"From Fluff to Focus: The Med-Spa Success Story"

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Brie (00:01.56)
Hey guys, welcome back to Salon Swagger, the ultimate podcast for commission salon and spa owners. I'm Brie and today we have one of my favorite people in the entire world, Amanda Mathis. Amanda is the visionary behind Mathis Salon and Spa, formerly Salon Mathis. For 17 years, Amanda has built more than just a salon. She has actually created a community where her guests feel respected, loved and remembered all the time. Her commitment to excellence led to the expansion and rebranding of her studio and today,

It's really a testament to her passion and dedication in my opinion. Just like many journeys, Amanda's, well, it wasn't without challenges, but with the right guidance, she's begun to transform her business and to what it is today. I have had the honor of being a part of this amazing transformation with this amazing woman over the last year, and I can't wait to share it with our audience. So Amanda, I just want to thank you for being with us today. I know you have a busy schedule and I will try not to take much of your time.

Amanda Mathis (01:01.014)
Thank you so much for having me, Brie. I appreciate it. When you asked me, I was like, what? Why does she want to talk to me? but it's an honor. I'm excited. I'm excited.

Brie (01:06.626)

Yeah, I'm excited too. And I think that your journey can speak to a lot of our listeners. It's so funny, I found that with coaching and talking to people all over the nation, right, thousands of salon and spa owners, people think that everyone's journey is easy, or that some people just get lucky, they don't see all of the obstacles. And so I think it's really important to talk to people like you who I know have had the ups and downs just like I did, right?

And I think we can just pour into each other and really build each other up. So I think it's really important.

Amanda Mathis (01:46.334)
I will tell you that there has not been an easy, it's not an easy path. It truly is not. Especially when you're growing and you want to grow more, but then you doubt yourself and it's that whole back and forth and back and forth. There's been many a times I cry all the way home and I walk in the door and I'm like, I'm done.

I'm done and my husband's like, well, let's sell it. And then something will happen that I'm like, no, I, Ms. Joan just called, she needs her, she needs her hair done. And then, you know, my twin little boys that come in, they sent me a video, like something amazing will happen or a team member does, you know, finally has a breakthrough and it just brings you, it sucks you right back in. But.

my gosh, after all these years, Brie, no, even what I would do with myself. Like, I don't, I was telling my husband the other day, I don't even have a resume. Like, this is all I know. It's all, like, my heart's just there. And you, you, over the...

Brie (02:39.531)

Amanda Mathis (02:47.892)
Don't get me wrong, there's been, you know, there's been some times where I'm like, I don't know how the heck we're gonna get out of this. Whether it be the world going to crap or, then it just, you never know what's gonna happen. Never know from day to day. But I refuse to quit, absolutely refuse to know that.

I can't, I can't walk away. It's like, it's an, I would say it's an addiction, but I don't like to use that word, but it is, it's just, I love every aspect of it.

Brie (03:22.338)
Well, and I think that is what sets the beauty industry apart from every other industry out there. Our hearts and our passion are what make this beauty world go round. It really, really is. And I think if you're not in it, you just don't understand it. You just don't.

Amanda Mathis (03:39.414)
that? Yeah, no, I don't think a lot of people do. I'm 17 years in and I still get asked, you know, okay, well, when you're done playing with hair, what are you going to do for the rest of your life? And I'm like, what? I still just don't understand that question. But I think as a salon owner, all of us have such a giving heart and a servant heart.

that it's those of us who truly, truly have a passion for it and for people. It's one of those things that you go through all the bad because you want to see the good in everybody first. My husband says all the time, tells me all the time, it's business, Amanda, it's business.

those who truly make it, think in the salon industry, salon and spa industry, think those of us who, and I won't say we have bigger hearts than anybody else, but it's those who you can't let it go. Your heart just will shatter into a million pieces.

Brie (04:47.586)
Mm -mm.

