From Solo Barber to Franchise Owner - with Jennelle

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Hey there, Salon and Spa superstars.

Welcome to Salon Swagger, your go-to podcast for all things commission-based salon and spa

I am Brie, your host for this episode, and I am here with an amazing special guest.

Jenelle is literally one of the most favorite people in my heart in this entire universe,
and I am honored that she has taken time to spend with us today.

If you want to know what a girl boss looks like, she is right here with us in studio.

What's up, Jenelle?

Hi, thanks for having me.

Honor to be here.

How are you doing?

Great, very, very busy, very good.

I love it.

So Jenelle and I have known each other for probably about five years now.

And when I say this girl is amazing, it is not an understatement.

She owns several barber shops around the country.

We actually became acquainted when she was looking for mentorship to grow her business and
hit some really massive goals that she really wanted to hit.

So I had the pleasure of coaching Jenelle for a couple of years.

And throughout our time together, I witnessed her go from a solo barber

unthinkable numbers as a solo, then she hired a team.

She completely stopped providing services and focused on business growth, broke a ton of
freaking barriers, if I do say so myself.

And now she is just, she's just franchising your business.

She's out there rocking it in every way.

Holy smokes, I can't think of a better success story than that.

So I just want you to know that I am so proud of you.

and everything that you have accomplished.

You're making me blush, thank you.

And I'm trying to, I can't like joke.

A compliment like that from you is a compliment and then there's a compliment from you.

Ha ha.

Oh, well, you did the work you did all the work.

So with that being said, I want people to hear about your story because I think that you
could really inspire people and touch people and really just help them get the drive that

they need to see that setting goals for yourself are attainable as a solo barber or as a
solopreneur right that you can become

that boss that you wanna be, that business owner that you wanna be, the franchise owner
that you wanna become.

And there's no better person to interview than you.

So let's kinda talk a little bit about your early career in the beauty industry.

Maybe just a little background from the time you entered the industry until you and I met.

Sure, so I went to cosmetology school.

I got great grades, was paying to go to college, but nothing really appealed to me for a
whole career.

So went to cosmetology school, hated it profoundly, don't enjoy doing ladies' hair.

The one compliment I ever got from my teacher who was like real hardcore guy was, you kind
of are good at this men's hair thing.

So I went and quit my salon job that I was just assisting at part-time and.

did men's hair and I fell in love with it.

I was completely in.

It was a men's franchise kind of higher end place so I started there which was

Not like one of the clips kind of places.

So it set the tone for the expectations of service that I think would pretty much follow
me my whole career.

So I went on to manage a few of those locations.

that really was the first place that showed me you could really make a living.

I don't know how many other barbers have been like, my mom and dad are telling me get out
of this, my wife, like there's no money in this.

That is a lie.

There's a lie.

There is money in every industry.

There's money in roofing and selling ice cream and barbering.

So it just depends what you want to do with it.

So I went from there to managing a really successful location.

We broke a lot of the...

corporate rules and I said this is what I've seen work and it went well.

And so we got the highest ranking in the franchise and I thought why am I doing this for
other people?

So I went off on my own and then quickly realized that marketing for a whole place with a
storefront is very different than marketing for a little suite and everyone says they're

going to follow you and they don't.

So whoever has dealt with that, it's not personal to you.

It just happens.

People really like convenience and they can love you and go to your baby shower and still
not show up because they have a life and you might be out of their path.

So went ahead and did that and then learned to.

Market on that level and then next came actually running a business, which is very
different than just attracting and maintaining clients.

And that's where I met Lovely Bree.


Yes, that's awesome.

You did a lot more than what you say.

You hit unbelievable numbers as a solo.

And I think that's something that people don't realize a lot of times when it comes to
working for yourself, right?

You can't make more time during the day.

So there comes a point in your solo career where you hit a glass ceiling.

There's no more time to be made.

You can only raise your prices so much.

So there's no more money to be made.

And the only other way to do something is to hire a team.

