2025: EPIC Year Ahead
Download MP3Brie Holt (00:01)
Welcome back to Salon Swagger, where we dive into all things salon and spa ownership. I'm Brie. And as always, I'm here with Chandra C Hey, girl.
Chandra (00:09)
Hello, hello.
Brie Holt (00:11)
Well, I am really excited about today's topic. I think it is something that we all need to hear, including myself. So I know that 2024 has been a tough year for many, many salon and spa owners out there. Rising cost, maybe constant team challenges and the never ending juggling of running a business. It's left many people out there listening, probably feeling stretched to their breaking point. That's the best way to describe it. And some of them
They might be just ending this year tired, overwhelmed, or even questioning their next steps. Maybe to the point of considering a career change because I've seen that a lot on social media lately. So if this resonates with you, if you feel this, then you're in the right place today. I want to ask you guys this. How many of you started January telling yourself, this is my year? Like this is going to be my year. And now here we are, we're in December and you're wondering what in the heck even happened?
Like what the freak, what happened? Here's the truth. 2025, it can be your year if you want it to be. Next year can be the year that everything changes. The year that you really take back control of your business, take back control of your life. The year that you start maybe building the legacy that you've always dreamed of. The year you turn intention into action.
Guys, this isn't about piling more on your plate. It's just about finding clarity. It's about finding inspiration and really that renewed sense of purpose for the incredible road that you have ahead. As we stand here at the close of 2024, I think it's essential that we all reflect and not with frustration, not with blame, but just with the understanding that even the hardest years, they can teach us something very, very valuable.
For many salon and spa owners that I have talked to personally, that Chandra has talked to, this year has felt like a freaking battle. Maybe you feel the same. You've felt the weight of trying to be absolutely everything to everyone. The leader, the service provider, the problem solver, and probably so much more. Or perhaps you've found yourself stuck, just paralyzed by the thought of taking action because you were afraid that it wouldn't work or it wouldn't be perfect.
And for others, maybe just the sheer overwhelm has led to moments where giving up completely, it feels like it's the only option that you have. Please hear me when I say, as crazy as this sounds, these feelings are normal. They're normal. You're not alone in this struggle. Chandra and I have both been there. Even this year, we have been there with you. And while these feelings, while they feel really, really heavy right now,
We need to take that heaviness and we need to see it as a shining light that's pointing straight to the areas in our business and really in our lives that need attention and that need growth. So if you've been holding onto the belief that you need to do it all, all by yourself, this year might've shown you the cracks in that mindset. I know that I always say I'm getting away from that mindset, but somehow I end up right back in it.
and I have really seen the cracks in that this year. I really have. Maybe you've realized that trying to wear every hat, it's not sustainable. The lesson here is that we've got to delegate, we've got to trust, and we have to let go of the idea that your business can only thrive if you are at the center of everything. It's no good for you, no good for your team, no good for your business, no good for your life. It's just not. So if you have avoided taking action, whether it's...
as simple as raising your prices. Maybe it's letting go of a toxic team member, implementing a new system or getting the help that you actually need. It's worth asking yourself one question. Why? Is it the fear of failure? Is it the fear of judgment from other people? Is it financial fears? Although these fears, they feel overwhelming and they're real. We cannot give them so much power. We give them...
so much freaking power in our lives. They certainly don't define you and you cannot, I repeat, you cannot let them control your decisions or your path forward any longer. Like from this moment on, it's done. The answer isn't in waiting for perfection or waiting for that perfect move because I have seen and Chandra has seen so many business owners that make this mistake. In fact, we are two of those owners.
It's in making a simple move forward, even if it's one tiny step, one tiny step, because action, it builds momentum and momentum drives transformation. So if you felt maybe the urge to give up, know this, the hardest moments in business are often the precursors for breakthroughs. I am a testament to that. So is Chandra. It's never about being perfect or not making mistakes because that's absolutely impossible.
