Cracking the Code on T.R.U.S.T: Transforming Team Dynamics in Your Salon

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Brie (00:00)
Hey there, Salon and Spa superstars. Welcome to Salon Swagger, your go -to podcast for all things commission based salon and spa ownership. I'm Brie and I'm with Chandra today. Chandra, how are you?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (00:15)
I'm good, doing good today.

Brie (00:18)
Awesome, well thank God it's not a Monday, that's all I have to say.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (00:21)

Brie (00:24)
Yeah. So last week we talked about decision layers and I think that that was a very informative episode that we had. However, I noticed that as we were talking to our coaching members and going through some things, something that always seems to come up when you're looking at delegating and making decisions and kind of putting a managerial tier, you know, within your studio is trust. And so today,

I think we are going to talk about the transformative power of trust in team dynamics within commission salons and spas specifically. Trust is really the backbone of any successful team. And in our industry, it can make or break the harmony and the efficiency of our operations. As I was preparing for this episode, I was thinking back kind of over the years of my ownership and I literally just started smiling because I was remembering.

so many times when just a simple act of trust completely changed the entire atmosphere in my studio. So one of the moments that kind of came to mind was when one of our stylists, she just, she hadn't been herself. Like she used to be peppy and everybody loved her and she kind of lifted everybody up and things of that nature. And she was just kind of declining and declining and declining. And none of us could figure out what was going on.

So, you know, finally we just had to drag it out of her. I mean, she was struggling big time with some very, very personal issues and she was really hesitant to share any of her struggles. For one, she didn't want to bring the team down, which it didn't. It brought us down more that she wasn't opening up. You know what I mean? But after a bit of communication, she finally opened up and our entire team, they rallied around her and it brought us closer than we had ever been before.

That is exactly what we're going to talk about in this episode. How you can build and nurture the kind of trust in your salon or spa. With that being said, is there a specific instance that you can think of just really quickly that makes you realize how important trust is when it comes to the team dynamics in your studio?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (02:38)
Yeah, I think something very similar actually we've had with some of our team members. And I think the biggest thing is that they feel like this is the place where they can come and be safe. Like we're not going to judge them. We're not going to tell them things that, you know, try to give them too much advice. Like really they could just come and know they can feel comfortable with us and they can tell us anything and that we were there for them and that we have their back. And I think that having that dynamic is, is amazing for, for any team members. So.

Brie (03:08)
Yeah, 100%. Trust is crucial for how well your team works together and how successful your salon can be, right? Not will be, but can be. When your team members trust each other, it's going to create a supportive and positive environment. It just kind of, it's a domino effect. With this kind of trust in your studio, your team is more likely to achieve the big goals that you have set out as the salon or spa owner.

For example, let's just say when a stylist helps a teammate, right, who is having a tough day, it's gonna lift everyone's spirits and it shows that they care about each other. Celebrating milestones together is also going to strengthen unity and it's just going to make everyone feel valued and motivated. But when this trust is missing, it can lead to a negative and toxic working environment and that can happen very, very quickly. Things like gossiping and keeping important information from each other.

They're going to create suspicion and insecurity. Without trust, communication breaks down and team members may start to just focus more on protecting themselves rather than working together. And I think that this lack of trust, it can lead to missed business goals, lower productivity rates, and really just overall bad performance. Would you agree with that? And have you seen that happen in your studio?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (04:33)
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, it can implode your whole culture when you have that break in trust for sure. And we, we've dealt with that over the years here and there. I think the biggest thing is, is trying to maintain that, that kind of, kind of that morale when you're going through a lot of that stuff, because we, that when that starts to happen, it can completely destroy everything that you're working for. And trust is so easy to break.

Brie (05:02)
So easy to break and so hard to build, right? I feel like the effects of broken trust, it goes beyond the daily tasks because it can cause high turnover rates, because employees start to look for better, more supportive workplaces. That's what employees want. There's something special about commission salons and spas, right? It's that camaraderie, it's that liveliness, it's the teamwork. And...

