"20% Revenue Boost: The Online Booking Advantage"

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Brie (00:01.344)
Hey there, Salon and Spa superstars. Welcome to Salon Swagger, your go -to podcast for all things commission -based salon and spa ownership. I'm Bri, your host, and I am joined by none other than my co -host, the incredible Chandra Zee. Hey, Chandra.

Chandra (00:13.95)
Hello. just keeping going. That's been good though.

Brie (00:15.498)
What's going on?

Brie (00:21.127)
Awesome. Well, today we are discussing an issue or maybe a better word for it is a fear that many commission salon and spa owners have. We are going to talk about online booking. In my opinion, these salon and spa owners are missing out the ones that don't offer it. They are missing out on a huge opportunity because online booking can help you scale really and grow your salon or spa very quickly and very efficiently if you do it.

several salon owners from experience that I can speak of, they have been able to increase their revenue by over 20%. And I think you were actually one of them, right? Like it was this constant back and forth and you didn't want to do it. But I actually remember the days of coaching you. And this is a conversation that we had over and over and over again, right? You weren't offering online booking in your studio. And like many other salon and spa owners, I think fear

AKA loss of control was one of the main reasons. So after conversing back and forth, you finally decided to give it a go and boy was it a game changer for you. Opening up the online booking at your salon was one of the things that allowed you to finally get past that sticking point of that 60K per month, right? So that you could hit over $100 ,000 per month. And this was done while you were getting out from behind the chair.

So I think that speaks volumes to our listeners out there. So what finally convinced you to take the plunge and try out online booking? And was there a specific moment or piece of advice that made you feel ready to make the change?

Chandra (02:00.536)
Well, I mean, I just have to be perfectly honest, because I have no other real moment or reason was just you constantly telling me to just try it and stop being a baby. Basically, I mean, you didn't say those words, but basically that's what it was. But yeah, I just I was afraid to do it because well, am I stylist, right? My team, I had a lot of team that was like, no, because people are going to book the wrong thing and they were afraid to do

Brie (02:14.644)

Chandra (02:26.954)
And so I had a lot of pushback in the beginning, plus my own reservations. And so I think taking that plunge really was just kind of that extra person over my shoulder, like, just try it. What's the worst thing that's going to happen?

Brie (02:39.242)
Yeah. And I think a lot of salon and spa owners feel that way, right? They've got that fear, that loss of control, but also their team in their ear being like, no, no, no, because everything's going to get messed up and all of these things. I think this topic is super important to discuss because if it is done right, if you do online booking right, it can monumentally change really the lives and the businesses of so many commissioned salon and spa owners out

So I want to kind of get into a couple of benefits that I think online booking offers and explain why if you do it right, it can really, really give you and allow you more time in your business and help you and your team more than you could ever think possible. So we live in this world of instant gratification, right? Where everything we need is just a tap away on our phones. We just tap away, whether it's ordering food,

to buying anything that we want on Amazon, convenience is going, it's just key for all of us, right? Personally, I look at myself, if I need to book a reservation with a doctor or an aesthetician or a massage therapist, I am always going to choose the option that lets me book online. It's the quickest and easiest for me. My life is crazy. And I bet that it is the same for the majority of all of the salon and spa clients out there. The days

of like calling to book appointments. I feel like they're becoming a thing of the past and that sounds so weird to say, but do you feel that way as

Chandra (04:10.432)
Yeah, for sure.

Brie (04:12.31)
Right? I just, I don't have time to pick up the phone and people think, well, it takes the same amount of time, but it doesn't. And we're going to talk about that online books. It online booking makes it simple. makes it simple for clients to see your availability, right? To compare it with their calendar and to find suitable timings without spending 15 plus minutes on the phone. So while you and your team are providing services and generating revenue, people can be booking.

more appointments. I feel like it's not only great for regular appointments, but I think we have to think of it this way too. If you're running a promotion or a package deal, you can simply just include the booking link in your ad, right? So there you go again, it's convenience for everyone, for you and for the client. Clients can click that link, book their appointments in seconds and voila, it's done. Now, when it comes to your studio or our studios,

Online booking, it really reduces the need to field numerous calls and to go back and forth with clients about their schedules. It can save you money by not needing to hire someone solely to answer the phones. Plus, you no longer need to pay for all of those extra phone lines. I don't know about you, but I was paying for like four or five different phone lines in my business. How many phone lines did you have in yours?

Chandra (05:33.794)
We had three, but we only have one now.