It's about resilience. It is about showing up for yourself, your team and your vision, even when the road feels impossible. So yeah, 2024, yeah, it might've tested you, your patience, your confidence, all of those things, but it also laid the foundation for growth. The challenges that you faced, they didn't break you, they prepared you. It is time for you to realize that you are not meant to be the end all be all.
of your business. You're just not. Your role is to lead, it's to inspire, and it is to build a freaking legacy. So I want everyone to just take this moment, breathe for just a second, and then completely let go of perfection and judgment, because that's what we all tend to look towards. Look back at what this year has shown you with really, really clear eyes, whether it's maybe the need for better systems, stronger boundaries, or a new way of thinking about your role.
The lessons of 2024 are what you need to use from this moment forward as stepping stones to something bigger, better, and greater. In my opinion, the fact that you're still here, you're still seeking clarity, you're still seeking solutions, it's proof that you are capable of transformation. The question is, what will you do with what you've learned? Chandra, looking back at 2024, what do you think was the most common challenge
salon and spa owners faced And how do you think those challenges shaped their potential growth for moving forward?
Chandra (07:00)
Yeah, I think that one of the biggest challenges that I've seen for last year was really a lot of it's been the business. It's about shifting how we do business and how we work with our teams because a lot of us have had numbers that are down. Clients have been moving around, buying patterns have changed. And so I think the biggest thing that I've seen has really been the dip in revenue for many owners and
you know, many stylists in the industry because it's, it's just changing. It's making a shift. And I think that's something that we have to be open-minded to figuring out what kind of shifts we need to make in order to get back on our goals and back on track with things being different in the industry.
Brie Holt (07:45)
I think it's so funny that you say that because in my opinion, one of the hardest truths about running a salon or spa is that survival mode can feel like the default setting that we all just go to, right? It's survive. That's all we've got to do. It's so easy to get caught in the cycle of maybe reacting, know, kind of fixing issues as they come up, putting out fires daily instead of having policy systems, all of those things in place and staying in motion.
just to freaking keep things running. But survival mode, it has never been and it's never going to be sustainable. And it's definitely not where growth is going to happen. It's just not. In order to move forward, people have to make a decision, a conscious shift, like you just said, that they are no longer going to just survive and get through the day, but that they are going to step up, they're going to start leading and they're going to do it with strategy.
That means stepping out of the weeds and focusing on the bigger picture. So if you're out there, ask yourself, what patterns are you seeing in your business that need to change? Like Chandra just said, the clients are changing, people are changing, their strategy is changing. And so what do we need to change? What's causing you the same problems to show up again and again, over and over and over again? Maybe it's that lack of clear systems. Maybe it's not having the right people in the right roles or
Maybe it's simply just that you haven't had the time or the space to focus on solutions because you, my friend, are stuck in that day-to-day operation and grind every single day. So the first step to breaking free is just acknowledging where survival mode is holding you back. Because as I go back and I think about the owners that I have had the privilege to work with, survival mode is one thing that every single one of them dealt with.
And from there, you can begin to rebuild your business in a way that is going to support both growth and freedom. Chandra, I know so many salon and spa owners, just they have such a hard time with this. And we talked to them about how being stuck in that day-to-day operation, AKA service provision, right, is an area that they have to change if they ever want their business to grow. And I get it, being behind the chair, it has been their identity.
for so very long. I just really wish that they could see the amazing changes that would happen in their life and in their business if they would just give it a chance and maybe back off just a little bit because survival mode, sucks. It absolutely sucks. And some owners out there, they are exactly like I was or like you were, and they have been in survival mode for decades. So what was the moment in your journey, Chandra, as a salon owner?
When you realize that survival mode was never going to be sustainable and you knew you had to shift out of it and do you regret no longer being behind the chair?
Chandra (10:50)
gosh, no. I think I was stuck in survival mode for so long that it became just my normal. And so trying to get away from that was really scary because your normal is this, you know, it's not a good place to be, you're not gonna grow, you're not gonna get anywhere in that state. But.
It's what you know and you've been doing it for so long that it's just where you get stuck. And that's where I was. I was stuck there for sure. And so when I started to really make that shift of focusing on the business, focusing on the growth and getting myself out from service provision, I was able to actually see the business grow because I was putting my attention somewhere else. I wasn't just sitting there going, I got to crank out 20 more haircuts because we're having a bad week.