So what specific challenges were you facing that actually prompted you to really seek out

first was I was really well aware that it was going to be different and I knew how to keep
clients in my chair but I had no idea how to lead other people to keep clients in their


So I'm attracting all these clients, doing all this marketing I know how to do and they're
not staying.

It doesn't matter how many people I attract, I'm going to be on a hamster wheel and that's
where I knew I absolutely needed help.


I think that's a problem that a lot of people face, right?

Like we, especially as creative people, because those that do hair were just creative

We think, oh my goodness, I can just open a barbershop or open a salon and do hair all day
and hire people to work for me.

And it's just going to be fun, sunshine and rainbows all the time.

No issues, right?

Needless to say, it is not that way in any way, shape or form.

So with that being

hard to watch other people take your guests and stuff?

Like, did you have a hard time watching other people service guests and go, oh my God, I
would have done it differently?

Yes, 100%.

And that's why it's so important that you get those operations and systems in place,
right, in your business so that everything is structured and done the way that it is

supposed to be, which is exactly what we worked on together, you know, kind of getting
that in place.

And that is why Bonnie and Clyde's has such an amazing client base and a reputation that
proceeds it, in my opinion.

What do you think?

How did the coaching program compare to your expectations?

What were you expecting going into coaching together and how did it kind of compare?

I think I delusionally thought it would be easy because I already was like, I'm
disciplined, I know how to track guests.

It was harder, it was really putting a mirror in front of the holes in my leadership and
my business.

So it was just a constant reflection of what I needed to learn and be a completely
different business person.

So that was very different.

I it is it's so different, right?

It's just completely different.

Well, hopefully I held up to what I needed to help you get where you needed to be.

But in saying that, I want to kind of talk about so many people look at coaching and they
look at it in such a negative aspect.

And maybe it's for the reason that you said, right?

It makes you see who you really are.

I'm telling you, Janelle, if I could have found somebody, if there would have been things
like this for me, when I was struggling and failing over and over again, I would have done

it in a heartbeat.

Another reason people don't want to do it is they don't want to invest the money that it
cost into it.

But you reap so much.

You know what I mean?

Like, yes, it's hard, but...

that the revenue growth and the profitability growth that you get when you have things set
up correctly is just exponential.

And so it's really, really worth it.

What do you feel were the most valuable lessons that you learned during our coaching time

um, structure, protocol, documenting all of it, and setting expectations.

And going back to your whole like, you know, people don't want to make the investment,
first of all, I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars lighting money on fire,

throwing spaghetti at the wall, and then when I met you, I-

Squished that down to one solid bill and knew what to expect.

It was completely done Because it was very quick.

Hey, you need process procedures and protocol now.

I'm not scratching my head going I think we need new stations.

I think we need more marketing I think that we need a jazzier shirt.

None of that was important and I had no idea So again that mirror came up and you went
those are the holes So

it's funny.

So many people that I've coached, that's what they do, right?

Like, first of all, they're not aware of their finances in the situation at all.

They have no idea of their business finances, but they look everywhere else.

We need better ambiance, or we need more clients coming in, or we need all of these things
when in reality, it's really, really simple.

People think that coaching also takes forever.

And that's not exactly true.

If you're willing to put in the work and you're willing to do what needs to be done, and
your coach is the type of coach that they're supposed to be, where they're right there

with you every step of the way, it can get done very quickly and you can see instant
growth in revenue, in team morale, in all of these things, right?

I would even say, yeah, it accelerates it at a crazy rate.

I mean, I would go humdrum.

And that's the other thing too, is just because it's going steady for a minute does not
mean that momentum is not coming.

I mean, I think I jumped up six, seven thousand dollars in revenue from one month to the
next when I had finally implemented everything you told me to do and actually make sure it

was cemented and rigorous and all of a sudden now it's second nature to the whole team.

Like that.

I mean from one month to the next.

Yeah, it's crazy.

And so many people think, well, my team doesn't need structure and they don't want this.