If they're not getting that, they're not going to stay there. And you know, as well as I do constantly hiring and training new staff, it can drain your resources and disrupt the quality of service, which is going to affect your customer satisfaction and your business growth. So with trust being at the backbone, if it's not there, we've got a big problem. But when trust is strong, I feel teams can handle challenges a lot better because they know they can rely on each other. And this collective strength.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (05:33)

Brie (05:59)
That's what I call it at my studio is a collective strength. We want to be collectively strong in everything we do. It helps the salon or the spa kind of set and achieve really high goals that they may not set otherwise, both for the business and for the individuals. Trust encourages team members to take risks, to be creative, to strive for excellence. And I feel like without it,

fear and uncertainty is just going to hold everyone back, limiting their potential and their progress. So have you seen a time in your studio where trust was broken and it actually did this? It held you back. It held your team members back from progress that you were trying to make.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (06:47)
Yeah, I think a good example of that would actually be when it came from me at one point where I actually was getting too close to a couple of the team members and would divulge information that I probably shouldn't have. And this was very early, you know, in my salon ownership, but not realizing that.

would get back around, you know, stuff like that. You could say that, but it always ends up back around and kind of spreading through the entire salon. And that trust, that break in trust, I actually even caused it. And so realizing that and understanding how precious that is and how hard that is to rebuild, I think is so hard. And I think as an owner, sometimes we don't even realize we might be trying to create this atmosphere this certain way. And we don't even realize sometimes that we could have been the ones that.

caused the issue. And so that would be my example of that situation.

Brie (07:46)
Yeah, and I think you're right. I honestly think that probably seven times out of 10, it is the owner that is causing that break in trust or that breach, right? And so it's really important that we look at ourselves first. When we create a culture of trust, we are creating a high performing team that is capable of remarkable achievements. And so I don't think we stress enough how important trust actually is when it comes to

business ownership and a team environment. So we are going to introduce trust today in a little bit of a different way. We are going to introduce it as transparency, respect, understanding, support and teamwork. And if people that are listening to this salon and spot owners out there, if you will create a framework like this, it makes the word trust means so much more. You're able to explain it to your team a lot better.

and you're able to implement it in everything that you do. In saying that, I think we need to really quickly kind of go through what each of these means and then talk about how people can integrate this into their studio. So transparency is really just being open and honest in all of your interactions because that is crucial. This means sharing information freely. However, you have to be careful at the information that you share, right?

Addressing issues directly and keeping communication clear when your team knows that there are no hidden agendas because that is one of the number one things that comes up with Commission salons and spas right People seem to think that salon owners have these hidden agendas somewhere there if they know that that is not a possibility They're going to feel more secure and more willing to share their own thoughts and their concerns and that's a way that you grow So how are you?

transparent as an owner with your team.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (09:49)
I really do share most of the information that I have with them. I mean, there's certain things, trade secrets, certain things that might be business operations, you don't necessarily wanna share with them. But when it comes to really letting them know, like kind of.

what we're doing, what we're about, if there's a situation that happened, if there's something going on within the salon that's sort of like an air of something that's happening. I always just kind of bring it out and share it. And I think we've kind of created that transparent culture where I also want them to come and tell me everything as well, or to talk to management or talk to each other about what's going on and be transparent too, and not sort of create that drama and that gossip going on.

So I think when you create that transparency for us, it has made things a lot better with communication and it's also made things better amongst the team because they know it's going to come straight from me. If there's an issue or if there's something going on, it's not going to go through this chain of people and there's going to be this whole thing. So I think having that transparency, just straightforward, straight out is like the best thing you can do in your salon environment.

Brie (11:02)
like this is an area that a lot of salon or spa owners struggle with as we go and we coach them on a daily basis. They're always so scared to overshare. And yes, you can overshare. But when it comes to things like numbers in your business, where are we at? What do we need to hit? What do we need to do? Transparency is required, right? When it comes to

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (11:07)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Brie (11:26)
getting rid of a bad seed or a bad apple, things of that nature. You have to share those things with your team. I think we as salon and spa owners, we have been burned so many times that we just, we feel like we have to protect everything. And that's not the way it is. You really have to find a happy medium and be transparent in everything that you do. All right, so our next letter is R and that stands for respect.