You know, I can't get anybody to do anything. Like, I feel like that's where we get stuck. And instead we got to focus on getting our team and getting our business running the way needs to run so that we don't have to be in that survival trap. And I think for me, that was, that was one of the biggest shifts is realizing, my gosh, like my business did bigger numbers after I quit working behind the chair. My business continues to grow and I'm still not working behind the chair.
You know, so do I love hair? I still love, am I still passionate about it? Yeah, that's still always going to be part of who I am, but I don't regret making that leap because I'm working towards my bigger goal that I always wanted. And I actually can see it happening and see it coming to fruition because I'm not stuck in that survival trap, just running around like a crazy person, just cranking behind the chair all day long and putting out fires and every free minute that I have. And so I think that's the biggest shift.
Don't regret it at all.
Brie Holt (12:38)
Yeah, think it's funny because we come up with all of these different resolutions and things that we want to do. And I think that's great. And I think it's beautiful. The problem is, is we don't usually stick to hardly any of them. And so I think if people can just look back over how often they have been in survival mode over the last year, over the last six months even, it's really going to open their eyes. I think that that should be the one thing, well, I'm going to say one of two things.
that they should really focus on as they are starting to plan their year ahead. Because it really is something, as I was going through notes, that every single salon owner has done. I've done myself many times. You just said you have. And so it's a common, common issue. So now that we've talked about breaking free from that survival mode, we have to focus on what comes next. And that's really shifting from just getting by.
to actually creating something truly meaningful. 2025 is a blank slate for all of us, every single person, a chance to build a business and a life that's going to reflect your goals, your values, and really the person that you wanna be professionally and personally. This is the time to dream big. It's the time to think intentionally about where you really wanna go. What does success look like
for you a year from now. What does that look like? Maybe it's stepping fully into your role as that leader. Maybe it's actually building systems that allow your business to thrive without you micromanaging every little detail. Or finally, just finally taking one guilt-free day off with actual boundaries set. But visioning, it goes beyond the logistics. And this is a point that gets missed a lot. It's about impact.
How do you want to shape your team's growth through your leadership? What legacy do you want to leave in this industry? Ultimately, what impression do you want to leave on this world? It's not just about creating a to-do list of resolutions. It's not. It's not because you're going to forget those by February. Let's be honest. We all do, right? It's about clarity. It's about getting real about what truly matters and aligning your actions with your vision.
With action and accountability, every choice you make in 2025, it can bring you closer to that legacy that you're so passionate about or that you should be passionate about. Chandra, when you think about creating a vision for your business, for your salon, where do you recommend owners really start to gain clarity?
Chandra (15:24)
Well, and I think, and this is how it was for me too, is just really figuring out exactly what it is that you want your business to look like. What is your goals for your business, for your life, and what does that look like for you? And I think that's where you can really start to kind of pinpoint what that clarity looks like so that you know what it is that you're trying to work towards.
Because I think we all have like, I really want to be this and I really want to make this much money and I really want to have this, but there's no power behind that. They're just sort of like superficial, like dreams that you're thinking of or that you're like, if I could just get here, this would be great. So I think it's really defining that for yourself. Like, what does that look like? What do you, what do you want your business to look like? How much money do you want to take home as the owner?
And how much do you want your team to make? Like all those little details I think are really going to shape what that looks like for you and what you want it to be. So you can kind of start gaining that clarity.
Brie Holt (16:23)
I think that's awesome. How do you approach balancing like your big picture goals with the day to day realities of simply running a business? Because that is something that people really, really struggle with. And I think seeing you overcome that and hearing your side of that is going to be really profound for people.
Chandra (16:44)
I think it's hard. I think that's one thing you have to understand is that's not an easy thing to do. So I think people get frustrated when they start trying to do that and then they just give up and they quit and they're like, whatever, that's too much work or that's never gonna happen. And so I think really, once you have that clarity and you know what your big picture goals are, then you have to start really paying attention to the things that you're doing every single day that are either serving you and leading you towards your goal or they're detracting from that and they're holding you back.
And that's what I started doing. I really started paying attention to how my days went, paying attention to the things I was doing, spending my time on, figuring out all of those little details to make sure that those were in line with my big picture goal. And always keeping that big picture goal top of mind because kind of like you said, we can create all these things and then we forget about them because we get too busy with other stuff.