I don't want to be that mean boss, right?

I don't want to do that.

But in reality, I say this all the time, humans crave structure and rules.

We all do.

We're made that way, right?

What do you feel was a particular moment or piece of advice during working with me that
was a really big turning point for you?

So I have two and they were like really big like should have had a V8 moment Was I had a
problematic stylist and you said Nope, you have a so-and-so problem.

You need to get rid of this person and I'm like, but the potential and you're like, uh-huh

I'm hearing you.

Okay, go ahead and let him go Um, if it's up to you if you would like someone else to run
that train for you and run into the ground everything You've worked hard for it sacrifice.

No by all means

I'm just like, you know right now, that's what needs to happen.

And I knew down to my bones that's what I needed to do.

So I, even though I didn't like it, I went home and just hours later did it.

And the immediate reaction from my team of relief, from me from relief, from some of my
guests, I mean just like, no, there's no going off potential.

It's what does that person bring to the table every day?

End of story.

And another turning point was when, again, you were just very, I think, direct as kind.

I don't like wondering, yes, you're always loving and wonderful, but I think you always
know how to talk to me.

I think that's the best thing.

You're so good at reading people's personalities and reaching them and communicating them
how they're going to receive it.

I'm a direct person." And you were like, hey, you're not really truly using all your

And that was the day I realized, oh, you're just using organic strategy.

you have to stop it.

Because again, I kept thinking that was my problem and it just wasn't.

So those were the two big moments.

It was just clear as day.

You didn't have me wonder and guess and scratch my head.

You were like, these are the holes.

And how am I gonna argue with someone who's so successful?

So those were the two big moments where you kind of kicked my butt in the best way.

And I was so relieved.

I, thank God.

Thank God you did.

I don't know where I'd still be right now.

I'm just such a, and I am, I'm a very direct person.

I do read people well, but I'm telling you, I hired coaching programs in the past that did
not work for me because they were so full of fluff all the time.

It was the, let me tell you what's gonna kind of make you feel good just so I can keep
getting your money.

And that's not the way that I work.

Like I truly, and I know you do too because we've had talks about this.

I wanna revolutionize this industry.

I want to change.

the way that these commission salons and spas and barber shops are run so that it is a
better world for everybody involved.

And in order to do that, I need to coach people to be successful so that they can go on
about their business and teach that to other people.

And so for me, that's why I want somebody to be direct with me.

My money, I work really, really hard for, and I don't want somebody just taking that and
making me feel good every day, right?

I want to see


success happening.

Yeah, you go watch a movie for that.

Like it's not the place, you know?

Like I feel like if every salon, cause we know, I think we've heard a lot of like the
commission salon is dying.

It is not.

There's people out there craving a place that has high expectations like they do for
themselves and their environment.

And they don't want to deal with all of the running around and grabbing product and.

marketing, they want to feel taken care of but with expectations.

And if the commission industry listened to your principles, none of that conversation
would be happening, truly.

That's how I feel about that.

that all the time.

Like I think commission salons and spas, we just need to get our swagger back.

It's all it is.

We need ownership to know exactly what they're doing and to actually understand the
business acumen that is involved in owning a business.

Because when that happens, it's going to change the scope for everyone and everything.

Most people would prefer to work for someone.

They literally come to work, do their job.

make good money and go home, right?

So it's a better scenario for everyone involved and the training and education that they
get is so much better than when people are renting suites or doing their own thing.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, but if I was, I'll just put myself in this

When I was an independent contractor and I made 10K a month, I wasn't going to spend seven
grand on an educational show that I needed to go to or a class that I needed to go to.

that money, I wanted to stay in my bank.

You know what I mean?

But when you work for somebody who runs a proper commission salon, spa, barbershop,
they're going to provide you with the type of education and skills that you need so that

you can be successful.


I think some people don't even have the margin of running a Facebook ad.


They don't want to light their money on fire, let alone get education that's top-notch.

Like they don't have the bandwidth for that.