This is valuing each other's opinions and contributions. It's going to create a culture where everybody feels appreciated. This involves listening actively. For those of you that don't know what that means, look it up because it's not just listening. Acknowledging different perspectives, which I think is huge, especially in the beauty industry, and treating every single person with dignity. When respect is mutual, it's going to create a positive,

and inclusive environment. This is going to alleviate that feeling that some of your team members have when they feel like somebody's getting treated better than them, right? The owner is closer to certain employees than they are to others. The management prefers the stylist over that stylist. So how do you integrate respect in your studio?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (12:49)
Yeah. So respect is actually one of our core values in my business. So that's something that's really, really important to all of us and part of our family dynamic culture in the salon. And so I think when we, when we integrate respect, it really starts to come from everybody having that same level of mutual respect for each other. And so we've tried to foster that by telling everyone like you need to tell the other person, if there's something going on, what's going on, you can get someone involved, but you have.

have to do it in a respectful way. You can't go. And even when it comes to talking about client situations, like everything has to be done in a respectful way. And if we catch it, we tell them right away. We're like, is that really like how we do things? Like, is that how we should be treating each other and try to check them right away? And that helps keep everybody on track with that respect. But it's so important that you have that when everybody has that mutual respect, you all trust each other. Like what we're talking about, it creates that trust because you know,

you have that same level of respect for anybody that you work with, it's not just certain people that you're friendly with or certain people that you like, it has to be full circle. And that's something that we've worked on really hard. And I do really think that that's a huge part of my culture. And I think that if you implement that in your salon, you'll see a huge shift in how your team interacts with each other.

Brie (14:13)
Yeah, I didn't really, I'm going to be honest with you, respect is something that's always been important, right? Always been important to me, but I didn't realize how hard it is to respect people because people are so different. Everybody is so different. And so sometimes it's hard to respect different opinions and the way that other people do things. And so,

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (14:31)

Brie (14:39)
For me, the control freak in me, this was a little difficult for me at times because I was set in my ways, right? That's just who I've always been. You know me. I am like, this is how it is. This is how we're going to do it because this is how we're going to reach this goal. Like it's going to happen, right? And so for me, I always respected people on a personal level, right? Like I'm never going to cross those boundaries, but I never really dove into what respect meant when I did this opened my eyes for

for salon and spa owners out there who have never really, we hear the word respect and we think certain things. But if you've never really dove into the word respect, I highly recommend that you do it. There is a book out there. I will link it to this episode. It was one of the best books I've ever read. Can't think of it off the top of my head, but I have it in the other room. I will get it and link it. It will change your leadership.

Immensely, I don't even know how to say it like it opened my eyes in so many ways So I think that's awesome and I love that that's one of your core values. All right, you is understanding this means assuming the best about your colleagues It's going to help build trust and it's going to reduce conflicts it's about giving people the benefit of the doubt and trying to see the situations from their perspective This empathy is going to lead to stronger more supportive relationships

within your entire team and honestly with your clients as well. So when we talk about understanding in this aspect, because it's a little different, right? Assuming the best about everyone, how do you incorporate this into your studio?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (16:22)
we actually do a lot of training on this and trying to get people to see both sides of a situation or understanding where someone's coming from. Let's say, you know, you have a team member that comes in in a really bad mood and you're trying to figure out what their problem is, you know? And it's so it's like having that level of understanding to know, okay, where are you coming from? Why are you acting like that? What's going on? And trying to just really understand their situation and what that means and each other.

And so everybody's coming from a different place, a different walk of life. And so when they are all coming together under the same roof for the same purpose, you have to sometimes really open up to see.

what is going on with this person and understanding who they are, why they are the way they are, what they're doing. And we actually train on this a lot because I think it's honestly, in my opinion, it's kind of a level of maturity that you have to reach sometimes to be able to be open in that way. I feel like we don't always start out like that. And so it's hard for people sometimes, especially if you've never been exposed to that in your life, to have to learn how to...

be understanding of other people and to kind of get in there and know what's going on. So we do a lot of kind of role playing and training with that or using that as a tool when there is a situation and saying, okay, I want you to sit down and find out exactly what's going on and why this is happening with this person or what's going on with them so that they have to sort of see it from their perspective.