Brie (05:37.344)
So see, it saves money in areas that we don't even think of. And for those people that do have a receptionist like you do, they can focus on tasks that truly, truly matter. And I think that is a big missing point that people don't understand. I get the concerns that online booking gives clients too much flexibility, Potentially messing up your schedule, your team schedule, whatever. However, if owners will put clear rules and policies in place,

It can work very, very smoothly. As salon and spa owners, we have to adapt to the times. You and I talk about this all the time. And as I stated earlier, clients are used to buying services and products online via their phones. And so if they can't do it with you, they are going to do it with someone else. I actually did some research before we hopped on here today. and I was doing it for our coaching program realistically, but it was absolutely shocking.

how many reservations got booked online between the hours of 9 p .m. and 3 a .m. in the morning. It was crazy. So if my studio, if your studio didn't offer online booking, we could potentially be missing out on all of those appointments and all of that revenue. Once again, all about convenience. So I know I didn't give you like the opportunity to look, but would you say that you guys get a lot of appointments booked

in the middle of the night or early, early in the

Chandra (07:07.31)
Yeah, I actually check this pretty often because we run reports just to keep track of how many people are booking online and it kind of gives us those analytics on when they're scheduling. And the majority of our online bookings do come in after midnight and between before like the morning. And so it's crazy. We'll have five to 10 people sometimes online book within a couple of days all at like 1 a .m.

So I don't know what people are doing in the middle of the night where they're like, I need to get my hair done. But yeah, we could be losing out on that. Because if they want to book and we didn't offer online booking, they just move on to another salon that has it and just kind of book there. So definitely was a surprise.

Brie (07:34.006)
That's crazy.

Brie (07:48.63)
Yeah, it is. It's surprising. And we think, oh, they'll just wait till we're open in the morning and they'll call us. But you're absolutely right. They will move on. I know I would. I would absolutely find another salon that would allow me to book and move on because if I don't book it at that moment, I'm probably not going to book it for myself. Now, I do want to say this. If someone is booked out for 12 months solid, then online booking might not be necessary for you. I totally understand that. However,

For most of us that have employees, we've got somebody that is still building their books or they're not booked out a year in advance. So I think it's important to have it. If you have employees after coaching thousands of salon and spa owners, I can immediately think of about 20 who still don't have online booking. It's crazy to me. These salons require clients to fill out these extensive forms, which are then reviewed by the studio team.

And then the salon has to call the client back just to finalize the appointment. This process is extremely time consuming and it can be extremely frustrating for the team and for the client. Once again, consider the revenue loss when potential clients have to fill out a long form, wait for you to review it and then wait for the callback. This can be a gamble, especially if your employees aren't following through properly resulting in lost business, which is horrible.

Can you tell me kind of what your process was prior to having online booking?

Chandra (09:23.288)
Well, didn't definitely didn't have that process. We were, we were pretty normal. I would say like we just always, they had to call into the salon. They had to speak to the front desk and they had to go through the front desk to book their appointment. And so I would say it was pretty normal. wasn't a difficult process, but I do think, you know, sometimes it could be frustrating because if they weren't always understanding or finding a time right away

Brie (09:26.176)

Chandra (09:48.472)
things like that, it could be a little bit frustrating where they could have just went online and found what they wanted right away. But I do think it does free up that time. And so our process now is a lot more simple. We don't get as many calls. So having it has made a huge difference for that too.

Brie (10:08.694)
That's awesome. Can you kind of walk our listeners through the steps that you took to set up online booking in your salon? Like what were some things that you really thought about that were important that people listening to this that are like, okay, I'm going to give it a try that they need to think about?

Chandra (10:24.27)
Yeah. So when we first set it up, one of the things that we did was, um, cause we have a lot of services. And so I kind of recommend not necessarily putting all of your services on online booking because it can be a little bit tricky. So what we did is we took like the top 10 services that everybody's booking all the time and we put those services online for online booking. so like Bolleyage, haircuts, you know, different highlights color, like all the things that most people are scheduling hair, just haircuts by themselves.

All of that is on there. And so we didn't have like corrective color or some of the extension services we didn't put on there. Like certain things that we know could go awry if somebody was trying to book them themselves and that we'd want a consultation first. And so we did put consultations on there too. So that was something that we did have on there or do have on there.