Like they really are.

People are looking to be taken care of.



I don't blame them.

I don't blame them.

So let's talk post program because we talked about working together a little bit.

What were the first changes that you made?

I know a ton of them that you made, you know, while we were in the program together.

And but what were some changes that you made after completing the program that I maybe
didn't get to see that is still working for you now?

So we decided to do a couple of extra things like extra structure, right?

Why not?

So we came up with things called growth evaluations.

So every week, the manager would be very stealthy and do one on everyone.

And so there you can argue with facts and numbers, right?

Like it's sitting there documented.

So she would go, hey, you're not consistently greeting your guests.

Oh, well, of course I am.

Hold on, here you go.

So here's this area, this is the date.

This is the guest interaction that happened.

So we started going, we can't go off emotion and all that and not make it personal.

And people don't like that, right?

People don't wanna feel attacked.

So if we just do it by sheer fact, we're good.

and people are less likely to take that as a personal issue.

So we would say, hey, what was your greeting?

Did you walk the guests properly?

Did you instruct them?

Did you ask them something as simple as we have like a very intense policy?

Men are silly.

They just want to get their hair cut.

They'll call Jeff up.

You'll say, Jeff, and they'll go, right here.

Your name's Stewart.

You're so cute, right?

Stop it.

So what we do is say, hey, can I please have your first and last name?

Oh my gosh, so wonderful.

Now we know exactly whose guest it is.

We don't have snafus.

Simple as that.

So we just came up with growth evaluations every week that are done.

So now everyone is on their toes.

We have started putting in secret shoppers.

Your current guests are going to tell you wonderful things or tasks or stylists, but what
are the things you're missing?

You see your own shop every day.

What are the things you're seeing?

Maybe something could be cleaner, more organized.

So we started doing secret shoppers.

We have a handbook, which you helped me get through, but we also now have a onboarding

And that onboarding guide also has separate expectations, product list, product knowledge,
this is how you're supposed to do things, and then videos.

This is a shampoo video, this is a clip of how the haircut process goes, all those things
so that before they walk in for their first day, they're already familiar.

They have to watch all of those things.

And then consultation spelled out just completely A to Z.

And they're given all of that in that packet.

So we have an onboarding packet to set expectations.

And we're also working currently on incentives for people in there for two years or more.

We started doing plaques.

So we did like bold, you know, and like crystal plaques.

This is two years of service, whatever people like to be recognized.

So we started doing long-term things like that.

We are looking to like telehealth.

for our stylists that I can cover so they don't have to pay for little doctor's visits and

That's something in our industry that's really unfortunately is a big gap and we're just
trying to keep people around.

We're trying to take care of their whole selves.

So that is a couple of things that we started doing.

Yeah, I love it.

I love seeing all the things that we discuss and that you create, you know, and then
implementing them and things of that nature.

So I was going to ask you kind of how has your business grown or evolved since we coached
together, but I would really like you to kind of tell them the entire journey of us

coaching together, kind of where your numbers were before, you know, you were solo where
they were before when you first got your team hired, what those numbers looked like and

kind of

what it looks for you right now.

Okay, so I started solo doing maybe six grand a month, right?

So with the time we're done buying product and retail and paying for rent, that wasn't
going to cut it.

And then I went to 12K in 90 days, so doubled income in 90 days, a little less.

And then went from there to...

I kept scaling up my studio even just a bit more.

Then I hired one other person just two days a week when I was not in the studio.

We got to around 15 or so.

And then kind of plateaued there.

Like you said, there was not enough room in the building And then we went off to our own
and we flirted between 17 to 18 grams for I don't know how many months because I was just

really interested in getting in my own way and then We hit where you kind of said here's
your things you really need to get done specifically and I finally listened Then we hit


consistently which you know three grand for is like the biggest treat and I was like I can
pay myself now.

And then we went from that to 25k really consistently.