Brie (04:51.352)
Yeah, I agree 100%. I mean, that's exactly how I feel and exactly how all the salon and spa owners feel that I coach, you know, on a daily basis. Now, before we dive into your journey and success, I have one question for you. So I want you to start by telling me the one thing, this is going to be a hard question, but the one thing that sets your med spa apart from all the rest out there.

Amanda Mathis (05:19.07)
It's, that one's not a hard one. I truly firmly believe in guest accommodations. I believe truly the guests should be put first, but we have to have rules and guidance in place for our team. Every person that walks through the door here is not a number.

We know them by first name and even if they're a new guest, are making sure we know the name when they walk through the door. Everybody is Mrs. /Mr. I am very, very adamant that every single person that walks through that door is treated as a family member. You are a part of this. You are not an outsider. I thank our hearts for here.

every single person, we already love them before they walk through the door. So there's some not so great ones, but at the same time, it's we're still gonna love on them just a little bit. That's the big thing for us is the value.

Brie (06:17.632)
I love that. If there's any way to set yourself apart, that's the way to do it, right? You are literally customer centric, like customer first all the time. And that's very, very important. So before finding the right fit with the Beauty Biz agency, because you and I have known each other for a long time. I know your past, you know mine, we know a lot, right?

Amanda Mathis (06:29.076)
very much.

Amanda Mathis (06:35.994)
my god, forever.

Brie (06:39.99)
You kind of had quite a different coaching experience and I want to discuss that journey and what kind of made you seek a little bit of a change. Now, we are not saying that any coaching programs are bad. I think you just have to find the right fit for you, for all of our listeners out there. I know that you worked with a couple of other coaching companies over the last few years before joining me at the Beauty Biz Agency. What were some of the positive aspects of that coaching?

Amanda Mathis (06:54.441)
Definitely. Definitely.

Brie (07:06.72)
And where did it fall short in terms of helping you grow your business specifically?

Amanda Mathis (07:12.02)
I will say over the years I've always been with some kind of coaching program. I always felt like I'm missing that one key component that's just gonna totally take me to the next level. And with each, I will say with each coaching program, I learned a lot in one area or another area. The last one I was with besides right before joining yours.

I absolutely, I loved them. I absolutely loved it. It was fun. It was exciting. I learned a lot, but there was never an answer. Meaning, if I said, is the problem that I have, tell me how to fix it. It was, it was a true coaching or like a, you know, a mom or a dad would do, would.

is totally flip that whole conversation and ask a question. And I'm like, no, just give me the answer. Like show me the roadmap. Show me exactly what I'm supposed to do. And I think that was the hard part for me with the, I did learn a ton. And I think, like I said, each one gave me a little bit more and a little bit more.

Brie (08:18.156)

Amanda Mathis (08:24.618)
But I needed more answers rather than guidance. Everyone needs guidance. But when you get to, I think there's a different level of what each owner needs. Some owners are new and then some owners, we've been in this a really long time. It's a different level of accounting that we need or a different level of branding or this or that. think everybody's at a different level.

that a lot of coaching programs now, it's all based off everybody's at the same level. And that's a hard part, especially when we're spending all kinds of money and we're doing everything they tell us to do. And I felt like I was just going back over everything I should have done in the first year. And it was a great refresher. I won't say that it wasn't, but at some point you're like...

I need I need answers and I just I felt like there was just never an answer to that that in When you sign up on a company Generally, you don't get to talk to the person who makes the videos you don't get to be firsthand

And I think that was big for me. If somebody's coaching me, like I wanna be able to pick up the phone or text and be like, hey, do you have five minutes? I have an emergency, I have a catastrophe, whatever it may be that more one -on -one I do better with. Some don't, I personally do so much better. Or somebody to just set me straight. sometimes there's, Brie, know, sometimes there's like, listen.