Brie (17:52)
Yeah, 100 % I agree with you. I think this is something that I mean, everybody struggles with understanding other people, right? It's just we're all human. And so we all have our beliefs and our ways of doing things. And so it's really, really hard. We do an exercise at my studio, and it's called the detective work, which is really, really cool, because I actually give them scenarios, and they have to go in as a non biased detective and figure out exactly why Sally did this action.

and why she feels this way. And that has opened people's eyes more than I could ever even imagine that it would have. I started it as a game. It was something fun, because we were having a few issues with some of our associates being able to understand some of our older, more mature, like you said, stylists. And the older stylists were getting frustrated with the younger ones and vice versa. And so I think.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (18:42)

Brie (18:48)
treated it as a game, it worked out really, really well, and we incorporated into our onboarding and training now, phenomenal. So really, really good. All right, next is S for support. So this is being there for each other in an authentic way. This means offering help when needed, celebrating each other's successes, things of that nature. There's a big difference in support and genuine support.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (18:54)
Mm -hmm. Yep. Yep.

Brie (19:14)
Genuine support is going to strengthen the bonds. It's going to encourage everyone to do their best work every second of every day. This to me is about creating that safety net where every team member feels comfortable taking risks and growing. People probably wonder why I keep bringing up taking risks. That's part of business, not just for the business owner. Every single person that works for you, they have to take risks every single day, right?

whether it's getting out of their comfort zone to perform a new service, whether it's doing some sort of marketing that they're not comfortable with, they are taking risk every day along with you. And so it's really, really important. So when it comes to support, authentic support, how do you incorporate that into your studio?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (20:04)
I think this actually was kind of a hard one for me in the beginning. And it's not that I didn't support people, but it's that I sort of put all these things in place that I thought were supportive measures, like kind of like rewards or, you know, gratitude for this or these different things that I would tell them or I would be there for them if they needed anything. But it wasn't always genuine in the beginning because I just thought I had to do these things and I'm not the greatest person at giving a pat on the back.

And so for me, the biggest thing I think I had to learn myself was that I had to truly care enough to be supportive about everybody and to actually open myself up. And one of the biggest exercises that worked for me as a leader that helped a lot was actually really building my career path plans for my team. Because even though that was for them,

that support coming from me to help them reach those goals, it actually made a big shift in myself to actually really realize what support meant from the owner, from the leader. And that meant like I needed to be there for them to help them through all of these different things, whether it was a personal or professional goal, I could still be that support for them to help them reach that or to get where they needed to be. So that's kind of how we incorporated it. And then I just really...

You know, as the leader, you have to learn how to genuinely be supportive. Like you said, there's that surface level support where it feels like you're being a supportive boss and you can't figure out why people don't understand why you're supportive. And that's because it's not genuine. And so you have to really open that up and dig deeper and be more genuine and be more wholehearted in your support. That's yeah, there you go.

Brie (21:46)
Yeah, and I feel like that once again is probably a place that a lot of salon and spa owners live in, right? They have been burned so many times, they just want to stay on that surface level of support. And the way that you incorporate support is one of the ways that we incorporate it with the career growth plans. The beautiful thing about those is yes, ownership is now supporting, right?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (21:56)

Brie (22:11)
but everybody else is supporting as well. Your masters, your educators, your leads, they are supporting everybody underneath them so that it just creates that domino effect of where we're all cheering each other on. We are all offering to help each other when needed. We're celebrating each other's successes. We're doing all of those things, which is very, very authentic in the way we support each other. All right, so the last T is for teamwork and.

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (22:17)

Yep. Yep.

Brie (22:40)
This one, I think is super, super important. It's being reliable and dependable in your actions and words. When team members consistently follow through on their commitments, they keep their promises. It's going to build that foundation of trust that every single person can count on. There is no teamwork without trust. There isn't. It's never going to happen. Trustworthiness ensures that everyone knows that they can rely on each other.

It's going to strengthen that team cohesion, and it's going to strengthen the performance not only of the individuals, but of the team and of the business. So how do you incorporate teamwork when it comes to the actions and the words, not just saying, hey, woohoo, we're a team, let's go?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (23:31)
Yeah. I think teamwork definitely can be kind of hard to get it working like a well -oiled machine because everybody does get busy. Everybody does kind of care about themselves sometimes in the beginning and it's about having to really get them to understand what teamwork means. that's also another one of our core values. So that's kind of funny that those are both in there, but, the, the way that we kind of see it is everybody helps each other and you know that you have each other's back no matter what.