We flirted between that for a while because we got short staffed and we're constantly,
another thing is quick to fire you know and I'm okay with that now because we wanted the

expectations that yeah I feel like I was compromising so much so.

So then we went over to around 34.

And keep in mind, we're a barber shop, there's no high tickets, there's none.

They're 45 to $60, and none of our stylists work 40 hours a week, not one.

We have two people right at 26 hours, one right at 29, and then we've got one at 18.

And we finally just got one more barber at 30.

So this is going to be her first full month coming up.

So right before her, yeah, around 34, but we're hoping to hit close to that 40K mark.

So super excited about that.

And then just started, yeah, I'm really excited.

Oh, and then we franchised out the concept.

So the coaching works.

It doesn't matter, people go, it doesn't work in my industry.

It doesn't work in my neighborhood, total lie.

There was some people.

I think it is important to tell them someone is just not an employee.

They just are not employable.

And that's okay.

So it was some friends and they were like, well, I guess if we fail, we'll just go to you.

And I said, I know you, you're always going to want to crawl your way out and be on your

So I offered to franchise the concept to them.

And they agreed.

And we did coaching just like you had taught me.

And we structured it.

And I said, give me 60 days uninterrupted.

In 32 days they said we don't need you anymore, thank you so much.

And they went from 6 grand for both of them a month to 18k a month.

In about 6 months.


So yeah.


It just, I have chills, literally, from where you were to where you are now is amazing.

How do you feel the success that you have has impacted you personally and professionally?

Ooh, okay, so personally it's made me...

Like you said, people like expectations and rules and boundaries.

It's made an unmovable sense of expectations I have for everybody around me.

I expect full kindness and consistency out of everybody in my life.

And if that is not given to me, I am not interested in taking the time out.

for those kinds of energies.

My business, the team that loves me so dearly, my husband, they deserve all of my best and
I cannot if I'm pouring out with people who lack boundaries and standards for themselves.

So it went trickled into my friendships, other relationships outside of that,

So having you put that mirror up to me and understand that trickled into my whole life.

And it's not coincidental.

I'm just like, everyone's so positive and forward moving and ambitious around me.

That's not by accident.

I started to choose those people only.

So that's what it's done.

I love that.

I that is freaking amazing.

I absolutely love that.

You're also like I think it's important for everybody to know that you live like half a
world away from where your business is right now, right?

And it is running the way that it's supposed to run without you there.

And you're taking a paycheck for that, right?


because you're still invested in the business, you're still running the business.

And so I think it's important for people to see, that is a huge, remarkable success that
you haven't even mentioned that I think needs to be brought up because you got to move to

the place where you've always dreamt of living and you still own and run your business and
it's just going like it should be, right?

Yes, I forgot.

Yes, you're right.

So because of you, I've always wanted to live in Las Vegas.

I lived in Atlanta for so quite literally across the whole country.

I am able to.

I just, I run payroll, I take a look, everything does what it's supposed to do and it runs
without me.

The franchise also runs without me because I get, you know, my paycheck from the
barbershop, I get royalties from that location and I'm now my third location.

I'm starting off again, like from the ground up, just little old me trying to get
connected to the community.

To be honest, I won't do it as long, it's not necessary, but I do want to get familiar and
plug myself in.

So this will be our third location.

clear across the country.


I love that.

That is so freaking cool.

That's so cool.

I think one of the questions that I kind of wanna ask you just for my personal know is,
what do you wish that you would have known before beginning our coaching relationship?

Oh, where do I get started with that one?


I think I should have, I wish I would have known I had to be immediately prepared to wear
different hats and evolve.

I was unfortunately this person like, well that's what works and very definitive, but

Marketing for yourself in a solo studio is different than marketing for a team.

Expectations for yourself are clear set and they're not for a team.

The feel and the environment, the structure you need to create will be different for you
versus a team.

So I was so definitive on like this works and I wish I just would have been, I wish I
would have shed that immediately before working with you.

And I just wish I would have met you maybe like 10 years sooner.

because I probably would be like early retired in Tahiti.