And so you kind of lose that sense in that you forget what it is you're actually trying to work towards in the first place. So you really have to be disciplined and really pay attention to your day, what you're doing and is that serving you? And that's one of the things that helped me get out from behind the chair was because I started thinking about that all the time. And I was like, I'm never going to get there this way. I'm just going to keep running in the same circle in the same pattern and do the same thing over and over again. And it's never going to happen.
if I don't start making those choices that are affecting those big picture goals and those things that I'm ultimately trying to work towards.
Brie Holt (18:16)
Yeah, so we've got that survival mode that kicks in for each and every one of us. And then, you know, we've got the visions and the goals and we have to figure out how to get from point A to point B yet being stuck in the day-to-day grind, it makes things really, really difficult. So I told everybody earlier, there were two areas. I want you to focus on that survival mode. See how often you've been stuck in it and look at it. And the next thing that I wanna talk about just really quickly, because we drill it in all the time is something that...
Every salon and spa owner tends to avoid, and that is finances. I totally get that it is not the most glamorous part of running a business, but we've got to be real. It is one of the most important. If you want to grow, if you want to pay yourself, not for performing services, but for running your actual business. And if you want to eventually retire, your finances are going to have to start being a top priority.
And why not start that in 2025? Far too often salon owners, spa owners, they focus only on the creative side of the business or the day-to-day chaos, leaving their financial house in complete disarray. The reality is without a strong financial foundation, everything else is going to start to crumble. And when this happens, that survival mode, it's no longer a thing of the past. You've put yourself right back in that scenario.
that you were trying to get out of. I've made this mistake a million times. This year, make a commitment to get real about your numbers. Review your pricing and make sure that you are priced for profit with every service. Track your income and your expenses. And yes, your freaking profitability because you should have some. Set clear financial goals and really do everything you can to attain those. You've got to treat your financial health with the same care and attention.
that you give your clients, your team, your family. They are that important. It's not just about keeping your doors open. That's not what it's about. It's about building a business that is going to support the life that you actually want now and in the future. Money, it may not be everything, but if you don't get it right, everything else becomes a whole lot harder. And that is just the truth. Chandra, why do you think so many
So many owners struggle with prioritizing their finances and how can they start shifting their mindset?
Chandra (20:49)
I think most people just don't like to focus on that. Like it's something we don't want to look at. It's something we want to ignore. There's money coming in. We think we have enough and we just don't want to pay attention to that. And I think that's where, you know, not just owners, think just most humans in general just don't do well with that. don't want to, we don't want to, that's, we don't want to think about that. And so I think it gets kind of lost a lot. And I think the
When you really start focusing on that and making that mindset shift and you start paying attention to that and actually delegating your money to be, to do certain things in your business and holding portions away for specific things and budgeting and getting yourself on track with that stuff, you didn't, like I didn't even realize, I was like, we were making so much money and we had no money left. And I was like, cool, we make $100,000 a month in my business.
You think that's how much money you make, right? Like you just, want to ignore that the fact that it's actually what you keep, it's not actually what you make. And so I think that's the biggest mindset shift is to start looking at it from that perspective and seeing like exactly what's most important is not only that you can make all of your bills as easily without stress, without freaking out, and then that you actually have money left over. That means your business is healthy. And I think once you can start,
shifting your mindset to look at it more from that perspective. That's what I did. You realize how much more money you have and how you can actually pay yourself. And then you don't have to stress. think the finances is one of the most stressful things as a business owner that we deal with. And I think that's also, yeah, money's not everything, but is the blood of your business. And so if there is no money flowing in and you can't keep things going, you can't continue to operate. And so that has to be a top priority.
Brie Holt (22:43)
Yeah, 100%. And this is something that I think people don't think about quite often is that, yes, you and I have very successful salons. There's a lot of people out there that do. But I can tell you right now, one thing that sets me apart or you apart from not having to stress during this year that's been somewhat of a battle is that we have taken care of our finances and we know what's there and we have prepared.
for times like this. And so that stress, automatically goes away. So I understand the fear of numbers because I have that. Like I don't like them. There is nothing about it that I like, but I promise you guys you can do it. And it is super important. And when you change that one thing about your life and your business, everything else starts to look a whole lot better. If you could give one piece of advice, just one.
to maybe a salon owner who is overwhelmed by their finances right now, what would it be?