Brie (09:57.869)

Amanda Mathis (10:07.134)
I'm going to have to slap you from Dallas, but sometimes you just need to be, you know, geared back in the right direction. So the big part, I, like I said, I learned so much from all of them, but it was never that one thing that I was missing. I, all these years, I think I got it now, but then again, something will happen. I'll be like, nope. Let me go, you know, brainstorm.

Let me go have a heart to heart with Brie and we'll figure this out together.

Brie (10:41.918)
Absolutely. I think that's really important. And I think that's, you know, I've been in your shoes before, and I've done different coaching programs throughout my years. And that's what I wanted to create was something to where I was involved in the journey. It wasn't about getting rich quick for me. It was it was about actually making a freaking change in this industry with the salon and spa owners that I was coaching. And so in order to do that,

I have to be a part of it. If I'm not a part of it, it's never going to happen the way that I need it to. So I appreciate that you see that in me. I love that.

Amanda Mathis (11:10.88)

Amanda Mathis (11:15.478)
Very, very much. wanted to, think you're, we have different coaching styles, but at the same time, both of us are very much hands on. It's very, I don't sugar coat anything. I tell everybody, I don't own a bakery. ain't sugar coating it here. And you're the same way, but it's with.

Brie (11:28.109)

Amanda Mathis (11:38.682)
a of the previous companies, it's a sugar coat kind of thing. If you do this, you're going to be a million dollar salon owner. that's not always, it's not how it works, trust me, been there, done that. But I think like for you and I, it's shoot it straight. Like don't sugar coat it. Cause if it's something,

Somebody once told me when it's important to you, you will make the time. So I tell all of my team members here, I tell, you know, those, other, you know, salon owners that I help coach as well. Like, if you're not going to do it, then don't do it, but don't, don't get mad at the end of it when you're not where you want to be when you didn't put in the work to get it. So it's, it's the same thing. You, you've got to put in.

put forth that effort, but with you and I, we're both very much hands on. So very much hands on. I'm in the middle of everything around here. There's no telling what's going on.

Brie (12:33.942)

Brie (12:37.643)

Brie (12:41.9)
I love it. So once you kind of had the right guidance, by the way, when you kind of say, I mean, I get it, you learned a ton from other coaching companies. I've learned a ton from every, a ton of people in this industry, right? A ton of people in my life. I think it's really, really important. One thing that I always seem to find, and it reminded me of what you said, is it's the fluff, right? Always making you feel good, the feel good stuff. That's great, that's great.

but it's not going to get me where I need to be. And it's definitely not going to get me to hit the numbers that I need to hit in order to feel successful. So I love to focus on focus, not the fluff. So no, no, we don't need that.

Amanda Mathis (13:19.578)
I don't need the theme song. And I don't need the breathing sessions. Like, let's just get to it. Let's go. Yeah.

Brie (13:29.324)
Let's do it. Let's do it. Now, once you had the right guidance, you and your business, you really began to make some major moves. I mean, I've really seen you make some major, major moves to where you were kind of stuck before. So I want to dive into some of the specific strategies that really set your MedSpa apart. What do you think makes your MedSpa stand out from others in the market?

Amanda Mathis (13:54.418)
A, it's of course our guest accommodations, but the other is we do have a level system that I spent a very long time perfecting.

Brie (13:57.047)
Mm -hmm.

Amanda Mathis (14:06.09)
But my biggest thing inside of this salon, and it is all over our website, I train the girls to do it. I do not want any single client that walks in to feel like they have to be with this person. I want them to move around. I want them to experience everybody. And I want everybody to not just acknowledge it, but be empowered by it.

with everything going on in this world. For example, one of my ladies, you know, messaged over and she's like, hey, Amanda, you know, we're, really on a budget this, this month. I know I have an appointment coming up. Can I, can I see one of our level twos or level threes just for financial reasons? And I'm like, absolutely. I will move you over. No problem. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. So

For us, it's very...