So we kind of started with that, picking those services, setting that up, and then kind of like you said, we do have some stylists who are booked out for the entire year and we knew their clients would get a little bit frustrated if they're trying to book online and there's no availability. So we actually just didn't turn it on for a couple of those stylists because we knew it was going to be problematic for their clients. Most of their clients pre -book anyways, so most of them are booking in the salon. They're not usually even calling unless they need to

something. So we did look at that factor as well. I would say 85 to 90 % of our team is on online booking. There's just a few that aren't. And then just kind of prepping your staff too, like making sure.

If they see something pop on their books that they feel is a little bit questionable, just reach out to the client and call and make sure that they're booked for the right thing. Or sometimes if something goes weird with that, they just need to be paying attention. They pay attention even when the front desk would book it and they'd be like, what is this? So it's not really any different. So kind of prepping your staff to know like it's not really any different. It's kind of the same thing. And then the other thing that we did that I think is a really good tip when you're setting this up is most, I'm sure most softwares offer this where you can set it

Chandra (12:30.698)
to automatically offer add -on services when they're booking. So automatically offer add -on a glossing treatment or add -on a conditioning treatment. We get more add -on sales through our online booking than we do with the front desk even asking. So people automatically just click it when they want that. So definitely putting that stuff on there and then making sure your policies, all your policies, cancellation policies, all those things are on there. We did set it up where

People who online book with us have to still cancel through a phone call. They can't cancel online. We might change that, but right now it actually works pretty good because it does help us kind of control things a little bit more. So they do have to call to cancel, but other than that, mean, I think that's, you know, everything that we have, collects the card on file. So make sure you're, if you're doing that, that you have that checked off as well as.

making sure and we get the card on file more from online booking people who don't complain about it than sometimes when we ask for a phone call and they don't want to give a card. So it's like when it's online, everybody's brain just thinks this is normal and they just don't even think about it. So that would be how I would go about setting it up.

Brie (13:40.788)
No, I think that's great. think that's, I think you threw some nuggets in there that people could really, really use. and that, I think that's really one of the main points of online booking, right? Is like streamlining lead generation because with online booking, you automatically gather essential client information, names, phone numbers, emails, payment details. This is going to simplify the process and minimize errors.

It's when clients input their own information, it's usually 99 .999 % accurate, right? Sometimes when our staff inputs this information, there's a chance that they're going to forget something or they're going to transpose numbers or letters or whatever it may be. Having all of this information in your system and the correct info at that is crucial. It's crucial for your marketing strategies, for your newsletters that you're sending out, and really a ton of other things. As business owners,

We have to think about lead generation all the time and about building our low hanging fruit list. I think this is where we miss out a lot as salon and spa owners because we are so focused in a different direction. We aren't thinking about lead generation. And I can say that you and I, right, with our coaching business, like lead generation is something we think about consistently and constantly. However, it took me a really long time to realize that in my

like it wasn't ever top of mind. So what are some of the immediate benefits that you noticed after introducing online booking and how did it impact your daily operations and your client interactions?

Chandra (15:20.251)
I think some of the first immediate benefits was the amount of new clients that we got just from turning that on.

I did not realize so many people were trolling our website or trolling our social media and wanting to book, but just weren't calling. And so when we added that, I mean, we get a good, I would say 30 to 50 new clients every month just from online booking. And that's without us doing anything. That's not running ads. That's not paying for anything. That's not nothing. And it's pretty consistent that we do get that almost every single month. then, so that was the immediate benefit. And that's regular paying

because we're not running an ad and we're not running a thing. You know, that's just normal clients coming in. And so that was huge. And then again, just the benefits of, you know, the team was getting more booked, their productivity was going up. So the revenue was increasing and also just minimizing the issues with the cancellation policy not being followed correctly. Because when they check that off on online booking,

it's definitely, you can't argue with that. Where sometimes they'll try to say, the front desk didn't tell me about it or this, even though you know that they did, there's always that gray area. But when they've had to initial off on that, there's no gray area anymore. And so that was a huge benefit as well. And then I think just kind of streamlining the books because online booking knows exactly what you can set up those timings, how they're set up. And it's pretty good about making sure that everything's booked according.

accordingly and laid out right on the appointment book so you don't have a of white space, you don't have a lot of extra time. And so I think that also kind of optimized that as well.