Chandra (23:46)
think take a step back and really look at your budget because I think your budget has to be the thing that really is your roadmap to your finances. So I think that would be the biggest piece of advice is really looking at your budget, creating a budget, sticking to the budget, like the budget.
Brie Holt (24:06)
Yeah, I think for me, mine would probably be for one week, just one week. If you can't commit to any longer than that, look at every single thing that's coming in of your business, every single thing that's going out and see where you really stand. Because even if you don't understand how to figure out your profitability, even if you don't understand how to create a budget, all of those things, when you see how much is coming in,
and how much is going out and you see the difference, it's going to make you think real quick about one, how in the heck am I going to keep going if this happens, right? Or two, holy crap, where did all that go? Because I wasted so much of it. So you're really going to think when you just do that. So one week, that's all I'm asking. A commitment of one week to really pay attention. Okay, for some reason, people are under the assumption that a salon is successful as long as it runs well.
But to me, that's far from the truth. A successful salon or spa, it doesn't just run well, it's led well. Leadership is the foundation of everything that you're trying to build. And it's what allows you to inspire your team, to serve your clients, and to actually stay aligned with your vision and with your dreams. Leadership, and we've said this before, it's not about being perfect. It's not about knowing all the answers because that's never going to happen.
I mess up all the time as a leader, all the time. It's about showing up consistently with clarity, with confidence and with purpose and being able to say, yep, I really screwed the pooch on that one. That was all me, but I got you guys. You know what I mean? It's about setting clear expectations for your team. It's about holding yourself accountable and modeling the behavior that you want to see in others. People say this all the time. Yes, I show up 100%.
and I model that behavior that I want my team to follow. However, when we start digging in deep, we find that is far from the truth. Think about how you want to lead in 2025. Are you creating an environment where your team feels supported and where they actually feel empowered? And be honest with yourself when you answer this. Are you setting boundaries that are going to allow you to focus on the things in your business that really, really matter? Leadership is a skill.
It is not a talent, it's a skill. And just like any skill, it's going to grow with practice. It really does. So this year commit to stepping into your role as a leader, not just for your business, but for the legacy that you're building. Chandra, what do you think is the most overlooked aspect of leadership for salon and spa owners?
Chandra (26:53)
gosh, I think they just don't really understand even what leadership means, to be honest. I think that we think it's just being in charge or we think it's just being the sort of manager, right? But I think it's not about that at all. It's really, you know, I think it's overlooked that it's actually about leading a team to somewhere and getting them on board with, you know, whatever it is that your mission and your goals are. And then...
keeping that momentum going forever. And so I think that's the biggest thing that people overlook is they, don't think they fully understand what leadership is.
Brie Holt (27:31)
I would agree with that. I, I know you and I had a call this morning with one of our members and I was telling people to leadership is great, but I feel like it's almost become that buzzword, right? That buzzword of, leadership lead, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And maybe we should look at it from a different standpoint or a different way instead of just leadership. Maybe we should look at it more as coaching or mentoring, because to me, that word just sounds different. There's a different meaning to that. And so
Think about how you want to coach the people in your life, how you want to mentor the people in your life. And I think that will change the way that you're leading. All right, Chandra, so can you share maybe a leadership challenge that you have faced and how you overcame it to better support your team?
Chandra (28:22)
I mean, I've faced a lot of leadership challenges over the years, but probably the most important one that kind of comes to mind, I think, when I was, I had a time where I was frustrated because I had a team that I thought was really great and I couldn't get them to get on board with the things I was trying to do. I couldn't get them on board with the goals. I couldn't get them on board with where I was trying to take the business. And I was just really frustrated and I felt defeated because I didn't.