We know their stories. We know their life stories. so building that, that structure, that part of, of, of my business was really big for me because I had to take into consideration the guest perspective, but I had to also put into where are my team members? Are they fresh out of school? Are they, how do I go about? So building that system led into, okay, I need to make sure that my training programs for in the

salon are where they need to be. that, I mean, it was kind of like 500 things all rolled into one when I was able to revamp our QD program, our associate program to line up to where our guests needed to be on more of a budget if they were. Like we have level one through level nine and there's a lot of levels but at each one

Amanda Mathis (16:01.438)
to watch your team grow and master and then to be able to do that service on the floor for a guest is huge. It's huge. I think totally, once I figured it all out, I don't know how many times I called you. I was like, it's not working. I can't do math. But now that it is set in place, I...

Brie (16:14.487)


Brie (16:21.883)
I love it.

Amanda Mathis (16:26.43)
I truly, I was able to figure out, you now how do we do a bonus structure? How do we do different things with the girls and KPIs? I don't know. I just have such a fun time doing it and figuring it all out. And then of course, making it pretty, but.

Everybody has that pathway. Even, you know, our guests know that they can see anybody in here and I would rather have them here than any other salon. So it's the same way with our team. There is a set journey to get from point A to point B, whether you want to be, you know, go down the leadership route or the membership route or the manager route, whichever route, the journey is there. I've set it up and it's exciting. It's exciting.

Brie (17:12.884)
It is. It's super exciting. And that's one of my favorite things to help people create in their studios, you know, because I think it's something that is lacking. And I am amazed at the amount of owners that I talk to on a daily basis that have nothing like that. They may have a client journey, but when it comes to their team development and the journey of their team members, it's pretty much non -existent. And it really, yeah.

Amanda Mathis (17:36.17)
That's the problem. I think that's a lot of the reason, you know, lot of stylists now go straight booth rent and there's no clear cut pathway. There's no, this is where you are now, but this is where you could be. There's no guidance. It's like, okay, you have a license and you're breathing. There's your chair, have fun. And that's truly not the way the commission, it's not.


I think when you truly care about your team and their growth, like I get, my husband laughs at me. He goes, you get so excited when your team members are getting four figure paychecks every week. And I'm like, I am, especially when it's, know they put in the work. I know they did the training and it's exciting to be able to give them those huge bonus checks or when they hit milestones. But we have, very big on work life balance here.

My girls don't work four, but they work four days a week, potentially five. But that's huge for them. They want these, a lot of the girls coming out of school, they want that time. Unlike you and I who seven days a week, 15 hour days, that was what it happened. And now the industry has changed so very much. It took me a hot minute to go, okay, no.

Brie (18:55.554)

Amanda Mathis (19:05.172)
They don't need to work six days a week. It was more that's, you know, old school way, but I've noticed when for the like the girls here, we every, every month we have our team meeting, but it's also a success meeting. We're mapping out and we're planning out. What are we doing for the next month? What are, what are your committed actions? We debrief every day. Those, those little things that take.

you know, maybe 30 minutes out of your morning or 30 minutes out of your afternoon. It truly makes a difference with your team. They want to be a part of something bigger. And they should be. They shouldn't be in a little jail cell by theirself. I was there. I was totally there.

Brie (19:46.114)

Brie (19:50.172)
me too. Me too. And it was, it was awful. When I look back, it was awful. Like I look back on my experience and I'm like, I was miserable most of the time. I would lie to myself and say, this is great. I was making good money, you know, all of those things, but it wasn't the camaraderie. It wasn't the bustling studio that I love the smells, the sounds. Yes.

Amanda Mathis (20:00.043)
I'm going to.

Amanda Mathis (20:08.086)
Thank you.

Yeah, you couldn't bounce an idea off of anybody. Like, God forbid, like, this woman came in with this and I don't even know what the hell I'm doing. It's that to be able to have that teammate right next to you, that family member going, okay, I need help. Like, somebody help me. It's part of the...