Brie (17:00.522)
Yeah, I think that's great. I think another thing to think about with online booking is the automation, right? The automation that we automatically give. Your CRM system can send those automatic notifications to you and to your team a lot of the times when you get a booking, right? Showing you who booked what and who booked what when. And this allows you to adjust the timing of services as needed, especially for those regular clients. Like with my team,

when let's just say somebody couldn't pre book, right? And they said, I've got something going on. I've got to have surgery. I'm going to book online. If one of my staff members receives that, they can go in and manipulate that. They know that this color retouch doesn't take that long. And so they're able to kind of manipulate those books or put the correct service in because sometimes their regulars don't even know the correct service. Automations are also great for clients that have hectic schedules who

Like I said earlier, able to rebook directly after the service because you can have your CRM system send an SMS or an email reminder, two to three days, you know, after or two to three weeks, probably after their visits, just to remind them, Hey, you haven't rebooked yet. You better get that done. Back in the day, we had to hire people to, call and remind people about appointments or bookings or whatever it was. Now with the automated systems and our CRM, it can really handle.

everything for us, right? Those appointment reminders 48 hours prior, 24 hours prior day of appointment. It's going to reduce those no shows, like you said, and ensures that clients remember their appointments. So I think that investing in automation is most often more cost effective than hiring additional staff. I'm just going to be honest. I, my personal opinion, and you know how I feel about this for salons with fewer than eight technicians,

You really don't need a receptionist. You really, really don't. You can save that cost for something more important like bonuses or education or whatever for your team. Now, if you have a huge staff like Chandra does, I think I said this earlier, you need that receptionist. However, they can focus on more important tasks in your studio. What does your receptionist focus on in their downtime? Time that they would normally use.

Brie (19:18.486)
answering the phone, spending 10 minutes to book the appointment. What do you have them doing now that is generating

Chandra (19:26.414)
So they're doing all of our follow -up calls. So after any new client comes in, within 48 hours, we give them a call and just make sure that their service went well. So they're doing that in their downtime. That's probably one of the most important things. And then they go through a list of clients who've canceled. I think it pulls everybody who canceled a week prior.

that did not reschedule and they call all those clients who canceled and didn't get back on the books and try to reschedule those appointments. They always reschedule a handful of them every single time that they do that. So that's very important. So those are two of their main tasks. And then the other thing we have them doing if they still have time left, which they do a lot is inventory.

or kind of starting to go through some of our clients that haven't been in in a long time. So we'll pull that report as well and then we'll put together an email and send it to them. So they do a lot of kind of recovery, trying to find clients that haven't been in. They spend a good amount of time on that, but it always, the result is always, always is really good. So when they call those clients that canceled, they always book a handful of them. So it's worth having them do that stuff more than answering the phone.

Brie (20:42.39)
100%. And I know what some people are probably thinking right now, right? Is like, Bri, Chandra, but when they're answering the phone, they're generating revenue because they're booking appointments. And you're absolutely right. However, they could probably do three other revenue generating things instead of booking one appointment. And so you just kind of have to weigh out your options just a little bit. One thing I do want to mention that is very, very important is with these automations, you need to make sure that they are tailored

to your studio's branding and style. This is very, very important. You wanna use verbiage that really fits your brand and your policies. Remember, this is essentially part of your guest journey or the experience. So you have to create it and tailor it to integrate seamlessly with your process. You wanna ensure that your guests receive the right amount of reminders and notifications, but not too many. And so you have to find that sweet spot and it may take some time.

but it's absolutely crucial. What I send out may be too much for Chandra's ideal client, right? Or vice versa. And so I think that's very, very important to add on there. You don't just want to use that generic wording that your CRM system has. Definitely spice it up a little bit. So I know for you, one of your worries were that clients wouldn't book correctly or your teams worry, right? This is why we have to build those policies

and maybe even a qualification process of some sort. So you want to make sure that you're extending appointments for new clients to include that consultation time and to use the notes section. If you guys aren't offering that, you have to have that for clients to provide any additional information. The notes section to me is one of the most important features for online booking. It allows you to get ahead of any issues, qualify and adjust appointments as needed. So if you don't have

If you offer online booking, get it. If you're going to offer online booking, this should be one of the first things that you think about. What kind of notes section do you include with your online booking?

Chandra (22:49.954)
Yeah, so ours automatically has a space on there for notes. And I have to say, I am surprised at the notes that clients leave. Like they are really thorough sometimes. Like we've had some people book for a color and they're like, and I have red hair and I want to be this. Like they're almost putting all the information in the notes section. And so then the stylist sees that and can reach out to them and do a phone console to make sure they're booked for the right thing or if they have to extend it.