So yeah, just sooner would have been good.


But I think the points that you make are very valid, right?

We all, it's really hard, change is hard, change is hard.

And our businesses are our babies.

And so when you start working with someone and they come in and they're like, Janelle, I
love you butt, you know, that butt word is always like, ugh.

It's really difficult.

We don't wanna change the things about ourselves and about our business and about all of
the, or we don't want anybody telling us that they aren't right.

And I think it's important for people to understand that's not a coach saying that you're
not good enough or you're not doing things correctly.

There's just a better way to go about it.

As a coach myself, I learn new things every single day that I implement, you know, and
that I change and that I do.

In fact, the program that I have now,

is on steroids compared to when you and I work together.

And so I evolve as well as a coach.

So I think it's important for people to know and understand that.

What advice would you give to current or maybe prospective members that may be looking to
work with a coach or with the Beauty Biz agency?

First of all, I just want to say I'm super jealous because I already loved working with
you and I feel like I got the most value I got my whole career working with you.

So I can't even imagine if it's even like more in like in depth now So jealous.

Um, my thing I would say is like Run don't walk to coaching and stop thinking about what
is going to cost you and think about what's going to cost you So don't go into the dollars

and stuff.

Like what is it costing you to play small?

to not expedite your success, to not get yourself on track, because we both know it is
very easy, right, just a few months to run out of money because you're lacking

consistency, you have people walking out, you don't wanna keep stylist, the list is

What is it costing you to not do this?

And what it cost me was hundreds of thousands of dollars and my peace of mind, and thank
God I had kindness in my life, but not everyone is going to understand you.

Not everyone's gonna have an understanding husband who is willing to take up every last
moment of your time into your business.

So what is it costing the people around you too and your loved ones?

It is selfish of you to take all of that away from them.

So think of a way to get it done because it is costing you.

So don't think about what it's costing you, think about what it's really costing you.

I love that.

I love that.

I always say, if not now, when, right?

There's so many people out there that have been living the same life or doing the same
thing for five, 10, 15, 20 years, and they want change and they talk about change all the

time and they have big dreams and goals, but they'll never actually take the step or the
action to get there.

And so I think it's really important for people to understand that

Yes, it may be a sacrifice for 30, 60, 90, 120 days, but as things start to change, you
get your life back, you get your business back.

And those dreams become a reality, they become attainable.

And you can retire one day because in this industry, nobody is ever set to retire.

90% of people plus, they live off of Social Security.

When they get off of

you know, out of working from a salon or doing hair or skin or nails or whatever it is.

And that's horrible.

No other.

Companies or industries does that.

Why do we belittle ourselves and this industry so much?

It is it's painful to me.

It is so painful because this is a profession.

It is not a hobby.




Stop treating it like it's a job, it's a career.

Yes, absolutely!

I completely agree.

Oh, that was really well said.

I absolutely love that.

right, well, this question I am super excited for because, like I said, I just I'm so
proud of you.

But what's next for you?

What are you working on?

What what can people be seeing from you?

I want to know what you've got going on because I know it's going to be great, whatever it

I am, yeah, I'm excited.

I, so doing Las Vegas, going to expand it to a full location just like the one in Atlanta,
looking to franchise out more.

Going to start doing that here shortly.

And finally, because of your coaching, I am coaching as well.

So it's called the Barber Biz.

It's specifically for...

people in the barber industry just because it is a little bit different to market to men
clients hell.

Buying product is a different psychology.

Reaching out marketing is different.

And I'm just again like you, you want to change it.

I'm so tired of hearing the I just cut men's hair, I can't make any money.

That's exhausting.

It's not true.

And I want to put an end to that.

And so I am so passionate to change that industry.

The barbering industry is not always the most known for being professional and consistent
in money making.

And I want to change that as soon as humanly possible.

So doing coaching is the next big thing I'm super, super excited about.

love that.

And I think it is very needed.

I you know, people say all the time, there's 1000s of coaches out there.