Brie (20:20.898)

Amanda Mathis (20:34.514)
It's part of that leadership. think in in a salon, your culture has to be there. Your leadership team has to be there. And it it has to be done not in a dictation way, but hey, these are the rules. These are what we expect of you. Now let me help you and guide you through it.

Brie (20:53.143)

Amanda Mathis (20:53.91)
When there's clear expectations, everybody knows exactly where they're at. It amazes me how many salon and spa owners don't have the journey, but they don't have a handbook. They have no idea. They're like, we pay 50 % commission. Great. What's your profit margin on that? And they can't tell you.

You talk about, Mel's on chalkboard. Lord, baby Jesus. So it's, you have to know your numbers, but you also have to make sure that your team and your girls, I say girls, because all of mine are ladies. We have two guys, but they're on the back end. It's...

Brie (21:29.772)

Amanda Mathis (21:36.592)
Women are more on an emotional level, whereas men are more on a very like straight and narrow, this is how it is. But it's distinguishing the two and knowing that line, but being able to truly help them get from point A to point B, by doing it with clear expectations so that the business doesn't lose money, but they're making money as well.

Brie (22:01.208)
100 % team development plays such a huge part of the success of your studio. It just, really does. So even with the right coaching, you and I both know that every business is going to face challenges. So let's discuss just a few of the obstacles that I have been able to see you overcome, which is amazing that you overcame them. But what would you say has been one of the biggest challenges you faced while growing your med spa specifically?

Amanda Mathis (22:30.528)
Amanda Mathis (22:34.767)
My executive assistant at the time was stealing it.

Basically, I'm gonna cry. Crap, I said I wasn't gonna cry. Basically, she was laundering money for over a year. So trying to build a med spa where you have to have the money to do it and then finding all of this out, that it took, it took a long time. I was,

Brie (22:44.022)
No, not doing that today.

Amanda Mathis (23:07.816)
extremely angry for a long time. And then it taught me a lot about my business and my protocols and trust and most would say, you know, I don't trust anymore. I don't that's, I don't trust her, of course. But my thing is, you know,

Brie (23:25.953)

Amanda Mathis (23:31.198)
You trust, there's a part that's like, okay, you need to micromanage. No matter how much you love somebody, you still need to follow up and check up. So I learned a lot about me on that aspect that, hey, I didn't do my due diligence because I trusted somebody so very much. But during that whole process, it was...

Okay, I have team members, have injectors that are ready to start and ready to go. I don't have time for a pity party. And it's, let's get up, let's go, let's figure this out. We'll, you know, figure it out as we go. And we're still figuring it out. We're not quite back where we were way before that. But we're getting there. And it's a slow moving process, but we're totally getting there. And I'm excited for the future. I'm excited.

Brie (24:20.46)
I love that. I know that during some of our coaching sessions, you know, I helped you navigate through some of those problems and some of those obstacles that you faced. And I can honestly say looking at the woman that you are now, as much as it hurt, as bad as it was, I can see a difference in you. And I think the difference that I see is going to be huge for you moving forward. So I just wanted to throw that out there.

Amanda Mathis (24:46.87)
I hope, think there were sometimes I'm like, I didn't even know. There were a lot of pity parties, a lot of tears, a lot of anger. I think I just kind of went through the motions, but I have, at the end of the day, I had team members. I had too many here that depend on me. And I have two teenage daughters.

Brie (25:07.01)
Yeah, right.

Amanda Mathis (25:11.41)
I'll be darned if they're gonna see me fail over this. So I think a lot of it is just my own, what is it, not stubborn. Well, it could be I'm just stubborn. My husband's like, you're so hard headed. And it's just, it is what it is. It's take it and run with it or let it eat you alive and destroy everything you built.

Brie (25:24.066)

Amanda Mathis (25:38.078)
I never thought I would be one of the owners that it happened to, but it did. it's less, lots of lessons learned on that part. Lots of lessons.