But I am completely shocked to be honest like by the notes that people leave. I thought when we set that up, nobody's gonna answer this. Nobody's gonna leave any notes. But I think some of the, especially the newer generation of people, they're so used to doing things online and they're so used to doing that that to them,

It's normal to fill out all those notes and to fill out all that information because they booked online probably before in salons and they kind of know what they're doing. so ours, and then ours just pops up on the appointment. So when that appointment goes on the book, you click on the appointment, it just automatically pulls up the notes. So it's really easy for the stylist to see it. They can see it on their phone at home if they're monitoring their books from home. that's how ours works and you definitely need to have that on.

Brie (24:02.486)
Yeah, 100%. I am shocked by the notes that we get as well. And I am going to be completely honest with you. If you are training your team correctly, the notes section is amazing because it allows you the opportunity to add a lot of add -on services or upsell, maybe even have a retail ready for that client when they're coming in. You know, if they're saying their hair is frizzy or it's dry or it's damaged or whatever.

It gives you so much information and it allows you and your team the opportunity to up that ticket by a lot of money if you're doing things right. So we talked about the client booking errors, errors. That is one of the number one reasons. Another reason is no shows. For some reason salon and spa owners think that no shows are going to happen more with online booking. No shows are going to happen whether clients book online or over the phone,

If you set up your online booking and you require those credit card details, it enables you to charge that no show or late cancellation fee. Like Chandra said earlier, and I think this is something that, um, when I was coaching you that we talked about, we have to make sure those policies don't allow clients to cancel or modify appointments online within 48 hours of the appointment. So if you want to keep it like we keep it on up until 48 hours.

So that that's one less thing we have to deal with, right? Is trying to reschedule something. But at that 48 hour mark, they are no longer allowed to cancel it online, to modify it online. They have to call the studio. This is good for a lot of reasons, right? You can figure out why they want to cancel, what their plan is. You can get them rebooked or sometimes talk them into coming in. There's a lot of clients that won't cancel their appointment if they know they can't get back in for six months, right? So it changes.

the mindset completely. How did your clients respond to the new online booking system? I would love to know that because I don't think I've ever asked

Chandra (26:07.286)
Yeah, they responded really well. mean, nobody was annoyed about it. They knew they could still call if they needed to, if we had any clients that were like, I'm not going to use that. We had a few, you know, but they still call. But for the most part, I think we have three or four stylists who almost their entire client base now solely books online. They never call the salon anymore.

And it cut down on all those no shows like you were saying and everything too, because they know they hold themselves more accountable when they book it, I feel like too, than when somebody else does. And so for them, it's worked out really, really great. I feel like our clients welcomed it and nobody's really had any issues.

Brie (26:52.448)
I love that. I think we had like a cheering section when we, when we started offering it, like our clients were like, thank God it is finally time. Like what were you thinking? You know what I mean? And so a lot of times we, we, we think that the personal touch is super important and it

but it's important in different ways, like the follow -up way that you guys do it, right? That's more important than them initially booking online. And so I think if you are one of those that's stuck in this mentality, maybe just give it a try. Try it for a month, track things, see how things go, and then move forward from there. So what advice would you give to another commission salon or spa owner who is hesitant to implement online booking?

Chandra (27:40.374)
I think you just got to try it. It's not as scary as it sounds and all of the scenarios that you have in your head are either never going to even happen or rarely ever even going to happen. You probably have more issues from the front desk making mistakes than you will by turning this on. So my advice would be you just got to bite the bullet and try it and just see how it works for you. And I'm sure it's going to work just fine.

Brie (28:07.018)
Yeah, I would agree with that. I meant to ask you this earlier, but how did your team react when you first implemented it and did online booking free up their time for other tasks? And if it did, what were some of those other tasks that they worked

Chandra (28:27.354)
I mean, they freaked out when I first started, when I first implemented it, nobody liked it, wanted to do it. They were all afraid that everybody was going to book wrong. They were all giving me pushback.

But I mean, for the most part, would say majority of the time, they trust me, they'll go with whatever I say. So I just told them, we're just gonna try it. If it sucks, we'll turn it off. I said, but let's just try it. So you guys gotta monitor your books. If you see anything weird pop in, just let the front desk know, we'll call them or you call them or whatever. So I think that kind of eased them a little bit because they were like.

freaking out now they love it they think it's the best thing ever because they could have one client on their books and then go to bed and wake up and have two or three more so

Brie (29:13.75)
That's really funny because I was just thinking when you were saying that I had the privilege of interviewing one of your employees, Sammy. And she was like, Bri, you having Chandra turn on online booking was like the best thing for my life ever. And so I'm seeing that, right? Like you're seeing that now. And that's really, really cool. If you are struggling to build your employees books, this is a great way to do it. Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, but I thought of Sammy and I was

Chandra (29:26.462)

Chandra (29:39.79)
Yeah. No, you're good. Yeah. And it's fun

Brie (29:43.22)
She said those exact words.