And there are there's 1000s of coaches out there.

But there's billions of people in this world.

And everybody relates to somebody different.

And I think it's really important that if you're looking for coaching, because even with
you and I in our relationship, like, I had to think outside the box, right?

When I was coaching you, because like you said, it is different.

It's a barbershop, you're catering

to men more.

And so I really had my work cut out for me to try to figure out some things that we could
do that would make it work for you.

And we did that.

But I can only imagine what a program that you create is going to be like because you've
been there.

You've been in that battle zone.

You have the scars to prove it.

And so you leading people into the success that they can have just like you is phenomenal.

Like I cannot wait to see what comes of this.

I think it is amazing.

Well, thank you.

I appreciate it.

It really is thanks to you.

I just, I'm a big, softy bag of emotions.

So I just thank you so much.

I really, again, I wish I just would have met you sooner.

The kind of confidence you instilled in me, like you really made me feel like I was

of all the things, literally hearing hard things I didn't want to hear, doing all the
things, having the structure and consistency.

You saw potential where there was moments I did not see any in myself and I was
overwhelmed and you were constantly throwing me a life raft so I just want to say thank

you and I'm just, I'm so, so fortunate that we crossed paths and I was able to have you
coach me.

Well, I feel the same way.

I am so proud of you, like I said, and I am honored that you have taken everything that
we've learned and that you've created, and you are now going to help other people.

Like you're gonna follow in my footsteps and help other people.

I think that is the coolest thing that I've heard in a really, really long time.

So with that being said, before we kind of wrap everything up just a little bit, any last
words that you have, I think it's really important to tell people also

how they can reach out to you and get ahold of you if they're interested because people
need coaching and tell them how to get it.

True, so you can find me on TikTok for the Barber Biz.

There is a link right there to a, actually kind of a presentation.

It's more just like a webinar.

Like this is exactly what I did for this shop in particular.

It has very, very specific numbers, dates, everything.

So it's really transparent.

Same thing, Barber Biz, look us up online.

And we have an Instagram as well.

I love that.

That's awesome.

So you heard it here first guys.

If you are a barber or a barbershop owner or any of that reach out to Janelle because her
success is proven.

Her strategies, they're proven.

I don't think of anything better you could get than to follow in her footsteps.

I love it.

Well, thanks so much for joining me today and letting everyone hear just this inspiring
journey that you've that you've gone on.

You did get married in the midst of all of this too.

We forgot to mention that.

So congratulations on that.

I know it's been a while, but that is amazing.

Your success is really a testament to the...

It was a lot.

Your success, in my opinion, is really a testament to the power of dedication and also the
right guidance.

When you get that right guidance, it can just change your life in so many ways.

So to all of our listeners out there, we hope that today's episode gave you some valuable
insights into how transformative coaching can actually be, not just for your business, but

for your personal growth as well.

If you are feeling inspired and think you could benefit from some strategies or support,
you can go to Janelle for barbering, all things barber, barbershop related, right?

She told you exactly how to get there and we will link it underneath the video.

But you can also, if you are a commission salon or spa owner, you can visit our website or
follow us on social media, www.

to learn more about our coaching program.

Don't forget to subscribe to Salon Swagger on all of your favorite podcast platforms so
that you can catch all of our upcoming episodes.

We're going to probably have Janelle back on because she's just that amazing, and we're
going to have some other guest appearances pretty soon.

We have some more exciting stories, tips lined up for you guys.

visit our website for those free resources that you can implement immediately to generate
more revenue.

Janelle, do you have anything like that on your website?

Um, not currently, no.

Okay, keep an eye on her website because she may have some freebies for you pretty soon so
that you can kind of see what she's got going on.

I think that would be really, really cool to have, but thank you guys for tuning in.

And remember your business success is only a few strategic steps away.

Until next time, keep slaying those business goals with style, SaaS, and a whole lot of

From Solo Barber to Franchise Owner - with Jennelle
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