Brie (25:48.856)
I think you hit the nail on the head though. You said the word legacy and I know for you that's something that you're wanting to build for your daughters, right? They're both going into the industry. You want to build that legacy. And so I know when we were talking, it's one of those things like that's something you have to keep front of mind. And so I think you did a very good job of doing that. You know that people are depending on you and you could either give up like 90 % of people would, or you can keep pushing forward and you chose the latter. And I think you're going to be

so much better for it.

Amanda Mathis (26:22.102)
I know, hey, I've lost some pounds over it, so I'll take it any day of the week.

Brie (26:29.174)
I think you don't give yourself enough credit sometimes. Like I've seen you over the last year, right? I saw the state that the business was in. I saw things because not of your own doing per se, but I saw things and I also see how that is improving every single month as you keep fighting. I see how your team is growing. I see the development of the med spa and the business and what you want to create. And so I think you need to give yourself just a little bit of grace because

Amanda Mathis (26:46.55)
Mm -hmm.

Brie (26:58.858)
I see you doing amazing things. I'm always so excited to hear what successful entrepreneurs have planned next. So I know what's on the horizon for you because I kind of helped you come up with the concept just a little bit, but I'm sure that our listeners are really curious about your future vision. So how do you see the Med Spa industry evolving in the coming years? And what are you doing to stay ahead of the curve?

Amanda Mathis (27:01.834)
Yes, thank you.

Amanda Mathis (27:25.672)
So in the coming years, truly, honestly, I believe there's going to be a lot more independent med spa owners, injectors. I know in the state of Texas, they've changed up some laws for the med spa or for the aesthetic side of it. But I think a lot of those in healthcare, I have two of them.

that were in healthcare, they want something smaller, they want something more. They want to be able to not have to work nights. There's a lot of healthcare providers, say providers, nurses, doctors, they want out of this big, huge corporate loop. And I think a lot of them are moving towards

injections and cosmetic side of it, non -surgical lasers, they're wanting to move into that. And with doing that, a lot of them are going, okay, let me just rent out a booth. The problem is with that, they don't have the business side of it. And it was, I didn't think I did either, to be honest with you.

Brie (28:36.504)

Amanda Mathis (28:44.574)
salon. doing a med spa site, I'm like, I don't even know what I'm doing. But we navigated through it. I learned a lot of things.

I think in the med spa side of it, there's going to be a lot more smaller companies coming out. like salons, we have one on every corner, just nail salons, one on every corner. I think it's going to end up being the same exact way for the aesthetic side of it because most women are now, even we have a lot of gentlemen that come in for aesthetics. Most of them don't want to go under the knife anymore.

Brie (29:19.126)

Amanda Mathis (29:23.642)
risky surgery and half the time they don't get everything they need to because you're just another number. Whereas when you can build a relationship inside of a business, it's going to change. But with that, with so many coming out of the big corporate healthcare, they need the business side. They need to understand how the industry works, how

Taxes are completely different. You're not just going to get a W -2. You have to do those taxes. Inventory control and then building a team. You can't just hire your best friend and be like, hey, let's do this. Although I wish it was that simple. It truly is not. And I think because I've been in the beauty industry for so long and

Brie (30:03.158)
Yeah. Right?

Amanda Mathis (30:12.756)
You you learn how to build a team, you know how to do inventory, but some just, they don't know the steps. They just need that guidance and the right way to go about it. Same as, you know, the salon side. We needed guidance. both of us, I mean, had coaching before, but I think it's going to be the same exact way for the med spa. They need that clear cut roadmap. And I'm excited to be able to help those. never...

You know, never in a million years did I think I would ever be coaching again or doing any of that. But I think God intervened on that one. I think there was a whole week of phone calls and text messages and I'm like, what is going on here? So yes, that started.

and I'm enjoying every single bit of it. Only a handful of people know, you knew, you knew before I did it, but only a handful of people knew. Between you and my husband, my gosh, it was, I, and I kept going, okay, it's just Bre, like she loves me, she's gonna tell me to do it anyway, and then, it's just my husband, you know, but I think it was that one week where

Brie (31:10.754)
pushed you to do it. Let's be honest. I was like, this is needed in our industry.