Chandra (29:44.896)
It's funny because she was one of the ones that was giving me a lot of pushback because she was like, I don't know. New clients. don't know. I don't know if they should be booking that. And now she, yeah, she's one of the ones that I was saying whose clients almost all book online now and nobody hardly calls us along. So she absolutely loves it. And, yeah, so I think, you know, they gave me a lot of pushback. I would say it hasn't freed up a lot of time for them because they don't really, they didn't really do anything with appointments before anyways. And so they were kind of spoiled anyways.

So they didn't really have to book them or call them or you know do things like that. So I think for the most part the only thing it did for them was increase their productivity and make them more busy behind the chair and that was most important thing for them to be anyways. It's just busy behind the chair.

Brie (30:32.394)
Yeah. Well, you're super lucky because I know a lot of commission salon and spa owners out there there, even though they have a front desk, even though they have all of these things, somehow they're hairstylist or they're technicians. They are still chatting with clients via messenger or text or whatever it is. And so for those of you that have that out there, this will free up their time to use it in the service provision role. Very, very much

Something that we have done and it is drastic. I'm not going to lie to you guys. We have trained our clients to book online. I would say probably 75 to 78 % of our clients book online. They pre book right? We've trained them to do that as well. So our phone rings so much less than it ever used to. And when it rings, we know that it is probably, you know, a new client with questions or things of that nature. So it's really cool over the last

seven years the way it has changed our business in so many ways. With that being said, I just want to wrap today up with a few key takeaways. So, client convenience. What is online booking good for? Client convenience, Online booking caters to the instant gratification culture that we live in, allowing clients to book appointments at any time, even outside of business hours. Operational efficiency, it reduces the need for constant phone calls, freeing up your team.

your time as well to focus on more important tasks and potentially eliminating the need for that full -time receptionist. I can't tell you how much money I save because it's ridiculous. Revenue boost, as seen with Chandra's experience, online booking can significantly increase your revenue by making it easier for clients to book services, even leading to spontaneous bookings. Error reduction, client inputs their own information, reducing those errors and ensuring you have accurate information.

for marketing and follow -up. Follow -up is huge, like Chandra said, so it's very important. Automation, those automated appointment reminders, follow -ups, confirmations, all of those things, which is going to help with no shows, cancellations, all of that stuff. Policy and flexibility with proper, that was a tongue twister, with proper policies in place. Online booking can provide the flexibility that clients need without disrupting your schedule, which is very, very

Brie (32:57.256)
In conclusion, implementing online booking in your studio, can be a game changer. It streamlines your operations. It enhances the client experience in our opinion anyway, and it can significantly boost your bottom line. Please, please, please don't let fear hold you back. Embrace the change and watch your business grow. With that being said, any final pieces of advice you have for people out there, Chandra.

Chandra (33:24.032)
No, nothing that I already said is just bite the bullet and turn it on and just give it a try. Don't fight it. I did and it was not worth it.

Brie (33:35.478)
I think the last thing that I would add is Chandra gave you some amazing advice in the beginning. And it is, if you are going to initiate this for the first time, make sure that the services that you are allowing to be booked online is very small, right? The basic services that people get, that is very, very important because if I pull up a menu, an online menu, and there is 500 things on there, I am going to be overwhelmed and I'm just going to move on to the next place.

That was a great piece of advice and it's something that we do at our studio. It's something that Chandra does and it works very, very well. That's what we've got for you guys today. Thanks for kicking it with us on Salon Swagger. Now go out there and make some boss moves. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for strategies, industry expert interviews, and these in -depth discussions that we always have. And if you have any topics that you would like us to cover in future episodes, you can reach out to us. How do they do that Chandra?

Chandra (34:32.62)
Yeah, send us a message on social media at the Beauty Biz Agency on Instagram. You can send it to us on TikTok or Facebook, all at the Beauty Biz Agency. Let us know if you like these episodes or what else you might like to see on the show. Or you can reach out to us by email on admin at thebeautybizagency .com.

Brie (34:51.463)
Yeah, definitely visit our website. We have some amazing free resources and strategies that you can use and implement immediately to level up your studio. Until next time, keep slaying those business goals with a whole lot of swagger.

"20% Revenue Boost: The Online Booking Advantage"
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