out more or do things. So definitely keep it in mind, however, be smart about it. I think that's really, really important.

Brie Holt (01:13:16.959)
Hopefully by now, everybody can see how each of these elements connect to your strategy and just how essential a strong business strategy really, really is. I know we covered a ton today, but all of these pieces are so important. With this year coming to a close, this is a perfect time. said it earlier to reflect on your current strategy or if you don't have one to maybe start building a stellar plan for the new year.

If you are struggling with organization, if you feel that scaling your business seems almost impossible, if you're feeling overwhelmed, if you are more nervous about the future, then you are excited. Know that you're not alone because I've been there and Chandra has been there, but there is a brighter day ahead. I know what it's like to be on that runaway train. That's the best way to put it, where everything feels out of control.

and you're just kind of holding on, hoping not to fall off, right? It's not a fun place to be. I'm here to tell everybody the grass is way greener on the other side. And I know that's kind of a cliche statement, but it really, really is. When you get things into place, the grass is way greener on the other side. There is no reason to stay stuck or to keep fighting that uphill battle when there's an option for you to get out of the circumstances that you're in.

The next question that you probably have is where do you start? The answer is simple, but it's powerful. You start with your strategy. This is where everything begins. If you want clarity, if you want purpose, if you want direction, if you want organization, if you want financial momentum, profitability, authority, it all starts with that strategy. Guys, if you need tips, if you need guidance, if you need a little support to help you create a strategy quickly and effectively,

please reach out to us at the Beauty Biz agency. We have been where you are and we have resources and support like no other. Our goal with this agency is to make sure commission salon and spa owners don't have to struggle the way that we did. You don't have to be stuck on this never ending hamster wheel feeling like you are the only one holding everything together. Instead, you can have a profitable business, a dedicated team, and most importantly,

Brie Holt (01:15:43.741)
a freaking life outside of work. It's really why the Beauty Biz Agency exists, to give you the tools and the support and the guidance to build a business that you are proud of and a life that you love. So if you are ready to take the leap, we're here to help to make it happen. Chandra, how can they reach out to us on social media so they can, you know, contact us?

Chandra (01:16:06.401)

Yeah, definitely reach out to us @thebeautybizagency on Facebook and on Instagram. You can send us a message. Also, you can shoot us an email at admin@thebeautybizagency.com We'd love to hear from you guys and be happy to help you out. And don't forget about the free resource on the website too. And that would be a good place to start.

Brie Holt (01:16:29.799)
Absolutely, absolutely. Well, that's a wrap for today's episode of Salon Swagger. Thank you so much for joining us as we broke down some of the most essential elements that make a strong strategy. Remember, it's not just about staying afloat. It is about building a business that's profitable, purposeful, and sustainable. If today's episode got you thinking about your own strategy and you are ready to level up,

Grab that free resource right now. You can get it at www.thebeautybizagency.com. Go grab it. It will help you out tremendously. As always, if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, leave us a review, and share it with anyone in the beauty industry who could use a boost. Now go out there, get your strategy created, and keep working on building the salon, the spa, and the life that you deserve.

Until next time, keep slaying those business goals with a whole lot of swagger.

"Feel Like You’re Drowning in Your Salon? This Is How to Get to CEO Status"
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