Amanda Mathis (31:31.078)
I think I called you and I'm like, did you tell somebody, Bree, did you call somebody? Because there were just too many people calling and asking for help. And then another coaching program called and wanted me to come coach and be a mentor with them. And I'm like, you know, I love y 'all, but it's not, that wasn't the route. I think when you truly.

like with with being with you and then in the beauty biz and and that it's different if you call and go hey can you help me do a training on this day because everything that you're doing is 100 % everything that I truly believe in heart and soul but when there's another company as much as I love them and adore them their their values in their way of doing it are a little bit they're not in line with who I truly am

So it's a little bit different to be able to go, know, this is what I would do. This is how I would do it. It's a little bit, it's different when you wholeheartedly believe in something.

Brie (32:39.704)
100%. 100%. I'm super excited for you. I think that you are going to be great at helping other med spa owners actually get, know, understand what they need to understand. And that's what so many people miss out on in this business is it's not just a hobby. It's not playing with hair. And I know that salon and spa owners know that they've been through the obstacles. They felt the bumps and the challenges and the bruises and the bleeding and

all of those things, but for some reason, they ignore the business side. I know coaching has been a game changer for you and for a ton of other salons, spa and med spa owners out there. I think it's incredible to see the growth and the transformation that comes from having the right guidance and the right support. I just wish more people would be open to trying it because the benefits in my opinion are undeniable. You can achieve.

Amanda Mathis (33:09.718)
All of it.

Amanda Mathis (33:32.982)
I think you're...

Most now, think they're looking for, they say they want coaching, but then what they go to is these marketing companies that are charging five, six, $7 ,000 a month and maybe bringing in two people. Whereas when you have a coach on the business side, it's not just teaching you about your business or about building a team or creating handbooks or structure.

Brie (33:44.489)
Mm -hmm.

Brie (33:52.226)

Amanda Mathis (34:02.78)
that comes with it to show you and teach you to do it on your own. And I'm not saying all marketing companies are that expensive and it's great to have one every now and then for a project here and there, I don't, whoever you choose as a coach should be just as invested in you as in your business. If...

Amanda Mathis (34:27.382)
It's not just about marketing and advertising. It's so much more inside of your business. Because you can have all the people in the world walking in, but if you don't know how to manage that money, and you don't know how to manage your team, or build a team culture, build a great team, you're going to have a high turnover rate. And that's not good either, because then you're going to lose guests. So you've got to find the one you connect with.

Brie (34:34.264)

Brie (34:45.548)
Yeah. Right.

Brie (34:52.736)
Absolutely. And what I find a lot is that, you know, I'll have people reach out to me about coaching and I'm just as picky as I want them to be. I want them to vet me. I want them to make sure that my values align with theirs. You know, I'm very picky about that. I always have people telling me, I need more clients. I need more clients. I need more clients. And for example, I'm going to use one of our BBA members that we have right now. That's one of the first things that she said to me. And I was like,

Amanda Mathis (35:05.823)

Brie (35:20.504)
Okay, not a problem. can help you do that, but let's dig a little deeper first. She was at negative profitability. She was working like you and I did. I don't have to do it at all anymore, but constant, right? Like constant. And we were able within 60 days just to change a few things that she had going on in her business. And she has been hitting over 15 to 20 % profitability in 60 days.

Amanda Mathis (35:30.216)
I'm sorry.

Amanda Mathis (35:47.861)

Brie (35:47.906)
from us making very minor changes to a few things that she's doing and she's only working two days a week behind the chair now. So it's not always they need more clients, even though they think it is, it's not always about that.