And so we really drive that constantly. Every single team member, like if somebody is running behind, it doesn't matter if you're a master stylist. It doesn't matter if you're a brand new stylist, you're running over there to help them. If you have time to help them and make sure that they can get whatever they need. And if the front desk is busy and they're on the phone and you happen to see somebody walk in, you're running up front to check in that client for them. And so it's really about making sure that you start creating that culture where everybody knows.

No matter what it just, cause I have downtime right now does not mean I'm just not doing anything. If somebody needs me, I'm going to be there for my team. And so we're constantly kind of working on that. And it took a long time in the beginning. We had to like tell people, Hey, get out of the back room and go see if anybody needs help to start getting those habits sort of ingrained in them, because they just didn't automatically think that way. Wasn't that they were malicious. They just didn't think about it. And so it's really kind of getting them to see that.

You know, have that mindset of, I got to help really quick. And then if there, nobody needs me or I don't need it, you know, and nobody's drowning, I can sit. And so it's really kind of fostered that teamwork in our salon, in our culture that, you know, that's just the standard everybody helps. And there's, there's just no other option. And then everybody starts to automatically fall into that mold over time.

Brie (25:20)
Yeah, I love that. And I think that's one of the beautiful things about being in a commission environment is that teamwork. One thing that I do want to add about teamwork is I think it's really, really important to make sure that you have clear boundaries. I think that they are essential for ensuring that everyone knows their job roles, what's expected of them. So during team meetings, take time to define those roles and set those expectations.

This clarity is going to help prevent misunderstandings. It's going to reduce conflicts. It's just going to keep everyone on the same page. So I think it's really important when you're working on your teamwork or what you want that to look like or how you want to incorporate that, make sure that there are boundaries set. Because one of the things that happens a lot of times when you're talking about teamwork is people overabuse things, right? If those boundaries aren't set, we have to be really, really careful. And so I think it's really important that you set

clear goals, clear roles, whatever it is. You've got to be consistent in doing those. You have to learn to respect each other's boundaries, personal and professional. And so I would highly recommend if you're working on your teamwork to think about boundaries as you're going into it. I feel like as we're coaching different salon and spa owners, those boundaries come up a lot. And we've talked about that in past episodes on salon swagger, but.

Teamwork really does have to have clear boundaries or it's going to cause chaos very, very quickly. What are some strategies you use to really establish and maintain clear boundaries within your team?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (27:04)
I mean, I think it all kind of comes back to everything that you were just talking about. So having that understanding and having that support and all of those things helps to start creating those boundaries within your team. And just everybody being transparent with each other, like you said, it all sort of comes full circle because if everybody's transparent, everybody's communicating, they're all supporting each other.

then those boundaries are automatically sort of respected and everyone kind of knows what your boundaries are or what this person's boundaries are. And so it just sort of comes out that way. And when you have that mutual respect and support for each other, you just respect those boundaries and you know, you know, we're not gonna cross them. And if you do cross them, you're gonna say something and we're gonna handle it. We're gonna work it out and everything's gonna end up fine. And so I think when you have all those things in place,

that kind of organically just sort of happens.

Brie (27:58)
Yeah, I would definitely agree with that. So I think integrating the principles of TRUST or trust into daily salon operations or spa operations, it's going to require actionable steps. We kind of walked you through some of the things that we do in our studios, but you're gonna have to figure out exactly how you want to incorporate each of those into your studios. You can start by holding team meetings, team building activities.

things that are going to promote trust and collaboration. I'm telling you guys right now, right here, trust is one of the things that is lacking in probably almost every single one of your studios. And if you sit down and really, really think about it, how much do you trust your team? Are you giving them as much trust as they need to have in order for them to go out and do their jobs, right? You need to...

implement those open door policies where team members can freely discuss their concerns and suggestions. You've got to regularly assess the level of trust within your team and make improvements as needed. Trust building activities are one of my favorite things. I love them. I love them. I love them. We do them all the time. They significantly enhance team unity and trust. Anytime you get a new employee, if you aren't doing a team building activity, you're doing something wrong.