I was like, I'm doing all these great things, but nobody wants to do it. Nobody is getting on board. I feel like a broken record saying the same thing over and over again, or they're trying to do the same thing over and over again. And then I really just started working on myself because at the end of the day, when things, I feel like when things like that are happening, it comes down to you and what are you doing wrong or not doing that is creating this situation? Because it can't be all the people that are in there that are...
are the problem, right? And so some of them sometimes maybe, but it can't be that that is that way all the time. So I really started looking at myself and trying to figure out what is it that I'm doing wrong. And I realized instead of, I had these fluffy ideas of where I wanted to go and where I want to take the salon. And I thought they were really great, but I didn't realize that. Yeah, I was saying it.
but I wasn't necessarily doing the things I should have been doing to actually be driving that home. Like I was like, yeah, we got to hit these numbers and we got to do this and then we'll get this and then we'll move here. Thinking that was like leadership instead of really, like you said, to your point, really mentoring them and really creating a very solid plan for how we're going to get to these things and what role each person plays and then working with them sort of in an individual basis too.
get them on board and get them to do that. And once I started really doing it from that perspective, it just organically happened. And I didn't feel like a broken record anymore. Like I was chasing people around and it's the same team I have now for the most part. it wasn't like it was the team's fault. It was my fault. I wasn't leading them. I was just kind of telling them things and I wasn't actually taking them where they needed to go.
Brie Holt (30:33)
Yeah, I think we say all the time at the Beauty Biz agency, right? Like you have to have that vision and you have to tell your team, communicate to your team what that vision is. And then you have to show them how you guys are all going to get there together. Because if they don't know how in the world are they ever going to help you get there and why would they want to? Like why? I wouldn't want to if I didn't understand the method behind the madness.
I wouldn't want to help. wouldn't want to be a part of it and I wouldn't be involved. And so I think you hit that spot on. I think that's awesome. Now, as we wrap up this episode, I just want to leave everyone with this. 2025 can be the year that everything changes, but only if you decide to take action. Here's the thing. Fear doesn't just affect your business. It affects you. And I think fear is the number one cause that people don't take action.
It keeps you stuck in the same exhausting cycle day after day, like your own personal groundhog day, really. If you've felt like no matter how hard you work, nothing changes, fear is likely the culprit. And I know that sounds crazy, but it really, really is. So why keep living like this? Why not take action? Why not take a chance in 2025 to do things differently? What is the worst that can happen?
Like, what's the worst? You stay where you are? Well, heck, you've been there many times before, so that's not going to hurt anything much. But what if, just what if, taking action, what if it leads to growth beyond anything you ever thought possible? What if it transforms not only your business, but also you as a person and as a leader? Imagine hitting revenue and profitability goals you thought were completely out of reach.
reclaiming time for yourself, your life, your family, gaining freedom from your business, and finally paying yourself what you truly deserve as a business owner. Fear does not have to define your story. 2025 is your chance to write a new chapter. The truth is no one achieves success alone. I don't care who they are. Everybody had help somewhere. They did.
Accountability and support are really the game changers that turn ideas into action. If you are ready to stop spinning your wheels and start seeing real results, maybe it's time that you bring in a partner who can guide you, challenge you, and keep you focused on what really, really matters. Guys, that's what we're here for, to be your partner, to help you push past the fear, to take intentional action and build the business and life that you've always wanted.
So as you look ahead to 2025, ask yourself, what would it look like to finally have someone in my corner? Someone who's been where you are and knows what it takes to succeed. This is your time. Your epic year is waiting. Don't let fear hold you back any longer. Chandra, as we wrap up this episode, what is one final piece of wisdom or encouragement that you would like to share with the listeners out there today who are ready to take on 2025
with confidence and swagger.
Chandra (33:55)
think something that was said to me one time that was very profound and it stuck with me forever that I would tell all of you if you're tired of starting over, then stop quitting. There's my advice.
Brie Holt (34:09)
I love that. think that's no better way to end this show right there. I love it. All right, guys, you heard her. If this episode resonated with you, please like, subscribe and share it with others who could use some inspiration. Follow us on social media, Chandra. Tell them how they can connect with us.
Chandra (34:25)
You can follow us at the Beauty Biz Agency on Instagram or Facebook or TikTok. And you can reach out to us if you would like to by email at admin@thebeautybizagency.com.
Brie Holt (34:37)
Awesome. And don't forget to visit our website, www.thebeautybizagency.com. We've got some free resources, including one that pairs perfectly with this episode to help you level up your salon or spa. Now go out there, take action, and make the decisions that will make 2025 your most epic year yet. Until next time, keep slaying those business goals with a whole lot of swagger.