Amanda Mathis (36:02.772)
A lot of time is, okay, you have a database full of them. What processes do you have in place that they're not coming back? So a lot of times it's just digging a little bit deeper into what you already have. But that is so amazing for her. That's so exciting. So, so exciting.

Brie (36:10.228)
Exactly. Right.

Brie (36:15.8)
100%. It's awesome. I just feel like people can achieve the growth that they've always wanted, while also reclaiming their time and freedom when they actually find a coaching program that works for them, right? So I think for any of our listeners out there, if you're ready to take your business to the next level, consider giving coaching a try. Just consider it for a second. It could be.

Amanda Mathis (36:31.24)
Thank you

Amanda Mathis (36:40.192)
Yes, not just working, coaching, through coaching.

Brie (36:43.17)
could be the best decision that you ever, ever make. Absolutely. Well, Amanda, I just want to thank you so much for sharing your journey with us today. It's been truly inspiring to hear really how you've built such a successful med spa. And I want you to know that I am, I don't know any other word, but to say honored, just to be a small part of your journey. Aside from that, the friendship that we have formed is just, it's amazing. And I...

Amanda Mathis (36:47.695)
Very much so.

Amanda Mathis (37:05.138)
You're so sweet. No, I love you.

Brie (37:12.492)
I don't know what I would do without it. before we wrap up, is there anything else you'd like to share with our listeners about your journey or your med spa? And where can our listeners find more about you, about Mathis Salon and Spa, and about your med spa coaching program?

Amanda Mathis (37:15.176)
Yes, I do.

Amanda Mathis (37:32.716)
my, that was a whole lot of questions all at once. First let me say thank you, Brie, for having me on. I truly appreciate it. I adore you. I have known you for years and years and I value you so much. Your opinion, your knowledge, you're just like, my gosh, you have so much in there to give.

Brie (37:34.498)

Amanda Mathis (37:51.76)
But thank you for having me on. I truly appreciate that and helping me navigate the last couple of years. Whew, that was that and even now navigate. all of our everything generally about me is going to be on our website, salonmathis .com.

We, our coaching program will actually be connected inside of there by the end of the week. We just did a mega update. I'm so excited to have all of the new services finally out up there. If you need to get a hold of me.

If you have Facebook or Instagram, you can go to my personal pages, Amanda Mathis, or feel free to email me, amanda .salonmathis .com. always here. I say I'm always here. I'm either here or I'm somewhere doing something, but definitely reach out. I would love to help you.

If I can't help you, know Brie can help you, but at least I'm one of those. Like Brie, if it's something that is not my area, I'm definitely gonna let you know this is not my area of expertise and guide you to the right people in our industry. 17 years in, there's a whole lot of amazing people, but there's also some that I'm like, okay, stay clear.

But for the most part, everybody you meet is truly absolutely amazing. You just have to find what you need. Who do you mesh with? Because sometimes it's not even about their coaching program. It's more so, do I get along with them? Do our personalities mix? So make sure your personalities mix.

Amanda Mathis (39:42.45)
No holds barred and I'm not sugarcoating anything. So if, and I'm loud, my husband says I'm way too loud, but I am. I'm excited all the time for the most part. But I'd love to help you grow. Love to help you grow. It makes my heart happy. So.

Brie (39:44.92)

Brie (39:58.327)

All right, Med Spa owners, you heard it here first. If you need some help, you know exactly who to reach out to. So with that being said, that's a wrap. Be sure to tune into our next episode. Don't forget to follow us on social media, all of the platforms. And if you haven't already, make sure to visit our website at www .thebeautybusagency .com for some amazing free resources that are going to help you take your studio to the next level. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review and share it with other commission salon and spa owners.

Thank you so much for joining us, Amanda. I really appreciate it. Now I want all of our listeners to go out there and make some boss moves. Until next time, keep slaying those business goals with a whole lot of swagger.

Amanda Mathis (40:40.158)

"From Fluff to Focus: The Med-Spa Success Story"
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