So let's talk about team building just a little bit. What do you do to kind of build your team morale when you'd go out on outings or do activities or things of that nature?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (29:37)
I think we try to, kind of incorporate a lot of little activities about each other. So we do, when we do a lot of different team building activities, we'll do, like, we just did one actually, last week where we had everybody kind of write down like two things that they really liked about each other or two things that you noticed about somebody that they maybe didn't know. And little things like that. We do a lot of stuff like that where we'll.

If we go on a team outing, you know, everybody kind of lets their guard down a little bit and just gets to know each other and be friendly with each other outside of work. And I think that's really helpful too, because that gives you a better understanding of what they're about.

but just any of those little things that you can do, we did one where we had them sit down and do like a Y exercise with each other, where they had to ask each other questions and learn about the other person and find out exactly where that person's coming from, or sometimes what their past is like and why they like certain things that they like. And just when you start doing those little exercises with your team and they start really digging deep into each other and learning about what makes everyone tick.

I think that is a big part of building that team camaraderie and getting everybody to be close together. We do a lot of stuff like that.

Brie (30:57)
I love that. I love that. How do you regularly assess trust within your team? Do you have a specific way that you go about doing that so you can make sure that everyone feels like there's trust involved there?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (31:12)
In our team meetings, we do a lot of stuff where I think that we will talk about that a little bit, talk about trust. Not necessarily just trust specifically, but we talk about our core values and a lot of our core values are related to those kinds of things that we've been talking about today where it brings it back full circle. So we do kind of do a lot of things in our team meetings where we're relating everything back to our values.

and making sure that everybody's on the same page. And I feel like we can assess it that way too, because you can tell sometimes when somebody's not aligning with those things that you're talking about or little exercises that you're doing to align everybody and you'll have one or two people that are like kind of odd out and you can kind of see what's going on with them.

But definitely doing some little, you have to assess it, like pay attention to your culture. We do surveys. We send out like random surveys. We'll ask little questions about certain things and get some feedback that way as well. So definitely assess it because it can get sneaky and disappear really fast if you don't.

Brie (32:16)
100 % surveys are amazing when you're trying to assess things like that. I think both from the client standpoint and your team standpoint, it's really, really eye opening because your clients are going to be one of the first people that notice a disconnect within your team. They see it. They see everything. They watch everything. So surveying your clients on what...

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (32:23)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Brie (32:41)
Not necessarily asking them, do you think we trust each other, right? But definitely asking them questions that you know that they would notice that will let you as an owner know there is disconnect, discomradery somewhere, right? That needs to be fixed is a really, really good way to go about it. Well, I feel like today we've explored the transformative power of trust in team dynamics. The principles of TRUST, transparency, respect, understanding, support, and teamwork, they are essential for

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (32:55)
Mm -hmm.

Brie (33:09)
building and maintaining trust within your salon or spa team by integrating these principles into your daily operations. And they have to be integrated into your daily operations. You can create a supportive and successful environment. So reflect on your current team dynamics and consider how you can apply these principles in your own studio. Now, if you are ready to kick things into gear,

Join the Beauty Biz agency for more in -depth coaching and support on creating a thriving salon or spa environment. Let's continue to build a community where trust and collaboration lead to success. That's a wrap, guys. Thanks for kicking it with us today on Salon Swagger. Now go out there and make some boss moves. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for strategies, interviews, and in -depth discussions. And if you have any topics you would like us to cover in future episodes, you can reach out to us.

How do they do that, Chandra?

Chandra-The Beauty Biz Agency (34:09)
Reach out to us on social media. You can follow us on Instagram or Facebook. Send us a message and let us know some topics you would like us to discuss or just shoot us a message and let us know what you got going on in your salon and if you're trusting your team. We would love to hear about that as well. So you can also reach out to us on our email

Brie (34:31)
Yes, definitely, definitely let us know if you trust your team or not. We would love to hear some of those things and maybe some strategies that you use to build trust in your studios. With that being said, definitely visit our website or our social media. We have some amazing free resources and strategies that you can implement immediately to level up your studio. Until next time, guys, keep slaying those business goals with style, sass, and a whole lot of swagger.

 Cracking the Code on T.R.U.S.T: Transforming Team Dynamics in Your Salon
Broadcast by